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Do you have any hangover remedies?
Not remedies, but preventions.
Drunk Abdul is really good at finding water.
I'm at a club, I just dance my way to the water cooler.
It helps that it's free.
(We asked 100 people to tell us their hangover remedies.)
Do you drink?
Uhm... well.
Yes, a lot. I drink a lot.
Jello shot queen, hey.
As a mother of four, I do drink very well.
Do you get hangovers?
A lot.
Oh, yes.
Oh, my gosh, yeah. I just had the worst not long ago.
I just experienced my worst one coming back from Vegas.
What did it feel like?
It sucks.
It's the worst feeling.
Literally felt like I was just gonna die.
It felt like my head wanted to fall off of my shoulders.
Do you have a hangover remedy?
Hangover remedy.
My hangover remedy.
Abstinence is a wonderful hangover remedy.
Don't drink too much.
I've trained drunk me to just chug a bunch of water before I pass out.
Take a couple aspirins before I go to bed.
Take the ibuprofen the night before.
Dude, kids. Having to wake up to take care of another human being sobers you the f*** up in like two seconds.
Do you have a hangover remedy?
There is no remedy.
Make sure you get the day off.
All that really works is just lying on the floor and waiting for the nausea to pass.
What's your hangover remedy?
I just let it be.
Just sorta wait it out.
Oh, you just sleep.
I just sleep, I love sleeping.
I feel like you have to eat.
Gotta force yourself to eat something that next day.
The sausage McMuffin, that has to get in you so fast.
That is the hangover remedy.
Do you have a hangover remedy?
Uh... Greasy food.
Anything greasy.
Something spicy.
Spicy ramen.
Literally pho and Vietnamese iced coffee.
Chocolate milk.
Raw fish, sushi, just stuff it in there, as much as you can fill.
It takes about two meals for me to feel okay.
Do you ever like, take a big s***?
Yes, I call it the post party poop, the PPP.
Do you have a hangover remedy?
Yes. Advil, a Hitachi and a joint.
Of course weed.
Marijuana cures hangovers.
I smoke weed and then I go to the gym.
I like to wake up and, like, workout.
You wanna get rid of your hangover? Start moving.
Working out, like, actually helps.
Do you drink?
I, yeah, I have a drink.
Have you ever had a hangover?
No, I don't think so.
I don't think I've ever had a hangover.
I've never been drunk, tipsy, none of that.
F***in' liar.
I don't drink that much.
I'm too young.
Just haven't felt it yet.
Wait, how old are you?
I'm 25.
It'll catch up.
You get some hangovers every once in a while?
I do yeah, they've gotten way worse with age, unfortunately.
No one told me that was gonna happen.
They're so bad now.
Two glasses of wine and you're hungover for three days.
Now I feel like if I look at vodka, like, I feel worse the next day.
You got any hangover remedies?
Call your friend and ask them to bring you some Pedialyte.
What is it about Pedialyte?
Yo, I don't know, it's electrolytes, like, it's all the good shit.
Water is the best remedy for anything, come on guys.
Just drink water.
Drink a lot of water.
A lot of water.
'Cause the whole hangover thing is dehydration, I think.
I dunno.
What's your hangover remedy?
More drinking.
More alcohol.
I've been told that more drinks help.
A shot of whiskey.
Get a Bloody Mary.
I don't really need that anymore though,'cause I'm just like always a little drunk.
Are you drunk right now?
I don't feel drunk, but like, if I were to blow in a breathalyzer some dude would be like, bitch you drunk.