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This is CNN 10 and Fridays are awesome.
這裡是 CNN10,週五最棒了。
A very warm welcome to all of our viewers worldwide.
We're so thankful to have you watching this Friday, December 18th.
我們很感謝你們收看這星期五 (12 月 18 日) 的節目。
I'm Carla Azuz.
我是 Carl Azuz。
And what better place to start our last show of 2020 than with the year in review?
還有什麼比 2020 年的回顧更適合作為我們今年的最後一場節目呢?
A couple interesting things happened in 2020 and we're gonna have more details on some of these stories in just a minute.
2020 年發生了一些有趣的事情,而我們稍後將會帶給大家更多關於這些事情的細節。
But when the year dawned, Australia was in the midst of a historic bushfire season.
Tens of millions of acres burned there in the summer of 2019 to 2020.
2019 年夏天到 2020 年,幾千萬畝的地都被燒光了。
At around the same time a potentially deadly virus that was first identified in China began to spread first around the Asian country, then around the world.
It would change life as we knew it in many and some unexpected ways.
An international shortage of toilet paper and other paper products, the advent of working from home for many, and it led to the U.S government passing a package worth $2 trillion.
A record amount of money to stimulate the American economy.
Before the year was out, there'd be another push for more spending and Congress was debating a new stimulus package as we produced this show.
The summer saw civil unrest in America.
Protests, marches and calls for changes followed controversial encounters between police and African American civilians.
Some of the demonstrations were peaceful, some were violent, with cars and buildings being damaged and stores being looted.
The wildfires that flared up in California this summer and fall were the most extensive the state had ever seen.
They burned more than four million acres before they were contained.
The Trump administration oversaw several historic peace agreements involving the nation of Israel and four other countries in Africa and the Middle East.
And by December, less than 11 months after the coronavirus pandemic arrived in the U.S., a vaccine was approved for emergency use when no other vaccine had ever been cleared in less than four years.
到了 12 月,新冠肺炎疫情傳播至美國不到 11 個月,若 4 年內沒有其他疫苗能被準許使用的話,現在有一種疫苗被準許可以緊急使用。
2020 vision describes seeing things normally, but what happened before our eyes this year was in many ways nothing like we've seen before.
2020 年的願景是把事情都視為常態,但今年我們眼下發生在的事情,在諸多方面都和我們以往經歷的事情不一樣。
Consider a global pandemic growing worse with surging U.S. cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
A presidential election with a conclusion --- They've delivered us a clear victory.
But not a concession, and wildfires, winds plus the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record.
It's been a record breaking very busy season in 2020.
2020 年是個破紀錄繁忙的一年。
These stories could have defined 2020 on their own, yet they had plenty of company beginning just three days into the year: President Donald Trump ordered a drone strike to kill top Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.
光是這些故事就可以定義 2020 年,然而從今年的第三天開始就相繼發生了許多事情,唐納·川普總統下令進行無人機襲擊擊斃伊朗最高指揮官西姆·蘇萊曼尼。
He was planning a very major attack and we got him.
Iran called it terrorism and attacked basis housing U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A California helicopter crash in January shocked the world.
As the chief indicated there were no survivors.
Retired Los Angeles Laker Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, died in the crash with the pilot and six more passengers on their way to Gianna's basketball game.
退役的洛杉磯湖人隊科比·布萊恩和他 13 歲的女兒吉安娜在前往吉安娜的籃球比賽途中,與飛行員和另外六名乘客墜機身亡。
Women often took center stage.
The loss of trailblazing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to pancreatic cancer.
The appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
The election of Kamala Harris is the nation's first female, and black and South Asian vice president.
Yet the pandemic was always present.
Unemployment jumped with jobs gone, concerts canceled.
Cruises, Broadway, The Summer Olympics: when some sports resumed, athletes played in front of small or nonexistent stadium crowds.
People wondered.
When would they see crowds again?
In May, they found out: cameras captured Minneapolis police, arresting 46-year-old George Floyd.
五月,他們發現攝影機拍下了明尼亞波利斯警方,逮捕 46 歲的 George Floyd。
For nearly eight minutes Now former police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on Floyd's neck even after Floyd became unresponsive.
前警員 Derek Chauvin 跪在 Floyd 的脖子上將近八分鐘,甚至在 Floyd 毫無反應後還是沒有放開。
Chauvin and three other officers now face charges related to his death.
Chauvin 和其他三名警員現在正面臨與他死亡的相關指控。
The renewed calls for racial justice, which started with Floyd's death, continued.
從 Floyd 之死開始,又再次呼籲種族正義,持續不斷。
Briana Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks, more tragic deaths that fueled a movement.
Briana Taylor、Ahmaud Arbery、Rayshard Brooks,許多悲慘的死亡案例激起他們發起一項運動。
In America, you can peacefully assemble.
Black lives matter plaza took shape in Washington, D.C., while Civil War monuments came down in Richmond, Virginia.
黑人的命也是命廣場在華盛頓特區成形, 而內戰紀念碑在弗吉尼亞州里士滿倒下。
The nation lost civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis.
55 years after bloody Sunday when he began his quest for equality.
55 年前的血腥星期天,他就開始追求平等了。
He took his final trip across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in his casket during a weekend of events celebrating his life.
The space program took off in new ways in May.
Space X marked the first successful commercial launch, taking two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station from US soil.
Space X (太空探索技術公司) 標誌著首次成功的商業化發射任務,已載兩位美國太空總署的太空人從美國領土前往國際空間站了。
Four more astronauts went to the ISS in November.
And people of all ages decided it was time to try Tiktok.
The Trump administration ordered the Chinese Social Media platform to find a U.S owner, while millions kept using it.
