On the other hand, I think it shows that, at least among some segment of the population, concern about the results of the election potential just skepticism about the electoral process is ah whole obviously the election was conducted in the wake of CO vid 19, there had been numerous changes as a result of court orders and emergency regulations and other types of emergency orders that had been passed in order to allow the election to be conducted in the wake of a global pandemic.
另一方面,我認為它表明,至少在某些部分的人口中,對選舉結果的關注可能只是對選舉過程的懷疑是啊整個顯然選舉是在CO vid 19之後進行的,有許多變化作為法院命令和緊急條例和其他類型的緊急命令的結果,已經通過,以允許選舉在全球大流行之後進行。