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In 2009 a plane was flying from New Jersey to Buffalo, New York. As it cruised on autopilot
at 16,000 feet, it encountered a massive storm front. Approaching the airport, the planeís
controls began to shudder loudlyóa sign the plane was losing lift and might stall. The
pilot took actionóhe pulled back on the controls, lifting the planeís nose. This was precisely
the wrong thing to do - instead of preventing a stall, he caused one. The plane spun out
of control, and plummeted into a house killing all on board. How had this pilot forgotten
his basic emergency training? Is technology ruining our memory? Weíre all living in the
age of Google. When we Google one thing and Wikipedia another, weíre not relying on our
brains but on our fingertips. Is it making us dumber? First you have to consider there
are two main types of memory, nondeclarative memory for skills, emotions and movement;
like how to ride a bike. And then thereís declarative memory, for facts and information,
like your phone number or the capital of Australia. So when we use technology to look up information,
weíre extending our declarative memories. But is that at the expense of our whatís
in our brain? The hippocampus is a major part of the brain we use in declarative memory
function. It gives us the ability to retain and recall memories about facts, like the
largest animal on earth, and events, like your first kiss or the first CD you bought.
The formation of new declarative memories relies on both the hippocampus and a region
around it, the parahippocampal gyrus. So what happens when we have information at our fingertips
and we don't need to remember facts anymore? Well the process in our brain of how we form,
retain and recall memories remains the same. What changes is what we choose to form memories
about. Instead of remembering more facts, we remember where to find them ó this is
called The Google Effect. In one study, participants who were told they could later look up the
answers online did not make the effort to remember general trivia. When asked a question
people actually thought about computers and search engines instead of searching their
own memories for the answer. The use of external memory systems is called transactive memory
and itís not new. Einstein once said ì[I do not] carry such information in my mind
since it is readily available in books.î Plus weíve relied on other people to remember
things for usólike a husband or wife. Now thereís a third wheel in the relationshipóGoogleóand
itís connecting us like never before. As for that lump of matter inside of our headsóthatís
connected too. For our declarative memory, using technology just means weíre tweaking
our memory hard drive so we remember where the files and folders are, where we can find
information, not necessarily the facts themselves. This will probably happen more and more as
our relationship with devices grows. But itís not necessarily a bad thing! fMRI scans showed
that for people who are internet savvy, areas of our brains are way more active searching
for information online than when reading a book. In our brains our hippocampus is still
working the same way, weíre just choosing to retain the most efficient way to find information,
and thatís usually online. Weíre all sharing the work of remembering, and it makes us collectively
smarter. Itís actually pretty adaptive. The only disadvantage is when you need knowledge
on the fly. For split-second decisions, all you can search is that lump of matter inside
your head. If you have a burning psychology question, leave it in the comments and subscribe
to Braincraft for a new video every other week.