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Life is hard life is hard and people who are born into different situations. I about have a hard time appreciating
How hard it is for others?
Like like life life is really really short and I think that we don't value and appreciate you know our freedoms
and our opportunities
in our life
There are gonna always be obstacles
You're gonna have to either go around them go over them or go right through them, but you can't stop going
It's a hopeless feeling and you surround it around a bunch of hopelessness you
Have to be crazy and
Believing what your goal in your passion is because when something is crazy, even though it's crazy
You still do it, right? You know what I mean? And so that's what you have to become you have to become
Insane right so you could be smarter than me, but you were never gonna outwork the ever like for real
They are no quick quick answers to big problems like there just aren't it?
In life that things will go bad and
Things are going to go bad. This is not the first or the last time that's gonna happen
It's gonna keep happening. And that's just how life is
You'll be past this and you'll be okay and there is nothing for you to worry about here
We can be as human beings as people who are always right for the world or we can be just right for ourselves, right?
So we can just be honest about ourselves or we can put a display for the world
Nothing wrong with putting display of to the world. That's what gives you joy
But just be honest about videos because it's eventually it's all boils down to you and your story
It's not about more it's always about less it's only thin time you realize what less it is
Fear is a is a figment of our imagination right fear is created because of expectations right and I
learned this process early on is that every time I would get scared I would usually be scared because I have some
Future I have imagined there is something in the future that I think
Will happen because I will do this right now is why I'm scared of doing this, right?
You're about to jump off a plane. You think you're going to die
You don't consider you have a parachute or a person that is jumping with you, right? So
That's what you're scared of is why you want jump off a plane is because you think you will die
so I had
Firstly once you have an expectation of yourself, and you say hey, I don't need to have this expectation
I'm just living life as a play. It's a game. It's music. It's it's fun joy
I don't have an expectation of a particular outcome
Its it doesn't mean I'm discounting myself like that people can get confused with that like it's not that I'm saying
I don't want to be
Even more impactful in the world or a better version or more honest version of myself that journey will still continue
I just don't have that expectation. I'm not gonna be sad if that doesn't happen one day - chase. Let's enjoy the chase
Why do we have to kill ourselves in the if we don't get it? The chase is supposed to be fun
Life is flowing you can choose to change in this moment
You can choose to change it three years from now or 30 years from now and it will change the day you want to change
It right now once you know that you understand that goals can be timeless
Now the second part of that is if life is going to flow means on every moment basis
It's going to be different in a way, right? It's almost like
It's like a heartbeat or a river or music changes by the note, right? It's just changing all the time right this moment
It's different right energy changes our way. We react to things change although things change all the time
And if that's the case, what's the one thing that can define us or help us stay in a place of joy, right?
Because if life is gonna be up and down things will change and things will go bad and things will go right
There has to be something that becomes our anchor point. It can't always be that goal, which is so
arbitrary anyways
So what is it that can help us always be in that?
grounding state and be in a place of joy and being that floating state all the time to be able to go I'm pumped about
This I'm pumped about this moment doesn't matter how it shows up
I'm pumped about this right and that got me to the dialogue of saying
Maybe I need to find something that I can anchor into at all times things that actually give me joy all the time
Right, and that's what your values are your values are
Usually already with you. You just have not bringing awareness to them. It's the way you operate
You have the potential today to be special
Every second that passes now is the opportunity to succeed you
You can be so much more
Success never stop never stops to breathe. It never takes the day off never looks to take a break
Forget the things you can't control
Look for the moments
You can't control use the times you can't control
Use the times you can control we need to become someone and you need to become your future
You need to handle your power and feel your potential
You got to feel this pain to progress to change to feel fulfilled to feel satisfaction
This is where everything can and trust me it all will fall into place
succeed into something worthy
something with the power to change to adapt adapt into the person you've always wanted to be
You have this opportunity today to be something with purpose now pay attention to every detail
Take every day
Like it's a brand new spankin opportunity take every risk as if it's a stepping stone into the future
You're carving out for yourself because you have control
you have the control to change in the control to improve the action and
Improvement to become the boundaries that have always held you back
You have always had the strength to push past these boundaries to move past
This you need to know your power
It all takes resilience resilience to push past any
Boundary and push through every risk every hardship every wrong turn
Right now right here is an open door
The door that puts you on the path towards success
You have control you have control over your future a future fueled by your success
Constructed by your progress it all begins right here and it all starts right now
Don't waste one more minute sitting and thinking I want you to spend your next minute acting
Today is your day to tell your story to speak your mind
To tell the truth about your future to speak about the power
you've always had the potential you've always had this is how you
Succeed you will be your power
You have this power
Communicate your problems communicate the power you know that you have this is the beginning of your power the start of your progress
It doesn't get any easier. You just get stronger
If you want to change don't expect your life to stay the same
Expect it to get harder expect it to actually get really really tough tougher than you can even imagine right now
And this is where you can move past the boundaries that used to hold you back
Used to hold you by the neck. Now, you can move towards the fulfillment
That's your future and this you see this this is where you can finally feel the satisfaction of your work
This is when you finally get to feel that success
This is where your progress can be kick-started
