字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Are you in better financial shape than you were a year ago? 你的財務狀況是否比一年前好? If not, then you are clearly doing something wrong. 如果沒有,那麼你顯然是做錯了什麼。 Many people think that you need to be lucky to be financially free, although there is 很多人認為,要想財務自由,需要運氣好,雖然有 some truth to it, but most people who have access to the internet are already lucky enough. 有些道理,但大多數能上網的人已經足夠幸運了。 The only problem they have is that they are bad with money. 他們唯一的問題就是不善於用錢。 The moment they receive that paycheck, they make sure to spend every dime by the end of 當他們收到薪水的那一刻,他們一定要在年底前花光每一分錢。 the month, As a wise man once said: it's not your salary 月,有位智者曾說過:不是你的工資,是你的。 that makes you rich, it's your spending habits. 這使你富有, 它是你的消費習慣。 If you are 20 years old and put aside just 10 dollars every day for your retirement, 如果你20歲,每天只拿出10元錢作為養老金。 you Will end up with 1.752 million dollars when you hit 60. 當你到了60歲的時候,你就會有175.2萬美金。 Imagine if you increase that number to 20 or 30 dollars a day, you can hit that number 想象一下,如果你把這個數字增加到每天20或30美元,你就可以達到這個數字了。 way faster than you imagine. 比你想象的要快。 But to do that, you probably have to get rid from some of your spending habits. 但要做到這一點,你可能必須擺脫一些消費習慣。 Just by eliminating your daily Starbucks coffee or eating less out, you probably can do that. 只要杜絕每天喝星巴克咖啡,或者少在外面吃飯,大概就能做到。 Of course, there are millions of ways how people waste their money, but we are going 當然,人們浪費錢的方式有千千萬萬種,但我們要做的是 to take a look at some of the controversial ones. 來看看一些有爭議的。 In this video, you are going to learn why 在這個視頻中,你將瞭解為什麼你會有這樣的想法。 buying a 20K dollar Rolex watch is cheaper that a 2oo dollar watch? 買一塊2萬塊的勞力士手錶比一塊2oo塊的手錶便宜? How can you use your car to become a millionaire? 如何利用汽車成為百萬富翁? And why you will never get rich if you ever decide to buy a house? 而如果你決定買房,為什麼你永遠不會發財? Buying a car - The most irresponsible financial 買車--最不負責任的理財方式 decision you can make 你可以做出的決定 。 A car is no longer merely a tool to move from one place to another. 汽車不再僅僅是一個從一個地方移動到另一個地方的工具。 It has turned into a status symbol. 它已經變成了一種身份的象徵。 The more expensive your car is, the more money you probably make. 你的車越貴,你可能賺的錢越多。 But the truth is, a 25K dollar Toyota can get the job done as good as a 200K dollar 但事實上,一輛2.5萬元的豐田車,可以和20萬元的豐田車一樣,完成任務。 Rolls Royce. 勞斯萊斯。 But that's not how people waste money when buying a car. 但人們買車時不是這樣浪費錢的。 You can buy a 30K dollar Toyota and waste more money than when you buy a 100K dollar 你可以買一輛3萬塊錢的豐田車,比買一輛10萬塊錢的豐田車還浪費錢。 luxury car. 豪車。 When you buy a brand new car, the moment it leaves the dealership, it automatically loses 當你買了一輛全新的汽車,當它離開車行的那一刻,它就自動失去了。 10 percent of its value even though it is still brand new. 10%的價值,即使它仍然是全新的。 Within it's first year, it loses 20 up 30 percent of its value. 在它的第一年,它失去了20漲30%的價值。 Within the next 3-4 years, it loses 40 to 50 percent of its value. 在接下來的3-4年內,它的價值會損失40%-50%。 So no matter what car you buy, as long as it is new, in 3 to 4 years, it will lose half 所以,不管你買什麼車,只要是新車,3到4年後,就會損失一半 of it's value. 的價值。 That is the single most horrible financial decision you can ever make. 這是你能做出的最可怕的一個財務決定。 Because cars easily last 10, 15, or 20 years and there isn't much innovation in this industry 因為汽車很容易就能用上10年、15年、20年,而這個行業並沒有什麼創新。 every single year. 每年都有。 A 3 or 4-year-old car is not going to be different from the rest of the cars in the street but 3、4年車齡的車和街上其他車不會有什麼不同,但 will save you a fortune. 會給你省下一筆錢。 The average price of a brand new car in the US is $36,718, and Americans on average change 在美國,一輛全新的汽車的平均價格是36718美元,美國人平均變 their car every 6 to 8 years. 他們的汽車每6到8年。 If you buy a used year car every six years instead of a new one and invest the rest of 如果你每6年買一輛二手年車,而不是新車,然後把剩下的錢投資在新車上。 