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hey guys samuel and audrey here and today we're taking you on a surprise trip
so technically this was meant to be a surprise getaway for sam as a belated birthday celebration
but there was just one little problem issue is i don't love surprises i was trying to throw sam
但有一個小問題是我不喜歡驚喜試圖在 另一個小小的房屋日中
off the scent with another supposed tiny house day but with his mounting questions
將山姆酒 從氣味中去除,但他的問題
and growing suspicions about my lack of grocery shopping and getting the car ready for this trip
i ended up revealing the surprise the night before so i'm going to tell sam on camera because he's
been pestering me for days now i have been about where we're going this is what we're doing this is
a true story i found a luxury hotel in downtown toronto ontario that has a sale number one
and number two is offering free room upgrades wow okay so we are going tomorrow yeah nice and
when's the last time you were in the city three or four years ago now that the cat's out of the bag
let's hop on the go train and make our way into toronto for a fun couple of days in the city
oh that's a good price
well well welcome guys welcome back to toronto canada how many years has it been sam
太好了,歡迎大家回到加拿大多倫多, 自從我們到達市中心 已有 四年 了,山姆
four years since we made it downtown you know the last time we came here i think was when we
,你知道我們上一次來到這裡是我什麼時候來 的導遊會令人尷尬的是,
made our guide that would be embarrassing it's been a while that was before we like
距離 我們想要 去韓國 之前已經有一段時間了,那是
went to korea that's how long ago that was but anyways it was a really good ride
很久以前了,但是無論如何, 從布蘭普敦 坐車真的很不錯
from brampton what would you say like 35 minutes maybe yeah it was a short ride and yeah i mean
it was hardly anyone on the train yeah it was empty so yeah like 10 bucks per person we're
right downtown we arrived at union station now we're going to take you over to our hotel which
is just two blocks away very convenient because it is cold out so let's get going let's do it
well hello hello we made it we're here at one king street west welcome welcome that's the surprise
你好你好,我們做到了,我們在一個國王街西邊,歡迎光臨, 這是令人 驚奇的
hotel this is pretty awesome so the first thing i noticed when we came in here is the upgrade
that you got for us the second thing that i really like about this place already is the view checker
cool that is downtown toronto guys that's as downtown as it gets we are on the 27th
,是位於多倫多市中心 的視圖檢查器, 很酷,就像我們到達市區一樣,我們位於27
floor yeah i'm pretty high up yeah wow it's just crazy to be back in the city after so many years
room tour before we get the room super messy which always happens within seconds of our arrival i
figured we give you the grand tour oh yeah we have an uncanny ability to yeah i know even with
like a little carry-on suitcase you'd be surprised you'd be surprised so okay as soon as we step in
一個隨身攜帶的小手提箱, d感到驚訝,您會感到驚訝,好吧,一旦我們進入
we basically have this little kitchenette area we're going to be here for two nights but we want
我們基本上有這個小廚房的區域,我們將在這裡 住
to hit up some really good restaurants so i don't see us cooking no but if you wanted to cook have a
兩個晚上,但是我們想 打一些很棒的餐廳,所以我看不到我們不做飯,但是如果您想做個
self-catered vacation you could because you've got the the elements up here yeah uh what's this is
it an oven oh this washer oh wow a mini a mini dishwasher dishwasher that's really cool check
that out wow i've never seen one like that it's got a microwave yeah sink oh a fridge look at that
and they've got plenty of cutlery cups dishes plates whatever you could possibly need then if
you follow me we've got the bed queen size yeah that's an ice cream sized bed we've got a large
tv if you want to watch some movies chill out for a bit which we will be doing yeah yeah we
電視如果您想看點電影放鬆一下,我們會做的,是的,我們 應該看電影,這
should watch a movie something festive christmasy a nice little seating area over here and then we
是 一個節日的聖誕節,在這裡有一個不錯的小座位區,然後我們
also have a desk actually for the first time ever we didn't bring our laptops on a trip wow
實際上也第一次有了書桌, “ 不要 帶我們的筆記本電腦去旅行,哇
get away look at us we should have he's connecting huh disconnected no disconnecting for the first
,看看我們,我們應該讓他連接起來吧,第 一次 沒有斷開連接,
time yeah and of course the views they are pretty spectacular you can see the whole city
and let's not forget the bathroom i haven't even seen it yet oh cool sink large mirror they left us
shampoo body lotion conditioner the works lots of towels a little shower there lots of towels
yeah i'd say that's that's all we need for two days yeah and the plan is to eat eat