Accelerate your life into your direction. Your journey is the power you've earned
The expectation you've built can be your reality
Reality where you live you breathe you walk you succeed
Now is it the time to wait now isn't the time to waste let this be the power that takes you towards your success
This is the opportunity you've earned
This is the potential you've always had now is the time for you to step up
Stand out and become the person you need to become
Your future is in your hands and this is what sets your life up to be worth the potential that you deserve
Your power is and always has been the thing that's gonna take you towards the life that you have earned
You have and you always will have this this potential to improve
This potential to adapt and this potential to change
This is what you've been working for
Go on and receive that
This is your journey. This is your destiny and either you wander aimlessly or you grab the wheel and take control of the ship
Either you head in the direction you want to go or you go in no direction at all
Most people allow life to happen to them
Their time runs like a sands Eimer life is happening to them
It isn't happening for them make life work for you
Make your time work for you. Do not allow your time to empty each day without achieving anything
Go into the world today and spend your time wisely make small wins
Every day that will lead you down the path to success
Motivation get you started but habit going
Motivation is great. It is like a coffee in the morning it gets the engine going and get you moving
But it is a habit that will develop your success is not an option
It's either I will or I won't I can I know I can
but I will or I won't you know and
That's the thing and in some cases
You may try your hardest and you just don't win or you don't pass a test or you don't succeed. That's part of life
Understanding, it's gonna take hard work discipline and and learning how to work with other people in order to get to the next level
The first rule is to love and respect everybody you come in contact with you're not going to agree with them
You're not gonna even know like them on some occasions, but you love them and you respect them
Number two is to be your best
You know if your best is a C on the test, even if it's D or F on the test
I would you know, you can never be disappointed if you know you gave it your all and
You know number three is we don't use the word can't
You know, it's not in our vocabulary. I was told my entire life. You'll never do this. You'll never do that
You can't do this you it's impossible for you to do that
when you tell somebody what they can do for some people that drives them, you know, because you know
I gonna tell me what I can or cannot do
But for other people when you tell them all you'll never be able to do that like that
That could be the breaking straw, you know in that back for that person. That's their spirit to actually go out and succeed
So I never tell my kids
If they come to me and they may have the most outrageous idea. I'll say all right, cool
Let's figure out how we're gonna do it. I never said I mean you can't doing that
As a work ethic you got to be passionate about whatever it is that you're gonna do whether it be
You know an artist
entertainer sports figure political like whatever it is should you decide to do in life you have to have
Any extreme work ethic? You gotta be willing to do stuff other people aren't willing to do
You have to have respect
The first thing I've taught my kids when they can understand it was how to shake somebody's hand
If you're if your agenda is to help make an impact on people's lives
And it shouldn't matter if your name's at the top of the banner. It shouldn't matter if you know your your gifts have certain
Name tags or whatever. However you want to do it
I'm super competitive. So
Nobody's gonna tell me what I can't do. I mean somebody don't even I can't sing but don't tell me I can't sing
So I'm gonna give you my best thing it possible. It's not that I can't sing
it's just I don't sing well, but you know I'm saying so it's like
For me. I always had a drive to
Not prove people wrong, but to prove gods, right? You know, God said he has great plans for me
So my grandmother passed away from
breast cancer in 1995
I was going to the hospice the woman that was her roommate per se
was very
She's from South you know, and she was very racist, you know, every time I come in the room she'd say
Oh, well that goes up boy. I had to do everything I could she you know, I
Knew I had grown because I didn't respond the way I probably should was one has she caught me a couple years earlier?
You know my grandmother after a few weeks my grandmother, you know, she reached over and pulled grab my arm
And she was like, you know, if I if I if I have to happen to die before
she does I want you to come back and see her and
I'm like
No, it's just not my girl mother talking right now
and so I you know
it should end up happening like three weeks after my grandmother said that my grandmother passed away and so my my grandmother I
Saw something at a time that I didn't really understand why she was doing it
but I went back and I go into this room and the lady's like I
Must sits up on her seat and she's just started bawling crying and this is the racist lady. Yes
And then she's like, I'm I'm so glad I got a chance to see you again
I thought I'd never see you again. You know, I apologize for how I treated you
You know, I've gone to church I've done so many things, you know in church. I've served the homeless, etc, etc
But I did I wasn't doing the one thing and I know that God would have approved of the most that's loving his people
and then she uh
She asked me if I can give her a hug and I said in my TED talk, you know
I was a little apprehensive about doing that because she
She could have you know saintly or something like that on the side
but uh
You know I hugged during that when I hugged her
She said yeah, you're like the son that I never had and I'm going okay
I never understand understand it at the time
I'm walking out and then the lady said, you know the lady's up front. They were like I was so beautiful to witness
because you know
Essentially the reason why she has so much anger towards you was because she kind of got dropped off
Which it happens a lot in nursing homes
Or you know care centers the family drop them off and she has two daughters and the daughters just couldn't handle
scene their you know their mom in that position and
My grandmother saw that before I would have ever saw it she just saw, you know an opportunity for
Even the the hardest of hearts to be changed even in their dying days
if you can have impact on somebody that you know
that way
Then just imagine what's going to happen when you do that to a complete stranger
And it may not be I love you and I believe in you it may be to action of showing me
You're worthy of nice clothes or nice pair of shoes or you're worthy of you're worthy of being able to go and enjoy a movie
In college, the more successful people are the one most of the time to people that are more well-rounded
You kind of have an appreciation for what other people do and whatever people gone through
