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hi everyone jennifer from tarle speech with your two for tuesday our words today are collar a band
on a shirt and caller a person who visits or calls you on the phone both of these words
are pronounced exactly the same to say these words correctly we're going to start with the
k sound k to do this tip of your tongue is down back of your tongue is pulled up air puffs out
舌尖向下 舌尖向下 舌尖向下 舌尖向下 舌尖向下 舌尖向下 舌尖向下
for that vowel we're going to move to the open short oh sound to do this wide open oval mouth
tip of the tongue is low back of the tongue is pulled up oh now we are going to close the mouth
舌尖低下 舌背拉起哦 現在我們要閉口了
and touch the tip of the tongue to the back of the top front teeth
ol and then move the tongue away from the teeth we are no longer going to touch the teeth for that er
sound at the end think square tense lips again tip of the tongue can either point down or flip back
and the back of the tongue will be pulled up er er let's put it all together call er call er collar
舌頭的後部會被拉起 我們把它放在一起 叫吧 叫吧 領子
collar collar caller caller caller and for a sentence the jolly man with the fur collar on
his red coat is a frequent caller on christmas eve give it a try i know people are going to notice
the difference if you found this helpful we'd love a like and a share don't forget to subscribe
so you don't miss any of our lessons um if you're looking for more help check out our class options
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on tarle speech and our products on google play and itunes thanks everyone have a great week
在Google Play和ITunes上發佈Tarle演講和我們的產品,謝謝大家有一個偉大的一週。