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you never know when disaster is going to strike, but sometimes cameras captured the drama and devastation.
Welcome to launch module dot com, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most dramatic footage of natural disasters.
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For this list, we're looking at the most extraordinary footage of adverse natural events caught on camera number 10.
The Great Miami Tornado tornado seemed toe love wide open spaces.
But in May 1997 on F one, tornado decided to march right into Miami as if realizing its mistake, the twister tripped lightly through downtown, bumped into a cruise ship, jumped over most of Biscayne Bay, flipped a car and then vanished.
The damage was small, but the apocalyptic images of a tornado looming amidst skyscrapers grabbed international headlines.
The noise waas something like, I never I never had something.
Of course, tornadoes don't actually prefer farmland.
There's just Mawr rural area in the world than urban, and the footage of the Great Miami Tornado was dramatic reminder that even tornadoes sometimes visit the big city.
Number nine Debris flow in green in Switzerland In August 2018, the sleepy Alpine village Granier in Shamus in Switzerland received an unexpected and decidedly unwelcome visitor.
九號 瑞士綠色中的泥石流 2018年8月,瑞士沙姆斯的沉睡的阿爾卑斯山村莊格拉尼耶迎來了一位意想不到的、明顯不受歡迎的客人。
It began as a rumble and was at first confined to a narrow canal but is shocked.
Onlookers watched and filmed the river of black mud, overwhelmed the channel and rampaged through the town over roads and into cars and houses.
The disaster came after intense rainfall from a sudden storm which had caused a river higher up the mountain to burst its banks.
There were no reported casualties, but ah, heck of a lot of mess.
Number eight Mount on TACA eruption When we think volcanoes, we think fire and brimstone rivers of lava and a rain of hot hell from above.
八號山在TACA噴發 當我們想到火山時,我們想到的是火焰和硫磺... ...熔岩河和來自上面的熱地獄雨。
Pyroclastic flows, however, which air currents of gas and volcanic debris are often much deadlier, rushing downhill at average speeds of 62 MPH and sometimes up to seven times faster than that.
In September 2014, as hiker strolled up mount on talking on the Japanese island Hondshew, a cloud of steam and ash suddenly exploded from the summit and unfurled across the sky.
The onrushing flow was captured by a documentary crew and by a hiker.
As he scrambled for cover, 63 people lost their lives.
The hiker here was one of the lucky ones.
Number seven Loma Prieta Earthquake on Tuesday afternoon, October 17th, 1989 thousands of baseball fans waited with bated breath in San Francisco's Candlestick Park for Game three of the World Siri's, while others watched from home on TV.
What they got was something else.
It was the first live broadcast of a major earthquake on national television.
I'll tell you what, we haven't heard.
A slip in the San Andreas faults triggered a short but powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.9 on the Richter scale, sending the Bay Area into chaos and leaving 63 dead and thousands injured.
Security cameras and camcorders captured the moment when the banal suddenly became the unimaginable, as shoppers dodged shelves and students were jostled in their classrooms.
Number six, the Chelyabinsk meteor Ah, catastrophe from space is probably the last kind of disaster you expect, but Meteors enter our atmosphere more often than we'd like to dwell on right dinosaurs in 1908 An explosion attributed to a meteorite over the stony Tunguska River in Russia flattened 770 square miles of woodland.
第六號,車里雅賓斯克隕石 啊,來自太空的災難可能是你最不希望看到的災難,但流星進入我們大氣層的頻率比我們想糾纏的還要高,1908年,在俄羅斯多石的通古斯卡河上空,一顆隕石的爆炸讓770平方英里的林地被夷為平地。
More recently, on the morning of February 15th, 2013, Russia was visited from space again, this time over Chelyabinsk mobilized in the euro region.
Multiple dash cams caught a searing white light trailing fire across the sky before it exploded in mid air, shattering windows and injuring at least 1500 people.
And then all hell broke loose, dizzying explosions shattering windows, knocking these office workers to the ground.
Number five, the Indian Ocean tsunami.
Propelled by a powerful undersea earthquake, the Indian Ocean tsunami devastated the coastlines of 14 countries.
It was one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history, with a horrific estimated death toll of 230,000 in parts of Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.
The sea first receded, enticing people to run out onto the exposed sand and reefs.
But massive tsunamis upto 100 ft high soon followed.
At some beaches, the first wave seemed harmless, but as they grew in strength, they inundated homes, hotels and streets.
Home recordings from the tragedy shocked the world showing people riding waves of debris or floating adrift in drowned cities.
Number four The California wildfires In the second half of 2017, the worst wildfires on record raged through California, destroying almost 10,000 structures and taking the lives of 47 people.
四號 加州野火 2017年下半年,有史以來最嚴重的野火在加州肆虐,摧毀了近萬座建築,奪走了47人的生命。
First responders caught stunning footage of the tubs and atlas fires as they drove through the inferno and fought the flames.
But some of the most memorable and frightening footage was taken by a driver on the Interstate 405 as December Skirball fire consumed the Sepulveda Pass in Bel Air.
但一些最令人難忘和可怕的鏡頭是由一名司機在405號州際公路上拍攝的,因為12月的Skirball火災吞噬了Bel Air的Sepulveda Pass。
The entire hillside seemed to be one glowing coal like a hellish mountain.
The fire burned through 422 acres before it was contained.
Number three Everest Avalanche In the wake of the April 2015 Gorka earthquake, footage from around Nepal showed temples toppled and homes reduced to rubble.
三號珠峰雪崩 在2015年4月高爾卡地震後,來自尼泊爾各地的鏡頭顯示,寺廟被掀翻,房屋化為廢墟。
Almost 9000 people lost their lives in the tragedy.
Meanwhile, on the roof of the world, even the mountains shook from the quake, sending an avalanche down from the peak of primary near Everest.
Hikers itself base camp heard the rumble and felt the ground tremble first before a massive blast of snow swept over them, Theo survivors emerged into a white world of tor, intense and buried equipment, with at least 19 people killed in the terrible disaster.
Number two.
The Mount ST Helens eruption.
The weeks long buildup of Washington State's infamous strata volcano in 1980 was slow and spectacular.
Blue flame burned in the strata.
Volcanoes, craters and lightning generated by static electricity arc through ash clouds.
The ground shook and steam hissed from the summit, but this was all just a prelude to the morning of May 18th.
In one unbelievable moment, the north flank slid away, triggering a massive VE I five eruption that tragically killed more than 50 people.
在一個不可思議的瞬間,北翼滑落,引發了一場大規模的VE I 5噴發,慘遭50多人死亡。
The entire mountainside seems to disintegrate and poor away like liquid in the largest landslide ever recorded and the most disastrous eruption in American history.
Number one the Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami footage of the Tohoku tsunami revealed scenes of unparalleled devastation.
Waves barrelled over houses and entire towns disappeared while boats and flaming debris were carried far inland.
Sweeping over northeast Japan, the tsunami took the lives of 16,000 and destroyed countless homes from above its dramatic, unstoppable advance had the horrifying quality of a nightmare on the ground.
People ran up hillsides to escape as streets became rushing waterways.
These apocalyptic scenes shocked the world, the result of an earthquake so powerful it shifted the planet on its axis.
New technology left an enormous amount of visual evidence for studying years to come and can perhaps help us better understand the power of earthquakes and tsunamis and prevent loss of life in the future.
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