the money, let's say in the sp500, you can end up with almost 1.5 (1,489,279.69) million 的錢,比方說在sp500,你可以結束與近1.5(1,489,279.69)萬輛 dollars (($36718/2)/6=%3059 a year) by the time you retire. 元((36718/2)/6=%3059一年),到你退休時。 And that's if you buy the car with cash upfront every time, but if you take a loan to purchase 而這是如果你每次都是先用現金買車,但如果你貸款買車 a car every six years where interest rates range from 4% to 20%, your opportunity cost 每6年買一輛車,利率在4%到20%之間,你的機會成本是 would much higher. 會高很多。 Which means, you are giving up millions of dollars just to have that car. 也就是說,你放棄了幾百萬美元,只為擁有那輛車。 Next time before you buy a car, ask yourself - are you ready to give up millions of dollars 下次買車前,先問問自己--你準備好放棄百萬元了嗎? just to have this BMW? 就為了擁有這輛寶馬? 2. 2. Number 2, Don't Buy a House 2號,不要買房 。 A lot of people would say buying a house is one of the greatest decisions you will ever 很多人都會說,買房是你一生中最偉大的決定之一。 make. 使。 Unfortunately, that is not always true. 不幸的是,事實並非總是如此。 If you are not going to live in that house for at least ten years, then you should not 如果你不打算在這所房子裡住上至少十年,那麼你就不應 buy a house because you will end up wasting a fortune. 買房子,因為你最終會浪費一筆錢。 Now before you throw at me your angry comments, hear me out. 在你向我拋出你的憤怒評論之前,聽我說完。 When you buy a house, it's not just about that price tag. 買了房子,就不僅僅是那個價格標籤了。 You have to pay taxes, insurance, inspection, appraisal fee, realtors, and so on. 你要交稅,交保險,交檢查費,交評估費,交房地產商,等等。 The closing cost is really high, so if you are not going to live there for at least ten 過戶費真的很高,所以如果你不打算住在那裡至少十 years, you will end up paying much more than if you rent. 年,你最終要支付的費用會比租房多得多。 On top of that, when you take a mortgage, in the first 5 or even ten years, you usually 除此之外,當你辦理按揭貸款時,在前5年甚至10年,你通常會 pay the interest and then gradually move to pay the principal. 支付利息,然後逐步轉為支付本金。 So if you take a mortgage and just live there for five years, you will be paying interest 所以,如果你拿著房貸,只住五年,你就得付利息了 to the bank for loaning you that money instead of paying rent. 向銀行借錢給你,而不是支付租金。 Mortage only makes sense if you intend to own that property for 20 or 30 years. 只有當你打算擁有該房產20年或30年時,抵押貸款才有意義。 But yet in this radically changing economy we live in, it doesn't make sense to tie yourself 但在這個急劇變化的經濟中,我們生活在其中,把自己捆綁在一起是沒有意義的。 to one place. 到一個地方。 That's why so many people who take mortgages decide to sell that property in less than 這就是為什麼很多人拿著抵押貸款的人決定在不到一年的時間裡賣掉那套房產的原因。 a decade and end up paying a fortune in closing cost. 十年,最後還要支付一大筆過戶費。 Just imagine if you have invested that money instead in a mutual fund, for example, you 試想一下,如果你把這些錢投資在共同基金上,比如說,你 could have ended up with hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions. 可能最終會有幾十萬甚至上百萬的資金。 3. 3. Number 3, The Sunk cost fallacy 第3,沉沒成本謬誤 Confused? 糊塗了? Me too when I heard about it for the first time. 我也是第一次聽到這個消息的時候。 Since you have watched this video, you are now financially educated, and I assume you 既然你已經看了這個視頻,你現在已經接受了財務教育,我想你應該 are not going to borrow money to buy a brand new BMW because that is financially irresponsible. 是不會借錢買一輛全新的寶馬車的,因為那是不負責任的經濟行為。 But let's say you have already borrowed money to buy your allegedly "dream" car. 但假設你已經借錢買了你所謂的 "夢想 "車。 But you don't use it much because you work from home and only need a ride once or twice 但你不太使用它,因為你在家裡工作,只需要一兩次的車程。 a week, but you still have to make your monthly payments. 一個星期,但你還是要按月付款。 The rational decision would be to sell that car and pay off your debts since you don't 理性的決定是賣掉那輛車,然後還清債務,因為你沒有 really need the car, but since you have already paid a portion of that car, you don't want 真的需要這輛車,但由於你已經支付了一部分車款,你不希望。 your previous investments to go to waste, so you keep the car. 你以前的投資白白浪費了,所以你把車留著。 It's like when you purchase a ticket to a movie but then find out that the movie is 這就像你買了一張電影票,但後來發現電影是 boring, you still keep watching it because you don't want your money to be wasted. 無聊,你還是繼續看,因為你不想你的錢被浪費掉。 