But you can be inspired on any given moment any given day just talking to people
It doesn't get any easier you just get stronger
If you want to change don't expect your life to stay the same
Expected to get harder expected to actually get really really tough tougher than you can even imagine right now
And this is where you can move past the boundaries that used to hold you back
Used to hold you by the neck now, you can move towards the fulfillment. That's your future and this you see this
This is where you can finally feel the satisfaction of your work. This is when you finally get to feel that success
Now is the time for you to step up stand out and become the person you need to become
Your future is in your hands and this is what sets your life up to be worth the potential that you deserve
Your power is and always has been the thing that's gonna take you towards the life that you have earned
Don't fail yourself
Perseverance is the aspect that takes you towards the future worthy of your strength worthy of your progress
So take pride in that more than anything you
Have and you always will have this this potential to improve
This potential to adapt and this potential to change
This is what you've been working for
Go on and receive that
One mistake
Shouldn't hold you back for more than one day
The rise is the most important part of your progress the rise makes your future something different. It makes you you makes you strong
In the intelligence of that takes you to a power worth your future and value this this
Moment of pain is not gonna last forever unless you let it last forever
You don't need this, so don't let it happen
Change your perspective change your mindset to something always willing to grow always willing to take courage
Make this who you are and make this worthwhile
this power that you have is valuable because your future is valuable and your potential is
Your more than you could ever imagine and your power is stronger than you could ever imagine. This progress is gonna take time
But this opening to work
This opening that you have in this moment. It's not always open. So
Take it take it right now. Take it now before it's too late
You're more than your last minute. You're more than your last minute. You're more than your last mistake
Get prepared for the success
Get prepared for the progress
You can make this you make this power yours yours to keep forever because this is what you're gonna leave behind
This is what your legacy is made up of the moments when you get knocked down, but rise up over and over again
these are the building blocks of the legacy that you're constructing these moments when you push forward and rise up over and over again and
That is what brings you to the place where you thrive the place where you thrive and become better
People gave to me and my family and my mom and other kids in my situation when they had nothing to gain in return and
That's character. You know when when you
Give someone something and do something for somebody and it's really not about you. It's really about helping them
And you're not expecting anything in return
You have to set the precedence of like being
Authentic, you know, we live in a very, you know in often in the world where we don't do
Nearly as much as we could do
If we didn't have an agenda, I don't have an agenda
You know, my only agenda is is to literally change
Everybody's life that I could possibly change in one way or another being authentic and being me
Has has literally changed my whole life
Because people are really starving for truth. We talked ourselves into a lot. I'm tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired
You keep saying that you're gonna live a tired life
You don't want to be married to that person you don't want to be a friends with that person
You don't want to be led by that person who's constantly tired. So actually the people we really admire are not tired people
They're actually energized people who love and have energy to give and value to give
If you're not living it don't shout it from the rooftop
Everyone does not have to believe what I believe but I want everyone to feel like they matter
They have purpose they have someone who loves them
We're listening to them care for them before you know it, you know
We could have a lot less lonely people in the world, and that would be pretty awesome
Share with people what's really changed your life and what you're really living out and your words will have a lot more power. I
Actually think we're suffering from a lack of love on a grand scale on an epic scale it might be
The greatest epidemic in the world. Maybe it always has been
I think things
Horrific things like racism are symptomatic of the fact. We don't feel loved
We don't feel like we matter. We don't feel like we're valued and so we devalue each other and we fight and we war
Most people don't say what they want in life where they want to go who they want to be
They take it as it comes which is really disturbing and sad but it's true wait
Like for instance, we take friendships as they come
We just like well, I guess we kind of met and you like juice boxes and I like juice boxes
so let's just hang out and like, you know talk about Capri Sun or whatever and I think we ought to be
More intentional and and be honest. What do I want? What kind of friends do I want? What kind of life do I want?
And then I think speak that out. First of all, like declare that be honest recently
I did an exercise again back to our team and they said why do we exist Judah? Why do you exist?
Why do we exist?
not the answer you think you're supposed to give but the answer like the truth of what you want and why you exist and
Creating a safe space with the people that you intentionally have have chosen your life to go
All right, we're gonna like we're gonna get bare-bones honest here. This is actually what I want in life
This is actually why I exist and then and then we've got to like hold each other accountable to that like bro
You can't wake up at 11 p.m. Every day if that's what you want
And I think there's a that's why I'm a big proponent of community
I don't think people can be who they're supposed to be without community and community doesn't have to be 10,000 people
It can be five. It can be three
It can be the right people not just a bunch of people, but the right people, you know
It's been said show me your friends. I'll show you your future that gets where it's real
I can tell you where you're going right now by the people you're hanging out with on consistent places
We are you know, so often our own worst enemies right we we keep ourselves
you know off the stage, you know for fear of bad reviews and
Don't even realize that you know in the process we're you know
Forgetting how to dance and losing the joint it right and it's just such a shame
We're all masters of our own universes right alone in our own worlds, and I certainly think everybody
You know should figure it out
You should figure it out for yourself because time is gonna go by either way and you know
You could live a life of happenstance of reaction
You know
Or you can take some time to figure out how you want to spend your time who you want to be who you want to?
