Thank you for connection for happiness, For true joy, For lightheartedness, for playfulness, for peace Thank you for every opportunity to be a positive influence today, thank you for every opportunity to smile toe laugh, to be free from judgment And be my true self today Thank you for these clear moments of higher connection present and alignment.
感謝你為幸福的連接,為真正的快樂,為輕鬆的心態,為玩樂,為和平 感謝你為今天每一個成為積極影響的機會,感謝你為今天每一個微笑的機會,感謝你為今天每一個微笑的機會,感謝你為今天從評判中解脫出來,成為真正的自我,感謝你為這些更高的連接的清晰時刻的存在和調整。