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the village off Mangga, a jack, like many others across south Sudan, is underwater.
And for James Etienne and his nine Children, that meant staying at a makeshift camp for two months.
It is this water that you've seen here that has destroyed my house.
God, I have nine Children and they get sick with malaria.
There's no food and no good place to sleep at.
Ian and his family are among the 377,300 people displaced by floods and violence in Warrap states since July, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
根據聯合國人道主義事務協調廳的數據,伊恩和他的家人是7月以來瓦拉布州因洪水和暴力而流離失所的377 300人之一。
Nationwide, more than a million have been forced from their homes.
Oliva Cole has bean at the manga, a jack camp for a month and a half.
He says the humanitarian relief the receive is not enough and unable toe work.
His resorted to fish in the floodwaters to survive.
Moses, 80 and Paul is a coordinator off the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Warrap, staunch currency, February without foot that being being being being brought by the government or bythe humanitarian, especially WFP, then people will be stuff.
People will die upon them before the flooding, all producing south Sudan had already gone through five years of civil war, which ended in 2018 With a fragile peace deal, Attacks by bandits and ethnic militias are still come on, compounding the effects of the floods.