Be at work
you know you want to be as a parent who you want to be as a spouse and on and on and on and and
You know, you can you can try to be that person you try to live that way
so that's what I have in mind when I say, you know, you really
Should define your success your purpose and labor towards it
Everything is a choice. Every moment of your life is a choice
How do you want to spend that moment who you want to be? It is not the circumstances. We confront
That dictate the lives we experience. It just cannot be there are counter examples all over the place
Choose to be happy literally in every moment
And again, I'm not saying it's easy again, and I'm not you know, I'm not saying is always easy for me
But it's certainly a worthwhile endeavor. I mean, you know you
spill on yourself or you you knock something over or you know, you're late for a meeting or
You know, it can be rail you it can be
You know something quote-unquote awful would you know, meanwhile most of the world is worried about you know?
health care and food and clothing
But you know or you can choose to laugh about it and you can choose to have fun with it
you can choose to let it go and
again, every I think every moment is
You know an amalgam of precisely those choices and I think it behooves us to spend some time thinking about our answers
You know, you're the master of your reality and you know
Once you buy that once you're willing to take responsibility for the fact that you are literally creating
The life you are experiencing. The reality your reality is your creation and not enough time on this moment right now
What is my best next step? What can I do right now to make progress and
You know, the truth of the matter is the world changes, you know a million times a day
You're gonna change a million times a day
who knows what's gonna happen on the journey from you know from A to Z just focus on getting from A to B and
Get that done and we'll worry about coz later
Every single, you know human being every human faces their own discrete constellation of a
Challenge as part of the human condition. There's nothing special or unique in facing these
These big challenges or obstacles
But how we handle it and then how we choose to look at them?
That makes all the difference in the world life is choice
And I said if you keep if you tell yourself you're gonna live this small on the remarkable pathetic life and you're you know not
Gonna love or respect yourself and you know, you're not gonna find a mate not
You can make that happen for yourself, or you can choose to have a different life
There's one way you should see life
Life is an opportunity you
Have this opportunity for reason that reason is to succeed
succeed for past fears past doubts pass your insecurities
Empowering yourself toward the finish line
Now is the time to make this opportunity your opportunity is more than this
It's your potential to succeed use your potential use it as your superpower because that's what it is
power power to succeed to achieve
How badly do you want something how much do you want there's only one way to get it it's to work hard
Motivate your life toward a future where you can succeed where you can achieve
How much do you appreciate this opportunity?
How much do you want this? So respect the path?
You're on take the journey become the path make this define you
Your future relies on this
So be this opportunity take the risk and become the person you want to be
You're there you're present. So act like it
Be prepared to struggle but more importantly be prepared to succeed
Today will not be the day you fail today is an opening the opening to make it take the path
You're on the path. All you have to do is take a step
Close your eyes and imagine a reality reality but with everything you've ever wanted
Surrounded by everything you've ever wanted to achieve
Believing that you have it knowing that you have all this
This is how your mindset should always be to know that you have this potential within you
That this picture isn't so far from reality
that this picture can be
Executed your potential is your power and this power can strengthen your progress the progress you need to achieve
You have this so use this
grasp this opportunity
Take this now to make it past your imagination and make this your reality
Work harder than you ever have. Nothing. Nothing comes easy. So what are you going to do?
how are you going to change your
Life can be so much more than what you think it is right now
Time is power
You have more so much more than this use this you have this
Grow and strengthen your potential strengthen your power
Think about your success like you have it
You will have it
Believe you have it then you'll have the chance you will have the opportunity
What have you done today? What did you do yesterday and what are you going to do tomorrow?
Life is fueled by progress fuel your life to the next level
Think about your life
It's a place you live and will always live. So why now? Are you sabotaging your future?
You need to make your life something
Something better than just somewhere you live
So what are you going to do today? You can make a change little switches
Actions that can make you define you wake up an hour earlier
Replace your sandwich with a salad
These changes will become habits habits that can transform your life forever
You will become a better person you are the better person
All you have to do is stand up to that role
stand up for yourself and start living your life for what it is an
opportunity an
opportunity to succeed
to be a leader to have power and control over the decisions you make
You have the potential all you have to do is use it
Spark your potential Drive your motivation be creative and design a life where you see yourself
Succeeding a life where you can respect and have the confidence in the choices that you make
So work our
Be strong have courage start the journey and succeed
It's like you just do what's hard until it's not hard anymore
It's like if you broke your hand and you weren't used to riding with that hand and then you're forced to you know
Write or to use chopsticks or to do something once you do it enough it becomes
you know a
casual thing to do
You know once you get that taste of victory and you're like wow well, maybe well I want to keep going on this path
Visualize definitely that's kind of the thing for me. It's always been like well, what's my cut?
what's it gonna look like and what's it gonna feel like and what am I gonna be wearing and what every little detail and
And visualize yourself winning, you know, like what are you gonna do after you know?
you just project it in it and it happens and I've always kind of like
Set goals for myself. That's a huge one set the goal of like what do you really want to do?
Like what's what is it in the end for me? I would always set up like a fun goal and then like a serious goal
You know, even those slight step backs are actually you know to leap forward in a way, you know
Cuz how are you gonna know where you lay in the whole?
