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  • It's one of our last shows of the year.

  • Can you believe it? I mean, it's been crazy.

  • I believe the end of the year is a great time to reflect on what you've accomplished and to take time to set your goals for the upcoming year.

  • So, with that in mind, we asked some of our friends of the show to share their New Year's resolutions with us.

  • Take a look.

  • My New Year's resolution is to finally change my passcode from 1-2-3-4 to 1-2-3-4-5-6.

  • To start reading the scripts in advance instead of yelling "line" on every single take.

  • I'm going to introduce my catchphrase, "You just got smooved."

  • Finally repair my relationship with Queen Elizabeth.

  • To grow my hair out.

  • But maybe I won't because I don't really feel like buying a brush.

  • To stop listening to murder podcasts like I'm doing research, and to just go for it, you know?

  • He deserves it.

  • To not eat directly out of the garbage anymore.

  • I'm inventing a new breakfast cereal called "Hunky Charms."

  • It's just for body builders.

  • I'm gonna add more apostrophes to my name, a whole ass-load of them.

  • Start trusting my instincts more.

  • To finally convince people to stop calling them [bleep] pics and instead call them screen peens.

  • To finally get my high school ex to unblock me on Facebook.

  • To stop ending fights with, "This ain't us!".

  • To finally ditch my childhood imaginary friend.

  • To create the American tuck.

  • It's simple: You tuck the front of your shirt in and then spill ketchup all over it.

  • Stop booking gigs on Cameo as Val Kilmer.

  • When I pull up somewhere in my car, I'm going to stop pretending to be somebodies Uber driver.

  • Stop calling masturbating to vintage pornography as getting into my "hot tug time machine."

  • Stop talking about farting on television because it's making my publicist really sad.

  • When the ball drops in Times Square, that I do not say that my... do that too.

  • I had a baby two and a half months ago, so my New Year's resolution is to play more golf.

  • To rip the FBI tag off my mattress.

  • All right, usually I don't have a New Year's revol--Ah, [bleep].

  • Apparently, I need to learn how to speak properly for my New Year's resolution.

  • Stop spending so much time looking at my phone in bed

  • That's the whole reason I bought the iPad.

  • Maybe make a New Year's resolution.

  • To stop with the resolutions!

  • Stop saying, "That's a no from me, dog."

  • Hire whoever's repping Kel.

  • To get some [bleep] sleep.

  • Happy New Year, baby.

  • Thanks to everyone who shared their New Year's resolutions.

  • I hope they all come true.

It's one of our last shows of the year.


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B1 中級 美國腔

名人的新年決議 (Celebrity New Year’s Resolutions)

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    たらこ 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日