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the rate of new coronavirus infections slowed again in France on Friday, according to Health Ministry data.
The drop came a shop such as this department store in Paris are allowed to resume selling non essential goods this weekend.
But doctors at an I C U unit in Nice so it's running at double its normal bed capacity, department head Carol Shea says People still need to be cautious.
但醫生在尼斯的一個I C U組織、部門,所以它在正常床位容量的兩倍運行,部門負責人卡羅爾謝說,人們仍然需要謹慎。
E hope people are going to be responsible.
I hope we won't regret this lifting of the lock down.
E Shopkeepers are making an effort, and now it's everyone's responsibility.
E The unit is 90% full bed occupancy has fallen for the last two days, but it's too early to draw any firm conclusion that the worst has passed.
E 該組織、部門九成滿床的入住率這兩天有所下降,但要下定論說最壞的情況已經過去,還為時過早。