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  • now it is not the end off the fight.


  • Those are the words of the leading pro democracy activist, Joshua Wong, who has just been sentenced to jail along with two fellow activists in Hong Kong.


  • The courthouse where their sentence here it is now all very quiet.


  • There was quite a hubbub.


  • A short while ago is Joshua Wang was sentenced 2 13.5 months, Agnes Chow to 10 months and Ivan Lamb to seven months in prison.

    不久前是Joshua Wang被判2個13.5個月,Agnes Chow被判10個月,Ivan Lamb被判7個月。

  • All three of them did plead guilty last week to charges related to a siege off the police headquarters.


  • During last year's huge pro democracy protests, they avoided tougher sentences.


  • Those the charges were lodged before China introduced its tough national security law in Hong Kong.


  • Under the terms of those laws that could have been jailed for life well, Martin Yip in Hong Kong gave me this update.


  • Magistrate Wong C.


  • Lie has been describing the three defendants role in this incident, which took place on the 21st off June 2019 in her judgment, and she described your show on as, uh, actively organizing this whole protest outside off the police headquarters non stop and she said she believes Joshi wanted it deliberately on then.


  • As for at the Shell, she all.


  • She also described her as an active participant in the event.


  • Uh, because off facts like holding the microphone for Joshua Wall as well as chanting the slogans, Uh, somehow an irony if you even recall what happened last year.

    呃,因為關閉的事實,如拿著麥克風 約書亞-沃爾以及喊口號,呃,不知何故一個諷刺,如果你甚至記得去年發生了什麼。

  • Many people called this protest since the beginning of last June as, uh, protest with no main stage, so to speak, which means it's almost leaderless campaign.


  • Yet today this And besides the fact that the three of them pleaded guilty to the charges, the magistrate also found them, uh, organizing the the protests, which some protesters might not agree.


  • But anyway, that's the verdict that we have from the courts.


  • So if they would have done it any time after the 30th of June this year, the real reason for me to repeat this state is the fairy day where Beijing's parliament's the Chinese Parliament has passed this piece of Hong Kong National Security law on proclaimed in Hong Kong, which talking to effective immediately if police would press charges on them Now if the event takes place any time after that day now and police choose to press charges on the grounds of national security, they might end up facing life imprisonment or even facing trials, trials in mainland China and present times in mainland China.


  • That's a huge difference from what happened when they take part in this rally last year.


  • Yeah, obviously, supporters of all three will be upset, disappointed, angry.


  • One might expect, under certain circumstances, Martin for them to want to come out and demonstrate.


  • But there are conditions attached to any gatherings at the moment.


  • Exactly that reports off around 100 people outside of the courthouse building showing their support to the three of them.


  • But yet the cove it 19 measures coronavirus, uh, measures has just been reset at midnight this morning.

    但是,海灣它19措施冠狀病毒,呃,措施剛剛被重置 在今天上午午夜。

  • We're now back to the stage where Eddie gathering off more than two people.


  • Two people will be seen as illegal.


  • So anyone who wants to come out to show their support would really have to think tries, especially when there are multiple reports emerging at the very same time that the government is about to announce, uh, increase off fine on the's covert 19 preventive measures almost like tripling the amount off fine.


  • Uh, that that could have drawn from these charges.


  • So it could be quite a quite a trouble for anyone who want to show their support to Joe Sha, Agnes and Ivan.


now it is not the end off the fight.


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