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  • Why does the color of the sky look blue?

    天空的顏色 為何看起來如此蔚藍

  • Why do memories fade to yellow?

    記憶 會漸漸泛黃嗎

  • Blue days so intense, as if on fire

    青澀的歲月 猛烈地燃燒著

  • Stillness of memories crying out in yellow as they're born

    黃毛團兒 尖銳刺耳的哭聲 在記憶中卻是那樣寂靜

  • Green made by mixing blue and yellow to yield flowers

    將花朵獻給 蔚藍與鮮黃混合而成的青綠

  • Water for flowers, a dream for me

    賦予花朵水分 給予我渴望的夢想

  • Adding to zero, risking one's life, like flowing, red blood

    零加上一 賭上現在 像滾動的赤紅鮮血般

  • Drawing a line and breaking out from their shells, a pattern of blossoming flowers

    畫地自限 破殼而出 那模樣如同盛開的花朵

  • Connecting consciousness, pen in hand, retrieving life

    集中意識 提起筆桿 重獲生機

  • Let's go now to where rules can't be seen, off to find Equalls

    現在就朝著看不見的規範前進 去追尋「同等」的答案

  • In the blue sky, a string-like cloud moved

    蔚藍的天空 飄動著細線狀的雲朵

  • Feelings born from yellow cries out

    伴隨著尖銳刺耳的聲音 而誕生的那個記憶

  • Giving Purpose daily life made from quietly intertwined intent and thought

    將歲月獻給 意圖與思想靜靜交織而成的意念

  • Giving meaning to daily life, red blood for me

    賦予歲月意義 給予我緋紅的鮮血

  • Fulfill the moment, risk this moment, like tears that were shed

    充實當下 賭上現在 像潸然落下的眼淚般

  • Lead by that hand, make a change now, a pattern of a blossoming dream

    牽起那手 改變現在 那模樣如同盛開的夢想

  • Connecting consciousness, pen in hand, retrieving life

    集中意識 提起筆桿 重獲生機

  • Let's go now to where rules can't be seen, off to find Equalls

    現在就朝著看不見的規範前進 去追尋「同等」的答案

  • Scenery taken in from the place I imagined

    從想像中的位置 所看見的景色

  • The moment I held the long-imagined One in my hand

    當想像中的「1」 緊握在手中的時候

  • It far exceeded anything I'd imagined

    內心的欣喜 遠遠超過曾經所想像的

  • Arriving at this place I'd imagined

    終於到達了 想像中的這個位置

  • Praying for a genuine beginning

    希望 這純粹的起始

  • A beginning that will change to motivation


  • Vitality in vivid primary colors

    讓生命力 渲染上鮮豔的三原色

  • Praying for a genuine radiance

    希望 這純粹添上光輝

  • A surprise that will change into motivation


  • Broaden vitality with primary colors

    讓生命力 隨著三原色迭起綻放

  • A blank slate of a generation, mixing in the past, build it up, made to realize

    白紙的時代 攪和著過往 漸漸築起 才總算意識到

  • Blackened, erase with the present, pile them up, where to next?

    轉變成漆黑 用當下抹去 慢慢累積 今後該往何方

  • If our tomorrows have color


  • I'll draw them so they're visible


Why does the color of the sky look blue?

天空的顏色 為何看起來如此蔚藍


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