I think 2016, when they beat Oklahoma, went on to win the Big 12 when they beat Lamar Jackson and Louisville, won the Heisman Trophy and was division co champions with Clemson, but didn't make the A C C championship game because they lost his head in a close game one.
我認為2016年,當他們擊敗俄克拉荷馬州時,當他們擊敗拉馬爾-傑克遜和路易斯維爾時,他們繼續贏得了12強賽,贏得了海斯曼獎盃,並與克萊姆森一起成為分區聯合冠軍,但沒有進入A C C冠軍賽,因為他們在一場激烈的比賽中失去了他的頭。