Uh, so when you talk to my kids, Okay, at this point, since we've been working together since August, it really does feel like everybody is just really cool with each other, if that makes sense, Um, and I get to work with Michi, who as you guys know, if you followed me for a long time, like, you know, that means and I have been doing creative things forever.
呃,所以當你跟我的孩子們, 好吧,在這一點上,因為我們一直在一起工作 從八月,它真的感覺像 每個人都只是真的很酷 與對方,如果這是有道理的, 嗯,我得到的工作 與米奇,誰,因為你們知道, 如果你跟著我很長一段時間, 喜歡,你知道,這意味著 我一直在做 創意的事情永遠。