eat we're going to be at restaurant eat and don't forget the most important part repeat
repeat eat and repeat okay so this portion of the video is sponsored by glassesusa who have kindly
sent us some glasses to try on they have sponsored our channel before so whenever you see us wearing
our sunglasses or editing glasses that's where they're from so today they sent me two pairs
我們的 眼鏡時 太陽鏡或編輯眼鏡是從那裡來的,所以今天他們給我寄了兩副
sam and i actually placed an order for three pairs each but now with the holidays shipping
is quite delayed so i'm gonna show you the two that arrived first which are mine so show and tell
已經推遲了,所以我要向您展示最先到達的兩 副 是我的節目, 所以 告訴
so yeah their service is super easy to use one of the things i like about them is that you can just
upload a profile photo onto their website and then you can try on different glasses to see how the
shapes and colors work with your face and then if you require a prescription which i now do because
i went to the optometrist for the first time in a very long time but it is a small prescription
so you can upload that and also customize your glasses based on whether you want bifocal mirrored
polarized transition single vision you name it mine are just single vision nothing too fancy here
but yeah the first pair i want to show you is the ototo valitudo which i have right here in my hands
但是,是的,我想向您展示的第一對是ototo valitudo,我手上有
these i got um blue light blocking and i also put my new prescription on there
so these are the ones that i use whenever i'm editing video which we're doing a lot lately we're
catching up on edits so let me just come a little closer so you can see the frames i really like the
趕上了編輯,所以讓我走近一點,以便您可以看到我真的很喜歡 深色 鏡框
the dark rim combined with the gold i think it's super cool and it's also got a bit of
和金色 的鏡架,我 認為它非常酷,而且還帶有一些
tortoise so that's really nice and then the next pair i want to show you is the ototo stefano
烏龜,所以非常好,接下來我要向您展示的是ototo stefano,
these are my sunglasses and yeah i just thought they looked a little bit modern and futuristic so
i thought i would try something different because i tend to go for like aviator style or more of
like a round lens like john lennon style so yeah i thought i would try something different with these
in black and gold and i think they're really cool so yeah that's this pair and since my third pair
didn't arrive on time i thought i would show you my other pair of glasses i ordered earlier
眼鏡沒有準時到達,所以我想向我展示我 今年夏天 早些時候訂購的另一副眼鏡,這些眼鏡我
this summer which i have been using a lot so these right here are the muse brook line and these are
已經使用了很多,因此就在這裡,是繆斯布魯克(Muse brook)系列,這
basically my go-to glasses like i wear these every day when i'm in front of the computer doing emails
基本上是我的必備眼鏡,就像我每天在電腦前做電子郵件 或編輯視頻 時都戴的眼鏡
or editing video that kind of thing i really like these black and gold i seem to be drawn
,我真的很喜歡這些黑色和金色的東西被 黑色和金色 吸引住
to black and gold there's a lot of black and gold with everything i've shown you today but yeah i
just think they're quite versatile they work with different looks and yeah they're just really fun
so those are the three pairs of glasses i wanted to show you guys today so if you're interested in
所以這三對是我想今天向大家展示幾款 眼鏡, 所以,如果您有興趣
checking out some of the glasses that glasses usa have to offer we're going to leave a link
查看美國眼鏡必須提供的某些眼鏡,我們將 在下面的說明中
in the description below so you can check that out and i'll also mention that they offer free
保留一個鏈接 ,以便您可以查看一下,我會還提到他們提供免費的
international shipping and they also have a 14 day return and exchange policy no questions
asked so for some reason the glasses don't work out for you you can always contact them and get
that sorted so that's it for the little glasses fashion show i think sam is getting hungry so
獲取 排序所以這是它的小眼鏡時裝秀我想是這樣 你覺得 SAM越來越餓了
what do you think sam pizza time pizza time pizza time i'll see you later so sam this is the place
i have in mind for what do you think holy mole in a bowl it's naples-style pizza yeah i can't wait
我想到 的地方 ,因為您認為碗中的聖痣是那不勒斯風格的比薩,是的,我等不及
to have that i mean my goodness we got to try some while we were in halifax and that was such a treat
了,我的意思是我天哪,我們在哈利法克斯時不得不嘗試一些, 實際上這不是
actually you didn't no you went out for pizza on your own on my own date night yeah
一種享受, 您不,不,您可以在我自己的約會之夜獨自出門吃披薩,
yeah well you were doing something else and uh oh i can't wait to have some so yeah i agree so
ready for this it's called pizzeria libretto university and it's just a few blocks away
為披薩店libretto大學 做 準備,它就在幾步之遙,
so we'll bundle up and head on over waddle on over scarf down some pizza sounds good to me
