His years of heavy drinking caught up to him On March 5th, 1953 about 12 years after Citizen Kane was released, the famed screenwriter died from your Remick poisoning at the age of 55 According to biographer Scott Diamond, Mankowitz compared himself to quote a rat in a trap of his own construction a decade before succumbing to his alcoholism Number six Manx contract and screen credit, right?
1953年3月5日,在《公民凱恩》上映12年後,著名編劇死於你的雷米克中毒,享年55歲。 據傳記作者斯科特-戴蒙德說,曼科維茨把自己比作是自己建造的陷阱裡的一隻老鼠,十年後才屈服於酒精中毒,第六號曼克斯合同和銀幕功勞,對嗎?