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  • Oral Reading Fluency

  • Introduction

  • Reading is a wonderful skill.

  • and there are different types of reading.

  • You can read silently to get information.

  • Or you can read silently for pleasure.

  • What about reading aloud?

  • This is called oral reading.

  • Often when I write a letter, and email message, or blog post,

  • I read my text aloud to make sure it sounds good.

  • When I read my own writing, I'm checking for mistakes.

  • Or I'm looking for ways to make my ideas sound better.

  • With my children, I read aloud almost everyday.

  • I read to them. They read to me. They've become better readers

  • and listeners because of this.

  • Oral reading, though, is not just helpful for young learners.

  • As language learners.

  • adults can benefit from oral reading, too.

  • When you learn to read a text,

  • smoothly and clearly, you become more confident

  • as a speaker. Your pronunciation improves

  • because you're taking the time

  • to form each word and say each phrase

  • as one thought. You become more aware

  • of new words and how they're used.

  • And because you're reading more slowly

  • than you would if you read silently, your understanding of sentence structure

  • can deepen because you're paying attention to how words are put together

  • and how punctuation is being used.

  • In this series, we're going to read

  • short texts aloud to develop your fluency.

  • They're short because I want you to read

  • each text several times.

  • We'll read each text four times.

  • First, you listen as I read.

  • I'll read at a natural pace.

  • Second, you listen and repeat after me.

  • Third, we read together slowly.

  • Fourth, we read together again

  • at a more natural pace. But you shouldn't stop

  • after four readings. I encourage you

  • to read at least once more on your own.

  • Also consider

  • recording yourself on day one. If you practice each day,

  • then record yourself again on day 7. You should hear your own progress.

  • Remember it's okay to sound different from me.

  • You should find your own voice when you read these texts.

  • I'm just giving you possible model.

  • Reading aloud well is

  • only possible if you understand what you're reading.

  • For that reason, I'll start with a very easy texts.

  • Then I'll increase the difficulty level.

  • I'm going to use high frequency words.

  • That means these are words worth knowing,

  • worth studying because they're used often

  • in communication. Reading can be very helpful when you want to improve your

  • vocabulary.

  • Take the time to look up the definitions of new words

  • in the dictionary. Look at the examples

  • in the dictionary. Then look again

  • at how I use the words in my texts. I'll help you by including short vocabulary

  • notes

  • up some key words in each reading.

  • If you're a teacher,

  • you can keep track of the words of the words I'm using and the difficulty level of the

  • texts

  • by reading the video descriptions. I'll note

  • the range of words that have chosen from the General Service List,

  • and I'll include a readability score.

  • Now let's stary reading.

  • Read with me and become more fluent and confident in English.

Oral Reading Fluency


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A2 初級 美國腔

英語口語閱讀流利度--簡介--如何提高英語水平? (Oral Reading Fluency in English - Introduction - How to Improve Your English)

  • 338 56
    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日