so so we made it to pizzeria yes and the most fascinating part about this
所以我們做了是比薩店,是的, 整個用餐體驗中 最有趣的部分
whole dining experience is we're doing it out here in the patio yes they've just
是我們在露台上把它放出來,是的,他們 基本上
basically blocked this off with a tent there is no heating in here guys
只是 用帳篷擋住了,這裡沒有暖氣。伙計們,
we are braving the elements but has cut the wind considerably and we have this oh to keep our hands
warm and toasty you've got your gloves on right now yeah so you're doing just fine but for me oh
it's so nice i could almost roast a marshmallow this is this is date night during a pandemic when
you can't dine in there's only takeout or we're eating at like a super strange hour too it's like
你不能在 外面 用餐,否則我們“吃飯的時間也很奇怪,就像
just slightly after 4 p.m in between lunch and dinner so we're the only people here at the moment
午餐和晚餐之間的下午4點之後 一樣 ,所以我們是目前這裡唯一的人,
it's kind of cool so i want to show you guys the menu and basically they specialize in all kinds
of pizzas pizza napolitanas so yeah naples style pizza yeah the margarita the barata marinara the
各種 比薩薄餅napolitanas所以是那不勒斯比薩是啊瑪格麗塔的巴拉塔大蒜的
pepperoni i ended up going for the diavola exactly which is spicy salami mozzarella can't wait to
have that i'm fresh so hungry and you go you ended up getting the special oh a truffle pizza
有我新太餓了,你去你最終得到了特別的哦, 我們 的松露比薩
our server came over and told us about that truffle pizza and with all those good truffle
rver過來告訴我們那塊松露披薩,以及 我們在克羅地亞特別
experiences we had especially in croatia oh yeah greece and other places you're like you jumped
享受的所有美味松露 體驗,哦,是的,希臘和其他地方,您就像跳
on board that one yeah we're just we've placed our order we're waiting for the pizzas to arrive
and we're enjoying outdoor dining in the basically a canadian winter day the pizzas are here and they
而在基本上是加拿大的冬季,我們正享受著戶外用餐的 樂趣。 比薩餅在這裡,它們
look amazing i went for the truffle pizza with cremini mushrooms lots of cheese doesn't that look
awesome yeah it looks so good i'm so hungry it's just weather i know it's basically the
coldest day that we've experienced since you know winter from from earlier caramelized onions yeah
是我們經歷 的 最冷的一天,因為您知道冬天來自較早的焦糖洋蔥
how is that sweet cheese i'm just gonna i'm gonna go in with my hands here and they gave
us the chili oil yes so good so good oh we're also warming up by eating this too
it's functional wonderful um yours looks amazing oh my goodness look at this guys as much as i
want to eat it for the taste i'm also eating it to warm up as well check out these giant slices
look at all the different ingredients i have on here basil to the fresh onion to the tomato
看看我在這裡擁有的所有不同成分羅勒 ,神聖
that is divine i am in my happy place like what could i want to be eating more right now than a
的西紅柿新鮮洋蔥, 我在我幸福的地方,就像我現在想吃的東西要多於
warm pizza authentic naples pizza in toronto on a day when it's minus outside and we're
eating outside this is awesome and because sharing is caring we're trying each other's
what do you think of the the one i ordered yours is so good
so spicy it's so spicy and i didn't realize mine has like a fig a fig jam wow so it's like really
sweet yeah so this is a perfect contrast going from sam spicy to my sweet one it's
almost like a dessert pizza so which one would you choose between the two you like them both
yeah they're that good huh okay sam's gonna try mine i'm really excited to try yours when you
都是很好,山姆會嘗試我的。當您 談論果醬功能
talked about the jam feature oh yeah wow it's sweet tell me what you think we can do half and
時,我真的很高興嘗試您的 哦。是的 ,太好了,
half if you like it yours is like a dessert pizza i know yours is really good wow i wouldn't have
告訴我您認為 如果您喜歡它, 我們可以做一半和
thought to order one like that i was sold on the truffles that's what got me truffles for the win
oh it was cold oh my gosh i have no idea how cold it is outside
認為是為了一個像我在這就是讓我松露為贏 哦,是好冷哦,我的天哪我不知道它是怎麼外面冷
we're just not acclimatized to winter yet we we had extended summer weather just a few days ago so
我們只是水土不服冬季 松露賣 但我們,我們有就在幾天前,夏天天氣延長了,所以
but to console ourselves over this cold weather we stopped at a cafe so next door to the pizza place
there's a spot called cafe land yeah um so we got some cappuccinos cheers
有一個叫做Cafe Land yeah um的地方,所以我們得到了一些卡布奇諾咖啡的歡呼
and i thought i was getting like uh chocolate but it's a croissant with um nutella inside nutella oh
,我以為我越來越喜歡嗯,巧克力,但是那是牛角包,裡面有um nutella哦,
i think sam's gonna want some of that and then we have carrot cake sam got a little bit of carrot
cake with cranberries yes walnuts that looks very good and i think we're going to watch a movie and
just chill get into our pajamas warm flannel pajamas and enjoy but it was a fun evening out
