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  • Wonder Woman, 1984 has pulled in about $36 million at movie theaters around the world since its release on Christmas Day, making it the highest box office opening of the global health crisis.


  • An estimated $16.7 million off the box office total came from U.


  • S and Canadian theaters.


  • However, the film was simultaneously available on streaming services for those fearful of returning to the cinema or unable to do so due to closures.


  • Warner Brothers said Millions watched a film on streaming service HBO Max, but they didn't reveal how long viewers tuned in for off the back of the film's success.

    華納兄弟表示,Millions在流媒體服務HBO Max上觀看了一部電影,但他們沒有透露觀眾在電影成功的背後收看了多長時間。

  • The company confirmed it will fast track the third installment of the superhero franchise.


  • It will be written and directed by Patty Jenkins, who helmed the previous films on Well Against Our Girl.


  • Girl Dot Warner Brothers is planning the same hybrid release strategy for its 17 theatrical movies in 2021.


  • The strategy has angered some top Hollywood directors in cinema operators who had hoped for a rebound in cinema going during 2021 This year has been a disaster for movie theaters, with box office receipts down 80% from a year earlier, according to comScore.


  • While the latest Wonder Woman film is a relative success, Stagner against the previous installment is telling within the U.


  • S.


  • That movie Eclipse is It's sequel more than five times over, having taken in $100 million in its day, be there or be it in 2017 in a world without the global health crisis.


Wonder Woman, 1984 has pulled in about $36 million at movie theaters around the world since its release on Christmas Day, making it the highest box office opening of the global health crisis.


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