字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 all right. 好吧。 Our Mallika Andrews is with us here. 我們的馬利卡-安德魯斯在這裡。 She has, ah profile on Yanis that you can check out right now on ESPN plus and Malika. 她有,啊關於雅尼斯的資料,你現在就可以在ESPN加和馬麗卡上查看。 He had until Monday This coming Monday to make this decision. 他必須在下週一之前做出這個決定。 How did this come about yesterday? 昨天怎麼會出現這種情況? Well, greeny, we've always known that Yannis loves the city of Milwaukee, right? 好吧,格林,我們一直都知道揚尼斯喜歡密爾沃基這座城市,對吧? What he was weighing is did he see potential toe win win it all in this window? 他所權衡的是,在這個窗口期,他是否看到了潛在的腳趾贏利全勝? Because after covering Yanis for three years, I've come to understand that really, besides his family theme Onley thing most important to him, is succeeding is winning on the basketball court. 因為經過三年對雅尼斯的報道,我才明白,其實除了家庭主題的昂利事情對他來說最重要,成功就是在籃球場上的勝利。 And so that's what he was weighing. 所以這就是他的衡量標準。 But ultimately, his loyalty, combined with conversations with his agent, Alex Surratt, says, and then looking at the bucks off season moves led him to look around and say, You know what? 但最終,他的忠誠,結合與他的經紀人亞歷克斯-蘇拉特的對話,說,然後看著雄鹿隊的休賽季動作,導致他環顧四周,說,你知道嗎? This is where I want to be. 這是我想去的地方。 I want to announce that the show is going to go on. 我想宣佈,節目要繼續了。 Well, look, this is about the most important thing that could happen to this franchise and in anyone's imagination. 嗯,聽著,這是最重要的事情,可能發生在這個特許經營權和任何人的想象。 So what was the reaction within the bucks yesterday? 那麼,昨天盤面內的反應如何呢? Oh, I mean, sheer joy green because you imagine anything else, right? 哦,我的意思是,純粹的快樂綠色,因為你可以想象其他的東西,對嗎? I was sent a photo from someone within the Bucks offices yesterday of champagne flutes and bottles of champagne waiting for him to sign his actual contract. 昨天巴克辦公室內有人給我發來了一張照片,照片上有香檳酒杯和香檳酒瓶,等待他簽署實際合同。 I was texted gifts of people wiping sweat off of their brows of throwing confetti into the air. 我被簡訊禮物的人擦汗的眉毛的向空中扔紙屑。 They are excited to be keeping this superstar because it came down to a little bit closer to the deadline. 他們很興奮能留住這位超級巨星,因為離截止日期越來越近了。 Some people were looking around like, Hey, what's going to happen here? 有些人四處張望著,嘿,這裡會發生什麼? But now maybe he can finally put those pens that Chris Middleton and his teammates gave him to some use. 但現在也許他終於可以把克里斯-米德爾頓和他的隊友們送給他的那些筆用上了。 Okay, so we have one of our two big NBA storylines settled. 好了,我們已經解決了NBA兩大劇情中的一個。 We know what Yannis is going to do. 我們知道楊尼斯要做什麼。 Now. 現在就去 We have to figure out what James Harden is going to do. 我們必須弄清楚詹姆斯-哈登要做什麼。 He played last night. 他昨晚打。 What is the latest on Harden and his desire to get out of Houston? 哈登和他想離開休斯頓的最新情況是什麼? Well, that hasn't changed. 嗯,這一點沒有改變。 Greeny, Tim MacMahon and Adrian Would Jodorowsky have reported most recently that Philadelphia continues to be somewhere that James Harden has circled, but there hasn't necessarily been any extreme movement on that front. 格林、蒂姆-麥克馬洪和阿德里安-會約多羅夫斯基最近報道稱,費城仍然是詹姆斯-哈登圈定的地方,但這方面未必有什麼極端的動作。 Tim MacMahon has a great story up on ESPN dot com. Tim MacMahon在ESPN點com上有個很好的故事。 This morning detailing that inside the Rockets culture, it could be summed up as quote Whatever James wants. 今天上午詳細介紹了火箭隊的文化裡面,可以總結為一句話,無論詹姆斯想要什麼。 And that includes this. 這其中就包括這個。 He is used to getting his way within the organization, Tim MacMahon reported, and that has been they considered good business to keep him happy and helped the franchise. 他習慣於在組織內得到他的方式,蒂姆麥克馬洪報道,這一直是他們認為良好的業務,讓他高興,並幫助專營權。 But his desire to be traded hasn't changed, and he's used to getting what he wants from this franchise. 但他被交易的願望並沒有改變,他已經習慣了從這個加盟店得到自己想要的東西。 We'll see obviously, these air totally different circumstances, because if he gets what he wants, he won't be a part of the franchise anymore. 我們會看到很明顯,這些空氣完全不同的情況下,因為如果他得到他想要的東西,他將不再是特許經營的一部分。 Malika again, The pieces up on ESPN plus right now about Yanis, Thank you very much. 馬利卡,ESPN上有關於雅尼斯的報道,非常感謝你。 Meanwhile, let me get up and go through some of the other n BA storylines. 同時,讓我起身去看看其他n BA的一些劇情。 Luca Dantchev has separated himself from you. 盧卡-丹切夫已經和你分開了。 Honest. 誠實的。 He has emerged as a clear favorite to win three MBA's M V P Award. 他已經成為三屆MBA的M V P獎的明顯熱門人選。 The two opened as co favorites, but since then Don Don Check has become the solo favorite at plus 400 elsewhere. 兩人開場時是共同的最愛,但自此之後,Don Don Check成為了其他地方加400的獨愛。 Lakers coach Frank Vogel said yesterday that LeBron James and Anthony Davis will play in tonight's preseason game against the Sun's. 湖人隊教練弗蘭克-沃格爾昨天表示,勒布朗-詹姆斯和安東尼-戴維斯將參加今晚對陣太陽隊的季前賽。 It'll be their first NBA action since winning the championship two months ago. 這將是他們兩個月前奪冠後的第一次NBA行動。 Thank you for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content. 感謝您在YouTube上觀看ESPN的體育直播和優質內容。 Subscribe to ESPN plus. 訂閱ESPN加。
B1 中級 中文 雅尼斯 報道 詹姆斯 哈登 香檳 nba 馬利卡-安德魯斯講述NBA最重要的故事。吉安尼斯簽下超級大合同,哈登想退出|起床吧 (Malika Andrews on the NBA's biggest stories: Giannis signs the supermax & Harden wants out | Get Up) 5 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 12 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字