And I think for for most of the season, the finger pointing has been at the coaching and not the players, and it starts sometimes with McCarthy, you got to do the right things in terms of If you gotta call somebody out, you call them out, whether it's in the media, whether it's in the team meetings or something, because the best coaches don't wanna be your friends, they just wanna be your coach and get your playing better.
我認為在本賽季的大部分時間裡 指責的對象是教練而不是球員 有時從麥卡錫開始 你要做正確的事情 如果你要罵人,你就罵他們 不管是在媒體上,還是在球隊會議上什麼的 因為最好的教練不想成為你的朋友