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  • Here's how to clean your Apple AirPods.

  • Let's start with the AirPods themselves.

  • Wipe them clean with a soft, lint-free cloth

  • slightly dampened with water.

  • Then use another soft, lint-free cloth to dry it.

  • Make sure not to get any liquid in the openings.

  • You can carefully dig out earwax

  • with the pointed end of a dental-floss stick.

  • This worked well for us,

  • but be careful if you're using a sharp object.

  • Apple suggests you use a dry cotton swab instead.

  • For AirPod Pro users,

  • you can clean the ear tips by rinsing them in water.

  • Just make sure you don't rinse with soap

  • or other household cleaners.

  • Wipe the AirPods with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth to dry

  • and make sure they are completely dry

  • before reattaching them.

  • To reattach, align the oval shapes on the AirPod

  • with the ear tips.

  • To clean the case,

  • use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth for the outside.

  • If necessary, dampen the cloth with alcohol.

  • Make sure not to get any liquid in the charging ports.

  • You can remove debris from the Lightning connector

  • with a dry, clean, soft-bristled brush.

  • If the inside of the cover needs to be cleaned,

  • you can use a soft toothbrush dipped in alcohol.

  • Do not clean the case with any abrasive materials.

  • Now your AirPods and its case are as good as new.

Here's how to clean your Apple AirPods.


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How To Clean AirPods

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