字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 there wasn't much to be married about. 沒有什麼可結婚的。 In the latest US jobs report, hiring slowed sharply in November. 在最新的美國就業報告中,11月的招聘人數大幅放緩。 Employers adage is 245,000 workers. 僱主的廣告是24.5萬名工人。 That's the lowest rate of new hires in six months, according to Labor Department data released Friday. 根據勞工部週五公佈的數據,這是6個月來新員工的最低比率。 Throw in November's paltry employment gains and America has yet to recover around 10 million jobs lost during the health crisis. 拋開11月微不足道的就業增長,美國還沒有恢復在健康危機中失去的約1000萬個工作崗位。 The closely watched numbers also showed a surge in the number of Americans who are experiencing long periods of unemployment. 密切關注的數據還顯示,正在經歷長期失業的美國人數量激增。 3.9 million. 三百九十萬。 That's the number of Americans reported as being unemployed for 27 weeks or longer. 這是報告失業27周或以上的美國人數量。 Another grim number. 又是一個嚴峻的數字。 6.7 million. 670萬。 That's how many people working part time but would rather be working full time. 這就是多少人做兼職卻寧願做全職的原因。 The slowdown in hiring is the clearest signal of an economic rebound that has stalled. 招聘速度放緩是經濟反彈停滯的最明顯信號。 Economists like Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics are calling on the federal government to step up. 穆迪分析公司的馬克-贊迪等經濟學家呼籲聯邦政府加大力度。 Congress and the Trump administration to come together sign a piece of legislation that will provide additional help to the economy. 國會和特朗普政府將共同簽署一項立法,為經濟提供額外幫助。 Soem, or unemployment insurance help for renters who haven't been able to make their rent and face eviction when the eviction moratorium ends at the end of the year. Soem,或者說是失業保險的幫助,為那些沒有能力支付房租的租房者提供幫助,並在今年年底暫停驅逐期結束時面臨驅逐。 More money for small businesses through the paycheck protection program helped Thio the airlines, who obviously were struggling more money for testing, tracing PPE help for food. 通過工資保護計劃為小企業提供更多的資金幫助Thio航空公司,他們顯然正在努力爭取更多的資金用於測試,追蹤PPE幫助食品。 And, you know, the snap program. 而且,你知道,快照程序。 We've seen all these long lines that, uh, for people lining up trying to get help for food so I could go on and on on. 我們已經看到了所有這些長隊,呃,為人們排隊 試圖獲得幫助的食物,所以我可以去和上。 But all those things need funding, and they need funding quickly because all of the support the government has provided eyes now, uh, pretty much gone played out. 但所有這些事情都需要資金,他們需要資金迅速 因為所有的支持 政府已經提供的眼睛現在,呃,幾乎走了發揮出來。 The pressure is mounting on Congress to come up with another economic stimulus package to prevent the economy from slipping back into recession. 國會面臨的壓力越來越大,要求國會拿出另一個經濟刺激方案,以防止經濟重新陷入衰退。 We with new state restrictions put in place as new infections, hospitalizations and death rates skyrocket and time is running out. 我們與新的國家限制放在地方,因為新的感染,住院和死亡率飆升,時間已經不多了。 Jobless assistance for millions of Americans is set to expire just after Christmas. 數百萬美國人的失業援助將在聖誕節後到期。
B1 中級 中文 失業 資金 幫助 經濟 國會 招聘 疫情肆虐,美國招聘人數創六個月新低 (U.S. hiring hits six-month low as pandemic rages) 10 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 12 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字