字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 rejection happens toe everyone, especially during the job search. 每個人都會被拒絕,尤其是在求職過程中。 But no matter how many times you've been turned down, you can overcome professional rejection with confidence, patience and hard work. 但無論你被拒絕了多少次,你都可以用信心、耐心和努力克服職業拒絕。 Of course, rejection is never easy. 當然,拒絕從來都不是一件容易的事。 Whether you're new to the professional world or you've spent 20 years in the workforce, getting turned down is not pleasant. 無論你是初入職場,還是在職場上摸爬滾打了20年,被拒絕的滋味都不好受。 Whenever you apply for a job or have an interview, brace yourself for the possibility that you could get turned down. 每當你申請工作或進行面試時,都要為自己可能被拒絕的情況做好準備。 And though it's easier said than done, try not to take rejection personally. 雖然說起來容易做起來難,但儘量不要把拒絕當做個人行為。 Remember that hiring managers air simply trying to find the best fit for the company Just because you aren't chosen doesn't mean you are worth any less as a person, you'll probably never know why you were rejected for a job. 請記住,招聘經理的空氣只是想找到最適合公司的人,只是因為你沒有被選中,並不意味著你作為一個人的價值降低,你可能永遠不會知道為什麼你被拒絕工作。 So all you can do is put forth your best self, and the rest is out of your control. 所以,你能做的就是拿出最好的自己,剩下的就不是你能控制的了。 Also, give yourself time to process your emotions after a rejection, especially if you were turned down for a job, you really want it. 另外,在被拒絕後要給自己時間處理情緒,尤其是被拒絕的工作,你真的很想要。 Take some deep breaths and find a way to turn that negative energy into something positive. 深呼吸,想辦法把負能量變成正能量。 Indulge in a hobby like music or exercise or spend time with your family briefly taking a step away from the job search can keep you from feeling overwhelmed. 沉迷於音樂或運動等愛好,或花時間與家人短暫地從求職中抽離一步,可以讓你不感到壓抑。 And while you're at it, avoid comparing yourself to others. 當你在這裡的時候,避免把自己和別人比較。 It never makes you feel better, and it's usually counterproductive. 它永遠不會讓你感覺更好,而且通常會適得其反。 Social media could make this difficult, since it's easy to see what's going on with others, but it often isn't accurate glimpse into their lives. 社交媒體可能會讓這一點變得困難,因為它很容易看到別人發生的事情,但它往往不是準確地瞥見他們的生活。 Remember that everyone is on their own personal journey, just like you. 記住,每個人都在自己的個人旅程中,就像你一樣。 If you keep getting rejected, figure out what skills or experience would give you an edge for a particular job and then develop them anyway. 如果你一直被拒絕,請弄清楚哪些技能或經驗會讓你在某項工作中佔據優勢,然後無論如何都要發展它們。 You can volunteer. 你可以做志願者。 Start a project of your own study a program or tool used in the industry you're pursuing. 啟動一個自己的項目,研究你所追求的行業中使用的程序或工具。 Being willing toe learn is a valuable trait and may catch an employer's attention. 願意學習是一種寶貴的特質,可能會引起僱主的注意。 When it comes to finding jobs, Try a variety of different methods. 在找工作的時候,可以嘗試各種不同的方法。 Job boards like indeed dot com and CareerBuilder dot com are great for discovering new openings. 像 indeed dot com和CareerBuilder dot com這樣的招聘網站是發現新職位的好幫手。 But don't rely on them exclusively. 但不要完全依賴它們。 Try to network with family, friends and other professionals in your career field. 嘗試與家人、朋友和其他職業領域的專業人士建立聯繫。 Find a group or organization that caters to your industry or professional interest and get to know people. 找一個適合你的行業或專業興趣的團體或組織,認識一下大家。 Some jobs are hard to find unless you ask around above all else, Don't give up. 有些工作是很難找的,除非你先打聽清楚,不要放棄。 If you want something, fight for it. 如果你想要什麼,就去爭取。 Whether it takes you a month or 10 years to get the job you want, the result is worth the journey G c F global creating opportunities for a better life. 無論你是花一個月還是10年的時間來獲得你想要的工作,結果都是值得的,G c F全球為你創造更好的生活機會。
B1 中級 中文 拒絕 職場 工作 招聘 行業 專業 克服專業拒絕 (Overcoming Professional Rejection) 22 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 12 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字