You know field of things and what's going on is to take a step back and then go okay you reassess refocus
You know, and I've been to contests before where I really wanted to win
I put everything on the line for that event
And I didn't win and I went like man you put too much pressure on it. You know, you did this you did that
I you know, there's such thing as over practicing too, you know, a lot of guys show up at the competitions and they
You know, there's two hours to ride they ride from there
The first one there at the gate they ride two hours and then you know the Atlanta there run, you know
15 perfect runs and then they get to the contest and they fall I'm like, yeah
Cuz even you just nailed it 15 - you know, it's like rolling dice. You're gonna hit
seven, but you're gonna crap that and and
You know like save it for the for the real contest like, you know, you got it
You got a you know be your own friend in that that's area
In that in that moment of like well, I put in the work and it's the actual like that's what you're going for
And yeah
you said in business you can fail here and there and it's the same idea of like trying something over and over and just
Finally cracking the code on it. And then once you get that win you get that experience and know that you can't succeed
it's it's that that like I said in competition that seed of doubt goes away and
You show up to win every time it just that's the only option, you know
And and and once that's the only option it's even more obtainable
You know you have that in you and
Projecting that positive thing always just leads to the better outcomes either way
you know and and and even with pressure as well when when people say like how do you deal with the pressure and
I'm just so thankful for the pressure, you know
Like they're like everybody thinks you're gonna win the Olympics and I go well if everybody thinks I'm gonna win
That's great. Like that's that's a lot of people believing in me thinking that I can do it
Hey, maybe I just might be able to do it
You know if you instead of letting it weigh me down like oh my God
All these people are expecting this for me and and I'm expecting this from myself and it's just too much
I can't hit like no, it's such a it's a blessing. It's a great thing to have people
Counting on you and needing that and it's all kind of leading up to that sort of like, you know
You can win you've felt it before you you know, what's obtainable everybody else believes in you?
It's like you're team rather than letting it weigh you down
So if you can kind of put that subtle spin on things and use it to your advantage. It's always a better scenario
and you keep trying to better your craft and
And then within that there's a team element got to know your strengths and your weaknesses
It's kind of like knowing yourself as well and knowing your strengths and your weaknesses and and kind of sticking to that
What are you really good at? And what are you not and and
Being real and honest with yourself about it. There's a difference between like working hard
It's something that you're not good at and forcing it and that's kind of the inner question. You have to ask
Positivity can change the outlook of your whole day your productivity increased work rate
increases where your life falls into place with one switch of
perspective one change of attitude on just one day can change your whole future
Your future is in your hands and this is what you can achieve
Just keep going
When it hurts, just keep going when you fail
Just keep going and when you fall just keep going when you want to give up
Just keep going when your luck is done. Just keep going. Don't stop. Just keep going
Don't wait. Just keep going
No matter what
keep moving
Stopping is for quitters if you lose
It's okay, as long as you keep going and as long as you keep moving
But if you lose and you stop then you have failed you're relentless
You will push push farther than before climb higher and crime the heights
You've not seen because progress is progress. It doesn't matter if you move forward ten percent or
0.01 percent as long as you move forward as long as you do this day in and day out because above everything else
Consistency is key. If you consistently take small steps one day you're gonna look back and see just how far you've come
Today can transform to become something with potential all it takes is a smile
Seeing life from a different angle you have this power now is the time to become someone
You know someone you trust someone you can believe in
Today right now is the foundation for progress
Progress takes you towards a future where you succeed succeed towards a life better than best
This attitude takes you to a place full of potential
This is the time to finally succeed a place full of potential
This is where it begins
You know
I always see those guys who come in to the gym and they work intensely for just one three hour session and then I
Never see him again. I see the guy getting up at 4:00 a.m. For a week
And then he never does it again
But the guy who trains one hour a day consistently all year
Beats the other guys the guy who wakes up at 6 a.m. Every morning
Consistently beats the other guy. It's about consistency
consistently moving
Little steps every day over the year. It's gonna add up
Small moves in the direction of your goal every day are going to add up light up your day
Become something become something of substance
Change takes work work
Hard work work that directs you towards your future fueled on success your success
For this to happen the work starts now your life starts. Now. This is where everything
finally falls into place
Everything defined by you and only you
Soon you're gonna be where you want to be, but you must keep moving forward
You can't stop and you can't stand still
You've got to keep pushing and you got to keep going and you have to be the clock
you're always running you are always consistent and
Constant, you're not a quitter. You are not a stopper
You are a winner because you never give up you will succeed because you're moving in the right direction
Take this risk for your future for a life full of strength a life with a future
That is worthy of your work
Yesterday I had a long
Time to think about my life
So I sat down and I wrote a list
Thought of all the dreams I've ever had from the earliest memory I've ever had and I stared at this list that I made
fantasy or not
so I made a promise to myself I
Knew I had to achieve as much as I possibly could I knew I could start today with a different purpose than yesterday
Do you know you're why?
