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Previously on Episode One.
In this three part series we are taking a seven day six night trip from Tokyo to Kyoto,
but not by the usual route along the Pacific coast known as the “Golden Route”, which
most tourists take.
Instead we are traveling through Japan's “New Golden Route” which delves into the
country's rural interior, continues along the beautiful Sea of Japan coast, and finishes
at Kyoto.
建議旅客沿著新黃金之路旅遊時 可以購買北陸拱型鐵路周遊券
A great way to travel along this New Golden Route is the Hokuriku Arch Pass, a 7-day pass
持有周遊券的外國旅客 可以在7天內不限次數搭乘
exclusively available to overseas tourists that allows for unlimited use of all the JR Lines
shown on this map, including the Hokuriku Shinkansen.
本特輯第一部曲報導 已經介紹過前兩天的行程
In episode one, which covered the first two days of our adventure, we made our way from
就是從東京出發前往 長野縣地獄谷野猿公苑的行程
Tokyo to the Snow Monkeys in Nagano.
而這次第二部曲則是從日本海沿岸 到山間小鎮高山的旅程
Now in Episode 2 we'll make our way along the Sea of Japan coast and end in the mountain
現在就跟著我Sam Evans 沿著日本新黃金之路,來一趟東京到京都的獨特旅程吧
town of Takayama.
So join me, Sam Evans, as we travel from Tokyo to Kyoto along Japan's New Golden Route.
Day 3
欣賞沿岸優美的景色 並品嘗美味的壽司午餐
We start the day traveling to Itoigawa City in Niigata Prefecture, where we'll enjoy
然後再前往新潟縣的糸魚川市 接著到富山縣遊覽日本最深,且最壯麗的黑部峽谷
a scenic bike ride along the coast before having lunch at a local sushi shop.
最後在黑薙溫泉為今天的旅程 畫下美好的句點
We then head to Toyama Prefecture where we will take a train into the Kurobe Gorge, one
of Japan's deepest and most beautiful gorges, and end our day at Kuronagi Onsen.
轉搭普通列車往反方向到能生町 並前往路面車站” Marine Dream”
After getting off the Hokuriku Shinkansen at Itoigawa Station, we backtrack a little
我們從這裡邊騎乘自行車 欣賞沿岸風光約40分鐘
and take a local train to reach the town of Nou, where we head to the “Marine Dream”
roadside Station.
現在是旅程的第3天早上 我們位在新潟縣的能生町
From there we'll enjoy a scenic 40 min bike ride along the coast, all the way to Sushi
Katsu, a sushi restaurant not far from Itoigawa Station.
It's the morning of Day 3 of our adventure and we are here in Nou in Niigata Prefecture.
今天看起來晴空萬里 周圍還能聽見悅耳的鳥鳴聲
Now what we're going to do this morning is hire a rental cycle and cycle a few kilometers
我們已經租借好自行車了 現在就馬上出發!
down that way into central Itoigawa.
我們現在就位在海岸旁的 傳統壽司店”壽司活”
It's a beautiful day, the birds are singing, so let's get on with this!
So we've got the rental bike, let's go!
We just arrived at Sushi Katsu, a traditional local sushi restaurant right by the coast
我們繼續搭乘北陸新幹線 及普通列車前往宇奈月溫泉
so you can bet the fish is going to be amazingly fresh.
Following our delicious sushi lunch we make our way by Hokuriku shinkansen and local train
今天晚上預計住在 距離車站約20分鐘的黒薙旅館
to Unazuki Onsen.
這間沿岸旅館雖然地處偏遠 但旅館環境優雅迷人
There, we transfer to the Kurobe Gorge Railway to Kuronagi Station.
入住旅館後 我先到風景優美的河畔泡溫泉
Our stop for the night is the remote riverside Kuronagi Ryokan located a picturesque 20 minute
hike from the station.
So we finished our wonderful riverside bath and we've sat down to our 3rd night's
但由於各地特盛產食材不同 餐點內容也各有特色。
And it's a traditional ryokan meal, which we've had now 3 nights in a row but notice
that they are all different, depending a lot on local specialties.
我們搭乘黑部峽谷鐵道小火車 深入峽谷並來到終點站櫸平
Day 4
前往高山的途中沿路品嘗當地美食 同時也欣賞周邊的壯麗山景
After an enjoyable ryokan breakfast we head further up the gorge to Keyakidaira, the final
station of the Kurobe Gorge Railway, where we will take in some of the beautiful landscapes
這裡以壯闊的大自然景觀聞名 現在就請跟我一起前往深入探索
before travelling all the way to Takayama, to enjoy some of the local cuisine.
接著為了繼續前往高山地區 我們先搭乘北陸新幹線,從黑部宇奈月溫泉到富山
We just arrived at Keyakidaira the final stop on the Kurobe Railway.
This place is famous for its natural beauty so let's go and explore.
我們預計到高山的傳統老街,品嘗當地的美味料理 並在高山地區結束一天的旅程
It's now time to make a journey towards Takayama via the Hokuriku Shinkansen from
從黑部峽谷出發後 我們今天的旅程已在高山結束,高山以傳統老街聞名
Kurobe-Unazuki Onsen to Toyama, and then take the Takayama line to Takayama, where we'll
這裡也是日本國內最知名 且保存最完善的傳統街區之一
head to the famous Old Town district to end our day with some local delicacies.
高山兩樣必嘗不可的美食 就是飛驒牛及當地特產酒
After starting out the day in the kurobe gorge we finally arrived in Takayama, which is famous
今天晚上我就要在這間酒窖餐廳 同時品嘗這兩種美味
for its Old Town, and it's one of the most beautiful and well preserved in all of Japan.
When in Takayama there are 2 must try things: the delicacy of Hida Beef, and the local sake.
Tonight we're in a sake brewery's restaurant where I am going to enjoy both, ahead of our
big day tomorrow in which we are going to explore Takayama's old town before heading
on to Kanazawa.
And that concludes Episode 2 of our journey.
並沿途遊覽更多風景名勝 嘗試更多獨特體驗
Make sure to join us in Episode 3, as we explore more beautiful locations
想得知更多本次旅遊相關資訊 請點擊螢幕下方連結
and enjoy unique experiences
或直接瀏覽japan-guide.com網站 我們提供您最全面性的
and finally make our way to Kyoto where our adventure will come to an end.
If you are looking for more information about this itinerary, click the links on the screen
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now, or head over to japan-guide.com, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide, first-hand
from Japan.
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Happy travels.