The app says this video got a record 528 million views, perhaps for people needing to take a break from watching all else 2020 had to offer.
此應用程式表示,這段影片有 5.28 億瀏覽次數的紀錄,也許人們需要休息一下,不想再看那些 2020 年發生的雜事了。
I'm Nadia Romera reporting.
我是 Nadia Romera ,以上是我的報導。
10-second trivia!
Who recorded the best selling US musical single of all time?
Taylor Swift, Bing Crosby, Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley?
泰勒絲、平·克勞斯貝、邁克爾·傑克遜,還是艾維斯·普里斯萊 (貓王) ?
According to Guinness World Records, Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" is the best selling single in the US and the UK.
Irving Berlin wrote it.
作曲是 Irving Berlin。
The movie Holiday Inn featured it.
It sold an estimated 50 million copies worldwide after its release in 1942.
1942 年發行後,它在全球銷量估計達 5000 萬冊。
And the timing of that release aided in the song's success because so many U.S troops were away from home dreaming of a white Christmas while they fought in World War Two.
而此單曲發佈的時機助長了它的成功,因為當時正逢第二次世界大戰,許多美軍部隊都遠離家鄉、在外作戰,他們都夢想著過一個白色( 和平) 的聖誕節。
But is a snow covered Christmas landscape just like the ones you used to know?
And where in America is the weather guaranteed to cooperate?
CNN 10 contributor Tyler Mauldin explores the science behind the scene.
CNN10 特約記者 Tyler Mauldin 探討了幕後的科學。
Nothing says Christmas more Carl than watching snowflakes fly while opening gifts on Christmas morning.
But just simply seeing it snow isn't enough to call it a white Christmas.
According to NOAA, there has to be at least an inch of the white stuff on the ground on December 25th to receive the title.
根據美國國家海洋暨大氣總署的說法,12 月 25 日時,地面上至少要有一英寸的白色東西 (雪) 才能獲得此稱號。
If you're dreaming of a white Christmas, history says, there are certain places you wanna be .
Based on the 30 year average from 1980 to 2010, your best bet of seeing more than an inch of snow on Christmas Day in the lower 48 are areas such as Maine, Minnesota, upstate New York, the Rockies, Sierra Nevada's, Idaho and the mountains of Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
根據 1980 到 2010 這 30 年間的平均值,聖誕節當天你最有可能在美國 48 州 (不包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷) 的地區中看到超過一英寸的雪在,例如緬因州、明尼蘇達州、紐約北部、洛磯山脈、內華達山脈、愛達荷州和賓西法尼亞山區和西維吉尼亞州。
Basically, you want to be in the mountains or near the U.S-Canada border.
Aspen, Colorado, is one of about a dozen cities with an almost 100% probability.
科羅拉多州的阿斯彭是數十個城市中降雪率 100% 的城市之一。
Steamboat Springs sits at 98%.
斯廷博特斯普林斯 (科羅拉多州) 的機率為 98%。
Surprisingly, New York City only has a 12% chance, and Miami has never seen a white Christmas.
令人驚訝的是,紐約市只有 12% 的機率,而邁阿密則從未出現過白色聖誕節。
But these are the historical lots.
An early look at next week's weather pattern, Carl, model suggests the treetops will glisten for many of us, with a breakout of frigid air from the north and a couple of winter storms possibly impact in the country.
Snow or not, 18 year old Tyler Kamholz recently lit his car up like a Christmas tree.
不管有沒有降雪,最近 18 歲的 Tyler Kamholz 把他的車點亮,像棵聖誕樹一樣。
It's beginning to look a lot like Camaro.
它開始看起來很像雪佛蘭科邁羅 (許多人稱它為大黃蜂)。
His father, a retired police officer, was not impressed because he says he knew it broke the law and Tyler was pulled over, though the state trooper only gave him a warning and took a picture.
他的父親是一名退休警官,他沒有留下深刻的印象,因為他說他知道這樣是違法的,且 Tyler 也被警方攔下,不過州警只給他一個警告並拍了張照片。
Tyler is allowed to keep the lights on the car, but he could only turn them on while driving on back roads.
Tyler 被允許把那些燈留在車上,但他只能在開小路時打開那些燈。
Forget the halls, y'all.
大家,忘了那些在大廳裝飾的聖誕樹吧!(Deck the "halls" 的雙關)
It's time to deck the cars where there's a wheel.
There's ways to win the holiday light wars.
Clark Griswold Bright idea made a household that it can be, but Tyler's car can make the neighbors red and green with envy.
Clark Griswold 明亮的想法可以點亮一個家庭,但 Tyler 的車卻能讓街訪鄰居羨慕忌妒。
Haters wanna cover it.
They can't get come there over it.
Admirers are lover it.
Their smiles "hover "over it.
He strings along the colorful car full of Christmas cheer in hopes he doesn't see blue lights behind again this year.
他沿著充滿聖誕氣氛、五顏六色的汽車走著,希望他今年不要再看到後面的藍燈 (救護車的標誌燈)。
That almost wraps our show for 2020.
我們 2020 年的節目差不多要結束了。
I want to give a quick shoutout to Plattsburgh High School in Plattsburg, Missouri, for subscribing and leaving a comment on our YouTube channel.
我想向在位於密蘇里州普拉茨堡的普拉茨堡中學致敬,感謝他們的訂閱我們和在我們的 YouTube 頻道上留言。
We wish you all a very merry Christmas.
Happy holidays.
Happy New Year.
We look forward to seeing you again on January 4th.
Thank you for the gift of being the best audience in news.
I'm Carl Azuz for CNN.
我是 CNN 的 Carl Azuz。