Because I had everything I could ever need to check out these goals it was so simple, you know what it was
belief, I
Now had the drive the drive to make it through the list to take off each goal day by day
How about tomorrow? You make the same list I have
tomorrow before you even had the chance to wake up grab a piece of paper and a pen and
Basically write them down take the burden out of your head and then I want you to stare at them
Look at them face to face stand up to your fears
Use this list as your superpower
Every day look at this list to inspire you
Use this list to drive you forward feel the satisfaction of crossing them out ticking them off and completing your goals
Make this list your power the power that you need to succeed the power
You need to move so far past your potential that you become the person you never thought you could become
Make it past your fears make it through your boundaries make it past the rejection the regret and change
You are more than what you achieve
Because you are the person that has grown
The person with the determination to make it past the list you originally made to complete the goals. You thought were unimaginable
And that lights gonna get better if you believe it will
There just having that blind faith that you know, whatever is happening to you right now it's meant to happen for you
for a greater good and I know it's gonna it's tough right now for you to hear that but
You can you look at it two ways you can you look at it that this is like what was me?
this is gonna happen this happening to me and I'm going to
You know blame everybody else and respond in a way that's gonna make my life worse
Or I can acknowledge that I'm using the situation to become a better version of me to be able to help other people going forward
and I think with that it kind of gives you a positive approach to it where they can look at it and say
You know what? Like I'm going through this pain right now. I acknowledge
I'm going through it, but it's gonna be make me make me one hell of a man growing up and that
Ultimately is gonna save my ass, you know as I grow up
You got yourself here you're here right now and
you can you know man up and do what you need to do to get better or you can be a
Cry in the corner blaming everybody for your problems say what was me?
And I think sometimes in our lives when we're feeling that hopelessness
We're in that rat race of just feeling sorry for ourselves and saying your life is never gonna get better
it's tough and I think especially we don't believe have that belief in ourselves when somebody says I believe in you and you can do
It and I'm gonna help show you the way to get you started
I was like, I never had anybody do that to me before that unconditional love. I just felt like this void being filled
Whether we believe we can we believe we can't right
it's the same answer and for me, I always believed that I couldn't I'm not going to be able to do it on that and
Your your own direction
Your your own power and your your own beginning?
This is the power that you deserve and the power that honestly you should trust
Remember your life is in your control
not anybody else's a lot of people are gonna tell you to do this or do that or say
I'm just a part of my environment. That's not true in your hands
This very moment is your journey the journey that allows you to be someone fueled by your potential
Keep going. Keep going keep going. Now. Is it the time to wait now isn't the time to waste?
Let this be the power that takes you towards your success. This is the opportunity you've earned
This is the potential you've always had
step out of the crowd and step into your success and
I think in life we can't change the past right we can only learn and grow from it
So there's no sense in like harping on the mistakes. You made they're done
Like I always say fail more because if you never made a mistake
It means you never tried if you never tried. It means you never took a chance
That you never took a chance never believe in yourself. You never had faith and faith. We need faith
You need to believe in yourself and it doesn't matter how many times you failed
What matters is you keep getting up every day and trying again and that's what really is
Important knowing that you know each day you have an opportunity to change. Keep going keep going
Keep going
Take the risks that allow you to become something more that allow you to change your view on life that allow you to look through
a different pair of eyes
one that grants you the power to see something and then know how to change it to look at life as an
Opportunity an opportunity to feel like somebody new someone with the potential that to keep keep moving forward
We're not defined by our circumstance, we're defined by the choices we make in response to our circumstances
And I think people don't they don't like to look at pain. Like they don't people like you're afraid of pain
They don't want to be hurt they want to be coddled and they want this they want that pains great, man
And I think we need to change the way we view pain because pain
Can really be the catalyst for purpose. I mean you think about working out, right?
One of the things I love about Fitness is how it can be
Such an influential part in so many other areas your life. You have to fail to grow stronger
You have to fail to run faster. You have to be in pain
And so using that pain to get better and you grow from it
Graft until you feel pain
Rise from your toes up to the highest point of your head not until then will you know?
You've made it made it past the fear past failure and towards achievement
You are in the right place. Your place is here
This is where it all starts where your life finally falls into place where you don't just see progress
You become it. You have it you feel it within you this is when you know, you've made it when you know, you've grown
Trusting the process being patient if they're they're not seeing results as fast as they want
Quitting isn't gonna help them get there
So I just try to help them see that just change their mindset change their perspective be grateful
you know be as positive as you can be because I
Think positivity is one of those
It's like one of those buzz words now
I'd be positive be this be that
What you can't be positive at everything cuz there's some things in life that suck that you got to do look at be like well
I'm a hundred pounds overweight like that sucks
But I think the key is being
positive about the way you're going about doing things what changes things is if you're pessimistic and negative you're not gonna do and I think
So many people are afraid to look at themselves in the mirror and realize that there's a problem
like they realize that they're the ones complaining and moaning and that them being coddled and
Sugarcoating everything is the reason that they're not getting anywhere life
Reaching a goal sucks takes a lot of hard work
But not achieving the goal sucks even more. So choose your suck. Do you want to suck?
I'm not achieving it or do you want to suck by working hard putting in passion putting in?
Disciplined commitment and hard work and then achieving something
And that's how you build confidence is, you know tackling things
you never thought you could do trying things and failing and getting back up and keep them going and keep them going and
Like it doesn't matter how many times you get punched in the mouth it matters
How many times you fight back and I think a lot of times Tom like I love this analogy because it relates to so many
people in in a fight if
You and I were to sit here and I were just - you were to start punching me at random sucker punching me like when
I stand here let you beat the piss out of me like I would hope not right but in life
We went like beat the piss out of us and we make our circumstances even worse by
when a negative event happens we get depressed we feel pity for ourselves and we turn to quick fixes like drugs alcohol and it makes
our situation worse
so when you unpack the layer and you give that tough love of saying
You know what like need to change like you need to look at yourself in the mirror and stop being a victim
Stop blaming other people and take ownership for yourself and stop waiting for other people to fix your life
What is it that you're waiting for? How much do you want it ask yourself this what's more valuable?
