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  • U.


  • K and U negotiators are to be given extra time to agree a post Brexit trade deal.


  • European Commission president or Zella founder Lyon said although negotiations with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had Bean constructive, they're going to continue talks on a free trade agreement beyond today's deadline.


  • Now, if they do reach a deal, it could avert chaos for a cross border commerce in the new year on Give Businesses the certainty that they're calling for this is what Ursula Funder line had to say earlier.


  • We both think that it is responsible at this point in time to go the extra mile.


  • We have accordingly mandated our negotiators to continue the talks aunt to see whether they reach a Nagre mint can be reached.


  • Even at this late stage, the negotiations continue here in Brussels, so a decision has been postponed yet again.


  • Now, as the hours tick on what was meant to be the final day of negotiations, we're gonna bring in our correspondents Marina Strauss in Brussels and Charlotte Chelsom Pill in London.

    現在,隨著時間的流逝,本該是談判的最後一天,我們將請來我們在布魯塞爾的記者Marina Strauss和在倫敦的記者Charlotte Chelsom Pill。

  • Welcome to both.


  • You're going to start with Marina in Brussels now, as Olof Underline said that they'll go the extra mile, so it's essentially another extension.

    你現在要從布魯塞爾的Marina開始,正如Olof Underline所說,他們會走得更遠,所以它基本上是另一個延伸。

  • Marina, that's correct.


  • And what?


  • What is interesting is that what we just heard was telephone line statement was also released.


  • This a common written statement together with Boris Johnson, and they both said they had a useful conversation on the phone.


  • So there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel because they apparently didn't leave in a big fight our or something.


  • Something like that.


  • And we hear also from peace negotiators from experts in Pressel's that negotiators made some inroads.


  • The biggest problem at the moment is the fact that the EU wants the UK to adhere to certain you standards.


  • If the UK wants Thio have, I don't have to pay for if the If the UK wants a customs free trade on the U.


  • K at the moment says they wanted to be Sauron, that's that's what they repeat all the time on why Brexit, if we have Thio, keep Attar to European rules, So this is one of the major sticking points at the moment.


  • Well, I'm gonna cross over now to Charlotte in London.


  • How has this latest extension gone down in the UK well, Pablo, Another deadline missed today.


  • Of course, there is.


  • Has long been fatigue here of these deadlines, coming and going The words of people that we've spoken to, they just want to see Brexit done now.


  • But there was a degree of optimism after that joint statement that Marina mentioned there was released by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ursula Funder line from the U Commission.


  • There were feelings that it looked like a deal could be done.


  • That, of course, eased concerns among many about the prospects off.


  • No deal.


  • The rhetoric really had been ramping up over the last couple of days on both sides about the prospect of that being the outcome of the talks just a couple of days ago, Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying that the likely it was very, very possible that the likely outcome of these talks would be no deal then some hope today, although I have to say that has then been dampened by a statement the prime minister, Boris Johnson, gave just a short time ago.


  • Asked about this possible optimism about a deal, Boris Johnson said, Well, if Ursula meaning us, LaVonda Lion is optimistic, then that's great But he pointed out that big differences still remain on both sides and crucially, he wouldn't be drawn on whether any progress has been made over the last couple of days.


  • Let's take a listen.


  • We are always happy toe talk on toe, make progress where we can.


  • I do think, as I say there is a deal to be done if our partners want to do it.


  • But we remain very far apart on the's key issues and you know what they are.


  • The UK can't be locked into the EU's regulatory orbit.


  • Andi, we've obviously got toe take back control of our fisheries, Uh, you know, for half years after people voted for it.


  • So those are those are the points.


  • I think that, you know, it's very clear what the UK eyes talking about British Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaking there.


  • Charlotte Clearly, huge differences remain.

    夏洛特 顯然,巨大的差異依然存在。

  • Does Johnson expect to reach a deal?


  • Well, as Marina touched on a short time ago, the fact that these talks today, this conversation between Boris Johnson Ursula von der Leyen, hasn't ended in a announcement of a no deal, it is leaving some people with hope the talks will continue as for what Boris Johnson things about the prospect off of a no deal, he said in that statement as well that it would have some clarity and simplicity if there was a no deal.


  • He stressed, the UK must prepare for that outcome and said that whatever happened, deal or no deal, the UK would prosper.


  • Charlotte Chelsom Pill in London and Marina Strauss in Brussels.


  • Thanks for that update from January 1st, British drivers on French or Italian roads may be needing some additional pieces of paper, a green insurance card and international drivers license, and the future off their health coverage in Europe is also still up in the air.


  • Not so happy holidays for sun loving Brits in Spain.


  • They will be thrown in with everyone else and must apply and pay for a long stay visa if they want to enjoy their holiday homes for more than 90 days because from now on, free movement won't be free anymore.


  • Meanwhile, EU citizens hoping to make a life in Britain will be faced with the points based immigration system and prove their words to the British state.


  • Bad news for British farmers desperately looking for help during harvest time.


  • Traffic jams at the borders will simply become a fact of life because goods entering and leaving the EU will undergo new checks and require lots off new paperwork.


  • So get ready truckers for those seven hour waits.


  • For these fishermen in the north of France, Brexit is bad news.


  • They lose unfettered access to British waters home to 80% off their catch.


  • That means their livelihood is at risk.


  • But British fishermen should not start rejoicing.


  • Yet most off their catch is sold on the European market.


  • It's all changed for bankers and brokers.


  • How much when and where they'll be allowed to work in.


  • The European Union will be totally in Brussels hands to avoid nasty surprises.


  • Many banks and insurance companies have already established illegal presence somewhere new European country.




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