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Introducing Google Maps 8-bit
Google 為許多種載具提供服務
Google provide services for a wide range of devices
從桌上型電腦到行動裝置 包括平板電腦
from desktop computers to mobile devices including tablets.
但是,我們長期以來忽視了 一個有史以來最暢銷的電腦系統
But we long neglected one of the most popular computer systems ever sold
我在這裡隆重介紹8位元的 Google 地圖 -
and I'm here to introduce
Google Maps 8-Bit version as a first product for NES
首先,我們開發了一種新型的 盒式磁帶
First we developed a new type of cartridge
具備撥號功能,可將任天堂 連接到 Google。
with dial up technology, allowing NES to connect to Google.
我們有 超過十萬台伺服器正在運行以解決 任天堂的技術瓶頸
We run more than a hundred thousand servers to overcome the NES's technical limitations
8位元的地圖是用 Google 雲端服務以即時
8-bit maps are generated by Google's cloud in realtime
Its really easy to use,
insert the cartridge,
connect the cable
then turn the power on
吹盒式磁帶 以修復錯誤
Blow on the cartridge to fix bugs.
就可自動地 連接到網路
And you are automatically connected to the Internet.
Lets start from the title screen.
Select the search,
然後輸入一個名稱或地點 就像普通的 Google 地圖
and enter a name or place just like the regular Google Maps.
你當然可以搜尋您的路線 您的目的地
You can of course search your route to your destination
You can also search with your voice
using the pad 2 mic.
Google 地圖的8位元版本
Google Maps 8-bit version
不久將在 Google 線上商店推出 但現在
will soon be available in the Google Store. But for now
你可以上 Google地圖玩一下試用版
you can play the trial version
點擊右上角的 “任務” 按鈕
by going to Google Maps and click the "Quest" button on the top right corner.