it was it was a lot of fun it was so nice just to go for a walk to go have some pizza and chicken
that was so legendary oh it was it was also nice to see that we we talked to the person
,這是如此傳說中的哦,很高興看到我們與 服務我們 的人交談
who was serving us and they said they're doing a really good business with ubereats and other
,他們說他們在做烏賊和其他 事情上 做得非常好,
things yeah and they've also started selling their pizzas as frozen pizzas and supermarkets
是的,而且他們也開始以冷凍的比薩餅和超市的形式出售比薩餅, 因此
so it's cool to see businesses kind of like evolve and find new ways to get through these right
很高興 看到類似的生意不斷發展並發展壯大。找到新的方法來解決這些問題,
because because no industry has been hit as hard probably as restaurants i mean yeah so it's really
good to see that there's some restaurants that are able to enjoy this time we would be rolling
高興看到這次有一些飯店能夠享受我們會 在房間裡閒逛 的感覺
hanging out back in the room are we in the frame we are in the frame yeah we forgot to bring the
我們是在車架上 嗎? 是的,我們忘了帶上
tripod rookie mistake right there well we've got your glasses case acting as well as a rest
三腳架菜鳥的錯誤,我們的眼鏡盒和休息 艙都在 起作用,
pod there you go well you know what was one of my favorite things about today pizza aside from the
pizza which was amazing was just getting back into the warm building because i was so underdressed
令人驚奇的是 , 披薩剛剛回到溫暖的建築,因為我穿得太少了,
yeah i mean sam went out with like a flannel it's like minus eight outside i'm like sam are you
sure that's gonna be enough in all fairness it's a wool shirt and some people call it a shirt jacket
but when it dips to like minus eight minus ten yeah not quite enough not quite not quite enough
i wasn't it wasn't quite teeth shattering chattering chattering you know you go like that
是的,這是不 足夠的, 我不是,不是嗎?你走的
it wasn't quite at that level but it was getting there it's getting there yeah but you know what
before we left for the restaurant i turned on the heat like i put it up by five degrees so when we
got back it was nice and toasty and yes i borrowed a flannel so yeah we're nice and warm in here
just to have those cappuccinos and a little bite to eat and we've just been chilling and it's been
a lot of fun i'm really glad we did this we've kind of just been cooped up in basements and
small little rooms this year and so you know this wasn't like a a big trip or anything
小型小房間裡,所以您知道這 不像是 一次大旅行,
brampton is part of the the greater toronto area we live in the greater toronto area we're just
downtown right now but it is like a different world here yeah and it's nice to be able to
support some industries and businesses that are are really struggling in a responsible way right
now yeah generally i mean like just to be you know wearing your mask to be social distancing
but at the same time to sort of be out in the world a little bit
i feel like at this point i i'm okay with doing a bit of that yeah and one thing i've noticed
is that people are so appreciative when you go to their restaurant you go to their cafe
it's like you can tell that they're so thankful to have customers after like months of yeah just
,就像您一樣可以說,他們在經歷了幾個月的 肯定 之後非常高興能擁有客戶,
yes i i i i feel like this year has uh has humbled just people and businesses to their to their core
not only that but i think that there's just there's you know people are in the mind frame
right now that there's just there's a lot of gratitude just for you know just for being able to
to exist and to be able to continue your business yeah in a time like this a lot of people haven't
made it through so yeah anyways that's uh not not to be uh depressing or anything but i i just feel
like it was a trip that i'm really glad that we did good yeah i'm glad you're happy to be here
覺得 這是一個旅程,我真的很高興,我們做得很好是的,我很高興你高興來到這裡
because it is so hard to like convince sam to go into toronto that's why we haven't been here in
,因為它是如此難以說服像薩姆進入多倫多,這就是為什麼我們好 幾年
years because the idea of downtown you're like no well you know the thing is it's like when we
沒來過 這裡了, 因為你不知道市中心的想法,這就是當我們
are in brampton it is i think we've explained this in other videos or maybe even this one we're like
we've already completed a big trip so we're like getting caught up on rest editing yeah work on
just everything you can imagine getting caught up on uh so but it does remind me that like sometimes
i feel sometimes it it it's harder to get motivated to do something that's so close because
you take it for granted you can always do it you can do it next weekend you can do it tomorrow you
don't feel that sense of urgency and that that you know i can actually relate to that because
不會感到緊迫感,而且你知道我實際上 可以與之 相關因為
