It's been a long, tiring day, staring at a screen all day, working and not being able to meet friends and socialize with people on the weekend as a university student has definitely weird, and it's definitely taking its toll on me with the added stress off co vid and not being able to meet friends and meet people, even socialize with people in the same building as you add to that stress, and it's definitely it definitely makes it much more difficult.
這是一個漫長的,累人的一天,整天盯著螢幕,工作和不能滿足朋友和社交的人在週末作為一個大學生肯定有奇怪的,它肯定是對我的影響與額外的壓力關閉co vid和不能滿足朋友和認識的人,甚至與社交的人在同一棟樓的人,你增加了這種壓力,它是絕對的它使它更難。