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  • Look. At. That. What a waste. That queen, living it off the

  • government in her castles with her corgis. (and gin) Just how much does this cost to

  • maintain? The answer: 40 million pounds.

  • That’s about 65 pence per person per year of tax money going to the royal family.

  • Sure, It’s still twenty-three pence short of a complete shield, but it might be more

  • than you want to pay. Any after all, those are your coins. Why does

  • the queen get to steal them? Well, it’s a little complicated.

  • The story starts with this guy: King George the third, most well known as the monarch

  • who lost the United States for the Empire. Less well knownbut far more interesting

  • is he likely suffered from a mental illness called Porphyria which has the unusual side

  • effect of transforming your poop from it’s normal boring brown to a delightful shade

  • of purple. But I digressback to the the reason the

  • Royals get tax money. King George was having trouble paying his

  • bills and had racked up debt. While he did own huge tracts of land, the

  • profit from their rental was too small to cover his expenses.

  • He offered a deal to parliament: for the rest of his life he would surrender the profits

  • from the rents on his land in exchange for getting a fixed annual salary and having his

  • debts removed. Parliament took him up on the deal, guessing

  • that the profits from the rents would pay off long-term.

  • Just how well did parliament do? Back to the present let’s compare their profits and

  • losses by using a tenner to represent 10 million pounds.

  • The cost to maintain the royal family today is 40 million pounds per year.

  • But the revenue paid to the UK from the royal lands is 200 million.

  • 200 million in revenue subtract 40 million in salary costs equals 160 million pounds

  • in profit. That’s right: The United Kingdom earns 160

  • million pounds in profit, every year from the Royal Family.

  • So stop all your moaning about the Royal family and how much they cost and how worthless they

  • are. The Royal Family is Great for Great Britain. Doing the individual’s math again:

  • 160 million pounds divided by 62 million people is about 2 pounds and 60 pence.

  • Because of the Royal Family, your taxes are actually 2 pounds and 60 pence cheaper each

  • year than they would otherwise be. But perhaps that’s not enough for you because

  • youre a real greedy geezer. Why not kick they royals out and keep 100% of the revenue.

  • Because it’s still their land. King George the crazy wasn’t crazy enough to give up

  • everything, just the profits. But it wasn’t only him: every Monarch since

  • King George the third has voluntarilyturned over the profits from their land to the United

  • Kingdom. Again: Voluntarily. If the government stopped paying the Royal

  • Family’s living and state expenses the Royals would be forced to take back the profits from

  • their land. And your taxes, dear Monarchy-haters, would go UP not DOWN.

  • Plus 160 million is just the easily measurable money the United Kingdom makes from the royal

  • family. Don’t forget their huge indirect golden

  • goose: tourists. Annoying though they might be to the locals

  • by blocking the tube and refusing to stand on the right, they dump buckets of money on

  • the UK to see the sights, travel ludicrously short distances by public transport, and generally

  • act silly a long way from home. Sure not everything they come to see is royal,

  • but the most expensive stuff is. And who are the biggest spenders? The Yanks.

  • After theyve finished buying maple syrup & cheap, pharmaceuticals, Tijuanaian professional

  • services & illegal pharmaceuticals, where do they go next?

  • The United Kingdom. Americans fly across an ocean to see a land

  • filled with Castles that aren’t plastic. And why do the Americans think Frances castles

  • are so boring and stinky and the UK’s castles so awesome? Because real monarchs still use

  • them. The tower of London is so stunning to visitors

  • because the Royal Crest on the Yeomen Warders Uniform is real. It’s not a lame historical

  • re-enactment or modern LARPing. It’s the embodiment of the living, breathing

  • queen. Everywhere you look she’s sprinkled fairy

  • dust on banal objects to make them magically attractive to tourists.

  • 12 million of whom visit every year spending 7,000 million pounds.

  • Which suddenly makes those direct profits look like rather small change.

  • But perhaps you don’t care than the monarchs are a perpetual GOLD MINE for the UK. Youre

  • a Republican and you dislike like the royal family because of their political power. After

  • all, the government gets all its right to rule through the crown, not the people.

  • And yes, I’ll grant you that back in the head-choppy days of yore, this was a legitimate

  • concern, but the modern queen isn’t a dangerous political lion but a declawed kitten.

  • Her powers are limited to a kabuki theater act of approving what parliament wants to

  • do anyway. Remove the royal family from government and

  • fundamentally nothing would be different except now you wouldn’t live in the magical United

  • Kingdom but the rather dull United Republic of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • A.K.A URESWNI for short. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

  • But, maybe I’m wrongperhaps the queen is a political ticking time bomb, just waiting

  • for her chance to declare random wars and devolve parliaments for the lulz.

  • But until that day comes. God save the queen.�

Look. At. That. What a waste. That queen, living it off the


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皇室的真實成本解讀 (The True Cost of the Royal Family Explained)

  • 574 31
    Bryan Pai 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日