And that is known as the Sunk cost fallacy, A desire not to see your past investment to 這就是所謂的 "沉沒成本謬誤",一個不希望看到你過去的投資,以。 go to waste. 浪費。 But You have already purchased the ticket. 但你已經買了票。 You cannot recover that. 你不能恢復。 Now you should decide what is the best outcome for your future and not what outcome will 現在,你應該決定什麼是對你的未來最好的結果,而不是什麼結果將 justify your previous spending because that investment is gone. 證明你之前的消費是合理的,因為這筆投資已經沒有了。 It is sunk. 它是沉沒的。 Or take another example, some people remain in failing relationships because they "have 或者再舉一個例子,有些人之所以還停留在失敗的關係中,是因為他們 "有"。 already invested too much to leave, although the logical thing would be to leave. 已經投入太多,無法離開,雖然順理成章的是離開。 4. 4. Cheap Watches 廉價手錶 To most people buying a 20K dollar Rolex watch is a waste of money because a 200 dollar watch 對大多數人來說,買一塊2萬塊錢的勞力士手錶是浪費錢,因為一塊200塊錢的手錶。 can get the job done as good as a Rolex watch. 可以像勞力士手錶一樣完成任務。 But the reality is when you buy a regular watch, it might last you a year or two, and 但事實上,當你買了一塊普通的手錶,它可能會讓你用上一兩年,而 then you will throw it away and get a new one or just stop wearing a watch like me. 那麼你就會把它扔掉,然後換一塊新的,或者像我一樣不再戴手錶。 On the other side, when it comes to luxury brands like Rolex or Patek Philippe, these 另一方面,當涉及到勞力士或百達翡麗這樣的奢侈品牌時,這些。 companies make sure that there is a limited number of their products in the market, which 公司確保他們的產品在市場上的數量有限,這 keeps driving the price higher over time. 隨著時間的推移,不斷推高價格。 In fact, if they end up with unsold inventory, they will destroy it to keep the status quo. 事實上,如果他們最後沒有賣掉的庫存,他們會銷燬庫存以維持現狀。 So if you buy a Rolex watch where only a limited number of them were ever made, the value of 所以,如果你買了一塊勞力士手錶,在那裡只生產了有限的數量,那麼,它的價值就會下降。 your watch will only grow as time goes by. 你的手錶只會隨著時間的推移而成長。 You will be able to sell for the same amount you bought for if not higher, whereas if you 你將能夠以相同的金額出售,你買了,如果不是更高的,而如果你。 a 300 dollar watch, you will throw it away once you get bored of it because there is 300美元的手錶,一旦你厭倦了它,你就會把它扔掉,因為有 no other use to it. 沒有其他用處。 5. 5. Impulse buying How often Do you often find yourself buying 衝動購買 你經常發現自己購買的頻率是多少? things you didn't plan to buy? 你不打算買的東西? You went to get yourself a pair of shoes, but you ended up buying a new t-shirt, a new 你去給自己買一雙鞋,但你最終買了一件新的T恤,新的。 pair of jeans and whatever else was there on sale. 牛仔褲和其他任何東西都在那裡打折。 But when impulse buying turns into a habit, you are financially screwed because no matter 但是,當衝動購買變成一種習慣時,你的財務狀況就會變得很糟糕,因為無論怎樣 how much money you make, you will waste it on stuff you don't need. 賺多少錢,就會浪費在不需要的東西上。 Some people even end up wasting fortunes on expensive things such as cars or phones and 有些人甚至最終把錢浪費在昂貴的東西上,如汽車或手機,以及......。 then question themselves a few days later, why on earth did I buy this? 然後幾天後質問自己,我到底為什麼要買這個? If there is something you feel excited to buy, especially if it's something expensive, 如果有你覺得很興奮的東西,特別是貴重的東西,你就會買。 sleep on it, give yourself at least a day or two to think about it. 睡吧,至少給自己一兩天的時間考慮。 Once you calm down, then you should decide whether you should buy it not. 一旦你冷靜下來,那麼你應該決定是否應該購買。 That brand new iPhone or BMW will always be there in the store, and if someone else buys 那個全新的iPhone或寶馬會一直存在於商店裡,如果別人買了 it, there will be more. 它,會有更多。 As long as there is a demand, there will be a supply. 只要有需求,就會有供應。 I hope you guys have enjoyed this video. 希望你們喜歡這個視頻。 If you did, give it thumbs up. 如果你有,請豎起大拇指。 And if you are new around here, then subscribe and turn on your notifications. 如果你是新來的,請訂閱並打開你的通知。 We are trying our best to make great videos for you and hopefully help you achieve your 我們正在努力為您製作優秀的視頻,希望能幫助您實現您的夢想。 financial goals. 財務目標。 Thanks for watching and until next time. 謝謝你的觀看,直到下一次。
A2 初級 中文 手錶 浪費 勞力士 財務 支付 全新 不惜一切代價必須避免的5個理財誤區 (5 Money Mistakes You Must Avoid At All Cost) 86 5 Summer 發佈於 2020 年 12 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字