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  • On your mark...get set...

  • we're riding on the internet

  • Oh my god.

  • Whoa! What is this?

  • ♪ ...Your reality

  • You're goin' surfin' on the internet! ♪

  • Today we're gonna be showing our friends Andrew and Lisa

  • the basics of the internet

  • and we thought you might want to come along.

  • Hey, it'll be cool!

  • The internet gave us a whole world of exciting new possibilities.

  • Not only do they play the typical computer games--

  • Their clothes and this computer is just so old! What is this?

  • Having the internet in our home has had a great impact on our lives.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Rick keeps up with the stock market and our investments,

  • and I'm able to pay the bills in half the time it used to take me.

  • Is this a commercial for the internet?

  • This isn't supposed to be funny!

  • Don't worry, though, it's still cool

  • and it's not just for boys either.

  • - ♪ You're goin' surfin' on the internet! ♪ - What?

  • - That theme. - (girl) Hi guys!

  • Dad's just leaving and mom said we can have

  • - the computer all to ourselves. - This is such bad acting.

  • ...have done some of their school reports and not all of that cybernet stuff, okay?

  • - See ya' later, kids. I'll be home early. - Bye!

  • I can't...just can't. (laughs)

  • It's so cheesy!

  • What's a web page? Something ducks walk on?

  • What the f--?!

  • (laughter)

  • Let's start with the basics first.

  • - There are three important-- - Hold on.

  • Let me just go shoot myself real quick.

  • Surfing the World Wide Web.

  • Surfing?! That sounds pretty cool already!

  • Andrew, don't interrupt.

  • - Then there are-- - (laughter) What a [bitch].

  • And then there's e-mail.

  • E-mail? I heard that's really neat.

  • My cousin has a pen pal in Sweden and they write back and forth

  • and it transmits right away and doesn't cost anything.

  • - Yeah-- - That's neato.

  • You can even talk with people all over the world on chatlines!

  • Little did they know of the pedophiles behind the screen.

  • - And web addresses start with http://-- - Now, you don't have to do that anymore.

  • You just type it in. You don't need it anymore.

  • You type in w-w-w.

  • Does your computer have a modem?

  • I think so. My grandpa bought it for us.

  • - (girl) It has all the latest-- - She looks like she's reading lines.

  • - (boy) It sounds like-- - I think so, my grandpa bought it for me!

  • But you might get your folks to help just to make sure everything's working okay.

  • Now we need to open our browser.

  • - (girl) What's a browser? - Geeze.

  • - (girl) It's an application-- - My three year old cousin has an iPad.

  • If he watches this, he'd be like, "What are they talking about?"

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer came with our computer.

  • Don't use Internet Explorer!

  • - (girl) Netscape Navigator-- - Oh, apparently that went out of business.

  • - What is downloading? - That's simple!

  • It means to transfer a file of information from a main computer

  • or server to your computer.

  • So that's how you get connected to the internet.

  • How long is this? How long?

  • I need to do a school project on ancient Egypt.

  • - What kid looks up Egypt? - (girl) Do you have anything on it...

  • ..under countries?

  • Let's see...

  • - First we check around Around the World-- - Oy.

  • (boy) Next, countries... and there it is! Egypt.

  • ♪ (Arabic music) ♪

  • I can't believe how easy it is to surf the net!

  • The typical abbreviations go like this:

  • .com for commercial--

  • - Did not know that, actually. - .gov for Government

  • - and .org for organization-- - Ugggh, I can't even take it!!

  • I can't believe how easy it is to get onto the internet.

  • When you hear my parents talking about it, it sounds it'd be so hard.

  • Oh, more! Great.

  • We'll let's say I wanna use e-mail.

  • Ooh, what's an e-mail? I've never heard of that!

  • - - Never heard of it.

  • - And - Never heard of it.

  • I used to have AOL and I thought that was old.

  • I can't go another day without the internet!

  • - Call me the minute you get an e-mail address. - Okay!

  • And Andrew, we can play interactive games on the net together!

  • - Oh wow, boyee! - (girl) Bye.

  • (together) Surfs up, see you on the Net!

  • (Finebros snickers)

  • That was the worst video I've ever seen.

  • See you on the Net. Ha!

  • (Finebros) So can you explain what you just watched?

  • It was, like, was an instructional video.

  • A tutorial on how to surf the Net.

  • That I had no use for 'cause it's extremely outdated

  • and I already know what to do.

  • (Finebros) How would you describe the video's production?

  • It was SO old.

  • That was terrible.

  • The music is so cheesy and the lines are so cheesy.

  • Surfing sounds fun already!

  • Who comes up with the lines for this?

  • If that kid was standing right here in front of me and he said that

  • I would be so tempted to punch him directly in the face.

  • (Finebros) Why is it funny to see a video treating the internet

  • like it's something that needs to be explained and taught?

  • 'Cause I guess...I was kinda born into the internet age.

  • I've always known the internet.

  • It's like a joke to you because you're like, "I know this."

  • This is pathetic. How do you not know any of this?

  • The internet is self-explanatory.

  • You can hand a five year old an iPad and they'll already be sending e-mails.

  • - This is a terrible video. Just so bad! - (Finebros laugh)

  • I doubt anyone learned anything from this.

  • The puns were awful.

  • But in reality back then that video was probably really helpful.

  • Like, "Oh! Internet provider, I should go there."

  • (Finebros) Be honest. Did you learn something in the video that you didn't know?

  • No. I knew everything.