i remember moving to edmonton and i lived there for five and a half years and
the first time i went to west edmonton mall there's this incredible water theme park there
and i'm like oh i've got to go there i've got to do this and somehow i managed to put it off so
much that i never actually went the whole time the whole time i lived there i didn't make it to the
to the water theme park so yeah it was just it was always available i could do it tomorrow i could do
it next week i could do it the week after it just never happened never in five years yeah unless
you have a date and a time and you turn it into a priority yeah it doesn't doesn't happen you know
that's actually one trip that i really want to do with sam that we've kind of been talking about
i'd say for the past year and a half or two going back to alberta and like just reliving your life
我要說過去一年半回到阿爾伯塔省,就像在 15年前 重溫你的生活
there what like 15 years ago yeah i mean gosh i left in 2005 okay it was a little while ago
i feel a little old right now yeah no but like i love to see like where you live where your old
apartment was where you went to university where you worked i can tell you that my
my time in edmonton was it was the place the the city that kind of exposed me to the world and to
the idea of traveling and to trying new foods it was the first place it was the first city where i
tried sushi where i tried thai food where i tried indian food all kinds of different cuisines korean
it's just like uh it's a phenomenal foodie city like i i don't just mean that like as a as a small
compliment like it might be one of the best cities for food i've ever been to you could eat whatever
讚美一樣,可能是我去過的最好的食物城市可以吃任何 你想要的 東西
you wanted basically there was a great chinatown as well too i remember having this like amazing
ginger beef where i would like jog 30 minutes just to go get it going yeah it was that good
薑牛肉,我想慢跑30分鐘就可以了,是的 無論如何,去埃德蒙頓和附近的埃德蒙頓
anyways yeah be cool to go to edmonton and also nearby edmonton we never made it to jasper we
都是不錯的 選擇,我們從來沒有去過碧玉,我們
never made it to places i like how you're saying we and i wasn't even a part of the picture
從來沒有去過那裡,我從來沒有去過我喜歡你在說我們的地方,而且我甚至都不是 15年前
15 years ago oh no but i mean i mean i'm actually talking i'm talking about our trip we did a year
的照片的一部分 哦,不但是我的意思是我實際上是在說我在談論我們的旅行ID一年
and a half ago oh okay we didn't we didn't we didn't get any further than uh than banff
and um there's plenty to see as you go north of banff getting all the way up to jasper in fact
some people say that's the nicest part of alberta so if we get the chance we will go there we'll
also go to calgary too there's plenty to see in alberta and i'd love to show you more of bc my
還將去卡爾加里,在艾伯塔省也有很多景點,我很想向您展示我的 家鄉
home province because i actually haven't done that much on the mainland yeah i like studying
卑詩 省 更多, 因為我實際上已經在大陸上沒有做很多事情,是的,我喜歡研究
how this has turned into like a travel planning session and hey since we enjoyed nova scotia so
much let's go visit the annapolis valley and the south shore yeah i know there's a lot and
newfoundland too while we're at it yeah so that's just that's just like the wanderlust in our brains
紐芬蘭是的,這 基本上 就像我們大腦中的旅行癖,
basically yeah honestly we we did not expect to be in canada this year at this point in the year
um like everyone everyone's had like a wrench thrown in their plans but we're we're rolling
with it we're rolling with it we're getting to know our country we are and we're catching up
on we're getting to know our basements i've been redecorating our apartment um so yeah that's just
kind of a life at the moment i'm really excited for tomorrow tomorrow we're going to be trying to
uh basically create a perfect day here in toronto yeah perfect and you know what the temperature's
going up at like what 15 degrees yeah tomorrow it's gonna be 12 degrees and i have above the
在上升什麼,例如15度,是的,明天將是12度,而我 在山姆
perfect day for sam so i'm going to show you what that's all about there'll be food there'll
的 完美一天 之上, 所以我將向您展示食物的全部內容,還有
be adventures we'll actually do a lot more in the city tomorrow yes so uh please stay tuned for that
yeah we hope you guys enjoyed this video and we'll see you soon with tomorrow's adventure sounds good
thanks again for watching if you'd like to check out today's video sponsor glasses usa
you'll find their link in the description below we'll see you in the next video as i plan
sam's perfect day in toronto featuring a hearty breakfast
beautiful views of the city skyline an island adventure and some ice skating see you next time