Waiting or your time your power and your action
This is where your journey starts
This is where you grow grow adapt improve to become the person you admire
This is you. This can be you
Think our belief system about ourselves can be so like hijacked
Based on what people others say about us and then we start to believe it whether it's like, you know, you're ugly
You're a pussy. You suck. You suck. You're unathletic you're on that and then sure enough. It happens over years
You start to believe that about yourself if you have no confidence in who you are and I think the more you can own who?
You are and just chase after your own dreams and stop worrying about everybody else
Then those things start to become lies when people are say you know
What your pieces you suck when you know, if you know about yourself like that, that's not true. I mean, that's what self-love is
It's just really knowing truly inside of you who you are
Why thank you
I look at your why like why you're doing it cuz I think when you have a strong enough why like the what's in the
House becoming irrelevant you remember like why you started?
Because I think we spend so much time worrying about what everybody else is doing
We've lost track of who we are as a person right and just looking within
Whether that's in meditation or prayer or journaling to really figure out like the things we like the people we like, you know
where we like going and all that stuff and then
Kind of filter that into your life organically in order to get where you're going. You gotta know where you're at. Keep going
Keep going. Keep going. You have this power
Communicate your problems communicate the power you know that you have this is the beginning of your power the start of your progress
This is where it starts this is where you become something something better than now where you build a life for yourself
One where you hold the reins where you make the final cut where you have that power
This risk is what will take you in the direction where you control your life at last?
So you have to deliberately practice the weaknesses and make them as strong as you can
While also practicing your strengths and making those the top of your performance. Most people are too lazy to do that
They just want to practice everything or they don't want to even bother to figure out which piece is the most important
You have to dig the well before you're thirsty and you have to give without the attachment to getting something in return
so when people want to reach out
Stop thinking about what's in it for you
Start thinking about only what's in it for other people and if you don't worry about what's in it for you
You will find opportunities that come later down the line and to sort of illustrate this
when I moved to LA I had a toothache and it started to get more and more painful and it
Really was starting to just dig into my brain. I couldn't think I didn't have a car and moved from New York
This is pre uber I didn't have dental insurance because I was 27 and you know
Who cares about your teeth right you think about those later? I'll get new ones
And so I started to desperately call dentists and they were like look
I don't take new patients or I can see you in a week. Go to the ER if you have a toothache
And I'm thinking a week. I haven't slept, you know, this thing is killing me. So I post it on Facebook
And obviously I didn't have my privacy settings set correctly because of random stranger
Filled in the comment and said my aunt's a dentist near you. Do you want me to give a recall? I said sure
Yeah, so I went to his aunt the next morning before they officially opened got that thing drilled the hell out
Got it filled. She didn't overcharge me. I send this guy a message. Thank you so much. He goes, no problem, man
I don't know what you do
I heard you have some show that my friend likes
But I'm glad you got your tooth taken care of and I said let me know if there's anything I can do
He said well, I'm a graphic designer, but I'm working at a cafe right now as a barista
I would love to just not make another cup of coffee again, and I said well, I don't have any work for you
But I'll keep my ear to the ground said whatever you can do. No problem
I don't expect you to give me a job four days later. Another entrepreneur friend of mine
She writes me and says my web guys are blowing it. I keep firing them who can create good branding for me
I said I've never worked with this guy but here's a portfolio. He's a nice person
That's really all I can say that guy got a full-time job as far as I know still works there years later
designing websites and templates and themes and branding for this woman's company because he helped me find a dentist on
Facebook so if he'd been thinking, how do I get a job?
He would never have made that in to a dentist because there the connection the nexus is unclear the opportunity lie over the horizon
But since he was helping without the attachment or expectation of anything in return
He ended up finding an opportunity through me that I didn't know about and that he didn't know about
but you won't find those unless you were constantly reaching out digging the well before you're thirsty and giving without that expectation of
Anything in return? Keep going keep going keep going
we all have potential so
What's stopping you?
What we have to do is figure out where to
Channel it and what are those steps? There's no gatekeepers to capital anymore. There's no exclusive
Country Club or college or this or that and
We're all interconnected. So it doesn't matter whether in a big city or in Botswana. You can still reach six billion consumers
What's stopping you
That fear of bail
That oh, if I fail, what will people say failing is a great thing failing teaches you what doesn't work
Failure is throwing in the towel. So
you take that job to be secure you go for that big fortune 500 company and
Most unfortunate 500 companies go out of business. There's less than 10% of them
What's stopping you that's amazing statement of the original list. So it's not the security that's robbing ambition
It's the illusion of security of the Rob's ambition. So the biggest risk you can take in life
It's not taking one
If you're at that point where your middle career and you lost your job?
Or you're just out of college and starting or just out of high school
Go talk to senior citizen about what they really regret about their lives
And it's not what they fail that it's what they didn't try
It's the regrets of why didn't I so if you try something and you fail you learn a skill set for something else?