  • I learned that there were older browsers and stuff I've never heard of.

  • I learned that .com is commercial.

  • I never knew what .com was for.

  • It's really, really useful stuff, you know?

  • I always needed to know that it meant commercial.

  • (Finebros) Do you find it interesting that there's something like the internet

  • that you use all the time, but you don't actually know how it fully works?

  • - You just use it? - God, you're gonna ffff--

  • Ugggh, I don't like thinking about this type of stuff!

  • Why should I spend the time when there are people who get paid to do that?

  • I don't get paid to do that!

  • I don't know how anything works.

  • I don't even know how a camera works or a fridge

  • or a sink, but they're just there. You just know how to use them.

  • (Finebros) Do you remember the first time you used the internet?

  • I actually don't 'cause I've been using it my whole life.

  • I can't remember a time where I haven't touched a keyboard.

  • Probably World of Warcraft.

  • Websites like Nickelodeon, stuff like that.

  • Before YouTube even existed.

  • It was this site called "stupid videos".

  • (singing) Stupid videos.

  • I went on


  • My older sister, she went on Barbie.

  • She would get off and I'd sneak on and be like,

  • "This is amazing!"

  • (Finebros) Let's test some of your internet knowledge.

  • Oh, gee--dang it!

  • - (Finebros) Do you know what a modem is? - No.

  • No.

  • No.

  • A modem is something in the computer?

  • I don't know what it does, but it's something that connects me to the internet!

  • It's the thing your internet goes from, comes from, right?

  • it basically what it is?

  • (Finebros) So right now, if I said, "Hey! Let's go on the internet,"

  • what would you have to do?

  • I turn on the computer and I go on the internet.

  • Turn on my computer and then click Google Chrome or Internet Explorer

  • or Fire Fox and then I'd be on the internet.

  • (Finebros) Well, it used to be I'd turn on the computer,

  • I'd go to the internet, and I'd have to dial.

  • I'm gonna play for you the noises that you'd hear every time

  • you'd connect to the internet.

  • (high pitched beeping noises)

  • It sounds like a fax machine.

  • It sounds like you're trying like to talk to aliens.

  • (static)

  • See, we put this in our music.

  • This is like some of the dubstep I listen to. Trap.

  • That's annoying.

  • And you'd have to wait with that?

  • Oh my gosh, no. That would drive me crazy.

  • I would give up.

  • And now you're online.

  • Oh. Look, I've made it to Google!

  • - (Finebros) There was no Google. - Oh.

  • I'll stick to my phone.

  • - (Finebros) There was no cellphone then! - God dang it.

  • (Finebros) And you had to connect it to your landline,

  • so no one could use the phone if you were on the internet

  • and you couldn't go on the internet if someone was on the phone.

  • What?! Why?

  • The struggle! (laughter)

  • Bad, bad memories.

  • My mom was on the phone with someone a solid two hours!

  • (mimics mom) Ethan, get off the internet! Get off the computer, I need the phone!

  • - No, mom! I'm trying to play Barbie. - (Finebros cracks up)

  • (Finebros) Have you ever heard of services called Minitel,

  • - Prodigy, or American Online? - No.

  • No.

  • Never.

  • America Online? No, I've never heard of any of those.

  • - (Finebros) Have you heard of AOL? - Yeah!

  • - Yeah, yeah. - (Finebros) America Online, that's AOL.

  • Really?

  • That's what it means?

  • I-I-I didn't know that!

  • (Finebros) Before there was easy access to the internet we know today,

  • there were services that you'd use to go online and have access

  • to things like e-mail and news, but only a select amount of things

  • were available.

  • You even had to pay for it by the month, sometimes even by the hour.

  • Dang!

  • Hell no, I'm not paying for e-mail.

  • It's so weird that you just didn't have everything.

  • You had to actually sign up for stuff and if they weren't on AOL,

  • if they were on, what was it, Prodigy or something,

  • you couldn't interact?

  • We take the things we have for granted now a days.

  • YouTube and Google is like my life!

  • I'm nothing without those things! What would I be doing in the 90s?

  • It's hard to wrap your mind around how far we've gotten since then.

  • (Finebros) So last question: When you see something made

  • not that long ago, that is talking about how the brand new internet

  • and how it works, what do you think 15-20 years from now

  • people are gonna think about today's technology?

  • Probably gonna laugh and be like,

  • "Oh my god, the internet was so slow back then!"

  • They're probably glad they're not living in this generation.

  • It's gonna be the same reaction.

  • I think we're gonna laugh at it.

  • How could our computers be this thick, like that's so big!

  • They're all holograms...

  • like, "Hey, Julie! Remember Google? Yeah, I remember Google."

  • They're like touching the air and already knowing everything.

  • Oh god, someone's probably gonna like...

  • if someone sees this video, they're gonna be like,

  • "Man, I want to punch that kid right in the face."

  • They're gonna be able to teleport into the video!

  • And they're literally gonna be able to punch me in the face.

  • Welcome to the end screen page, where you can click on other things

  • to continue your online journey!

  • If you guys saw a video you saw on the internet, make sure to type

  • it in the comment box below this video.

  • If you wanna watch more use your mouse to click on any of the videos down below.

  • Surfs up, catch you on the Net!

  • Surfs up, see ya' on the Net!

On your mark...get set...


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A2 初級 美國腔

青少年對90年代互聯網的反應 (TEENS REACT TO 90s INTERNET)

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    Bryan Pai 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日