字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 when the plane touched down in Cambodia or Monday, it marked the start of a new life for Calvin. 當飛機在高棉或週一降落時,這標誌著加爾文新生活的開始。 Once described as the world's loneliest, Elefant, 36 year old has spent most of his life languishing alone at a zoo in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad. 曾經被稱為世界上最孤獨的Elefant,36歲的Elefant大半生都在巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡的動物園裡孤獨地度過。 He's now headed for a wildlife century in rural Cambodia, home to hundreds of other elephants. 他現在正前往高棉農村的野生動物世紀,那裡是其他數百頭大象的家園。 The American singer share, who has spent years campaigning for his relocation, was at the airport and see and rip toe welcome him. 美國歌手分享,他花了很多年的時間為自己的搬遷做宣傳,在機場,看到和撕裂腳趾歡迎他。 One of the vets from Four Paws, who accompanied Carbon on this flight, said he had been relaxed and even slept on the journey on the tarmac. 四爪的一位獸醫陪同Carbon乘坐這次班機,他說Carbon一直很放鬆,甚至在停機坪上睡了一覺。 His crate, which weighed more than 10 tons, was hoisted onto a flatbed truck and he was taken onto his new home. 它的箱子重達10多噸,被吊上平板車,它被帶到了新家。 Hours later, Carvin was taking his first tentative steps at the colon printed wildlife century. 幾個小時後,卡文在殖民地印刷野生動物世紀邁出了他的第一步試探性的步伐。
B2 中高級 中文 高棉 孤獨 世紀 動物 獸醫 大象 巴基斯坦孤獨的大象在高棉開始新生活 (Pakistan's lonely elephant starts new life in Cambodia) 25 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 12 月 02 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字