As people have problems in their lives and most people sit there and dwell on the problems or they relive yesterday every day you spend
Yesterday's problem you're giving up your future. It makes no sense. But if you say I have problems
All right. Am I unique? Am I the only one that has these problems and the answer probably is no, okay
So find a problem that a lot of people have
Solve it, and that's all the being entrepreneurs
That's all the business person is. The more problems you have in your life the more successful you'll be
What's stopping you dozens of your friends become billionaires? We weren't brighter. We didn't go to the right schools. We can't do anything. What happened?
The world changed. Well the world's continuing to change
We have self-made billionaires in their 20s happening almost monthly. They've the same 24 hours a day that you and I do
What are they doing different? What are they doing that can be learned from and copied and emulator to solve a different problem
And if you're not motivated by money
How to use these same tools to change the world because the world's got left
What else is a problem that you aren't identifying because you've accepted that's the way it gives that's way to always be
What are you passionate about and what affects the most people?
all the big
Famous people that you hear about, you know
Richard Branson and Steve Jobs and and and Zuckerberg and I read they're no different than you are
77% of the billionaires are self-made, so
You can achieve this now. It's not going to be easy. You don't just wake up on Tuesday and become rich on Wednesday
but it doesn't take any more effort than
going to a job that you hate and
Unless you believe in reincarnation you got one shot on this planet
one shot so
don't you want to make a difference don't you want to
Leave something behind and make the planet better than you found it
Why are you here? What do you want to accomplish with your life?
And it doesn't have to be being Rennicks and it doesn't have to be money oriented the same principles and disrupt you
You can change the educational system. You can change healthcare. I mean, I am humbled by what I'm seeing
People create around the world with so little but we are on this ball together
We can solve problems together. We can make a better future together. You know, it's an optimistic story
That you get to write your piece of the story. I mean
Why wouldn't people want to?
Push their potential so aim for the stars of you to make it all the way you made it to the moon, you know
I had and
Everyone should spend their time trying to be around people that you feel are smarter than you that doesn't necessarily mean more educated you
Don't have to be the best be the best of what you do or the
only one doing it because if you're the only one doing it to be the best and
That's a lot better than competing
And then at some point we become a national settlers that just settle for the way it is
we gotta get more of that pioneer thing because
There's so much abundance and it's not an us-versus-them
Everybody can benefit why wouldn't you want that? What's stopping you?
There's one way you should see life
Life is an opportunity you
Have this opportunity for reason that reason is to succeed
Succeed far past fears past doubts past your insecurities empowering yourself toward the finish line
Success can only occur if you put in the work
If your progress comes first
This power can take you towards the life more than normally more than worthy because you're more than worth
Now is the time to make this opportunity your opportunity is more than this
It's your potential to succeed use your potential use it as your superpower because that's what it is
Power power to succeed to achieve
How badly do you want something how much do you want it? There's only one way to get it's to work hard
Motivate your life toward a future where you can succeed where you can achieve
What's stopping you?
One mistake
Shouldn't hold you back for more than one day
The rise is the most important part of your progress the rise makes your future something different
It makes you you it makes you strong in the intelligence of that takes you to a power worth your future
and value this this
Moment of pain is not gonna last forever unless you let it last forever
You don't need this, so don't let it happen
Change your perspective change your mindset to something always willing to grow always willing to take courage
Make this who you are and make this worthwhile
this power that you have is valuable because your future is valuable and your potential is
Your more than you could ever imagine man. Your power is stronger than you could ever imagine
this progress is gonna take time but
This opening the work
This opening that you have in this moment. It's not always open. So
Take it take it right now. Take it now before it's too late
You're more than your last minute. You're more than your last minute. You're more than your last mistake
So respect the path, you're on take the journey become the path make this define you
Your future relies on this
So be this opportunity take the risk and become the person you want to be
You're there you're present. So act like it
You have this power to become something better better than ordinary
your progress never stops because the show always
Will go on with or without you life still continues the world spins and time still passes
This is your opportunity
Get prepared for the success
Get prepared for the progress
You can make this you make this power yours yours to keep forever because this is what you're gonna leave behind
This is what your legacy is made up of the moments when you get knocked down, but rise up over and over again
these are the building blocks of the legacy that you're constructing these moments when you push forward and rise up over and
Over again and that is what brings you to the place where you thrive the place where you thrive and become better
You're better than you think you are all you need is belief
The belief that you can succeed the belief that you can learn educate yourself
Your respect is worth something
It's worth your future and it's worth the discipline this opening that you have is so special. So take it
Turn around and see the other side of your story see the page where you're the star
Where you have the power and success you've dreamed of having?
imagine that future you
Have the power the power to push the part of you that sheltered yourself from this progress
That didn't allow you to grow and get stronger
you can be better you can change to be better to be stronger and
Become the person you need to be
Transformed into the person with respect respect for themselves respect for the decisions you make
appreciation for the progress you're making
How are you going to make this transition? Are you willing to change do you want to change in?
Order for you to succeed. You need to switch your mindset
You need to know that you want it be honest with yourself be honest with your mistakes
You have one tool it's called time
Taste the opportunity and feel the success feel the power rise above you you have this
Believe that you can know that you can be the person you want to become