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  • well good morning good morning friends good morning good morning from san

    早上好,早上好,朋友們 早上好,從San早上好

  • martin de los andes we've only got a few hours it's a travel day yes we started

    馬丁·德·洛斯·安第斯,我們只有幾個 是旅行的一天,是的,我們開始了

  • the day very early we've been packing up cleaning up and today we are travelling

    我們很早就收拾行李了 打掃,今天我們旅行

  • to Bariloche via two buses yes men once we get to Bariloche we're

    通過兩輛巴士去巴里洛切 男人,一旦我們到達巴里洛切,

  • staying in the outskirts in a place called Bariloche yeah we want

    住在郊區的一個地方 我們想要Bariloche是的

  • to stay somewhere nice and quiet right by the lake and this this fits the


  • bill actually a couple of our friends have been there already in Bariloche so we're

    賬單實際上是我們幾個朋友 在巴里洛切(Bariloche)已經去過那裡,所以我們

  • watching their videos and my gosh it looks incredible so beautiful so pumped

    看著他們的視頻,我的天哪 看起來不可思議,如此美麗,如此泵送

  • for that we are checking out of our Airbnb right here so we want to give you

    為此,我們正在檢查我們的 Airbnb就在這裡,所以我們想給你

  • a quick tour you know this is so what we always do but typical for money so yeah

    快速瀏覽,您知道這就是我們 總是這樣做,但通常是為了錢所以

  • Sam's gonna show us around it so right here we have your desk slash dining area

    山姆會向我們展示它的正確之處 這裡有您的辦公桌斜線用餐區

  • I mean we did most of our work on here mmm-hmm humming over here on the couch

    我的意思是我們在這裡做了大部分工作 嗯嗯哼在沙發上

  • mm-hmm this is where we watch Netflix a couple

    毫米-毫米 這是我們看Netflix的地方

  • times and then over here we had a nice warm heater heater always nice in winter

    次,然後在這裡,我們有一個不錯的 溫暖的加熱器冬天總是很不錯

  • because there's like about a 15 20 degree temperature drop any a sun goes

    因為大概有15 20 太陽去的溫度下降

  • down this was interesting we use this a bit too thin to dryer clothes there's a

    下來這很有趣,我們用這個 有點太薄,無法烘乾衣服

  • lot of natural sunlight lots of windows in this apart yes which we loved yeah

    很多自然陽光很多窗戶 在這分開的是,我們愛耶

  • see how this was like the living/dining area and then we had a nice little

    看看這是如何生活/用餐 地區,然後我們有一個不錯的小

  • kitchen over here a nice spacious kitchen we had a kettle we had a toaster

    這裡的廚房很寬敞 廚房,我們有一個水壺,我們有一個烤麵包機

  • bridge and yeah it came equipped with all the cutlery we needed oh and there

    是的,它配備了 我們需要的所有餐具

  • was another little desk I didn't show you guys that yeah we didn't really use

    是另一個我沒看過的小桌子 你們是的,我們沒有真正使用過

  • that one because this is the bathroom door and every time you open it you kind

    那是因為這是洗手間 門,每次你打開它,你都會喜歡

  • of like hit whoever's sitting there so big big double bed a single bed for I

    就像打坐在那裡的人一樣 大的大雙人床,我的單人床

  • mean if there were three guests over here a television which we didn't turn

    意思是如果有三位客人 這是我們沒有打開的電視

  • on once I see I really like the shape of the ceiling I like that it's wood but I

    一次我看到我真的很喜歡 天花板我喜歡那是木頭,但我

  • hated the carpet it doesn't feel like a carpet that's vacuumed too frequently

    討厭地毯,感覺並不像 吸塵過於頻繁的地毯

  • and I would get hairs on my socks that weren't mine not school

    然後我的襪子會長毛 不是我的學校嗎

  • let's go into the into the bathroom it was a nice spacious bathroom we got a

    讓我們走進浴室吧 是一個不錯的寬敞浴室,我們有一個

  • sack room tennis is the classic Argentine bathroom with the sink the

    麻袋房網球是經典 阿根廷浴室配有水槽

  • bidet the toilet and the shower slash bathtub yeah this place was pretty

    坐浴盆坐便器和淋浴斜線 浴缸是的,這個地方很漂亮

  • decent it was about four or five blocks from the center oh dude it was way more

    像樣的大約是四五個街區 從中心出發,伙計,還有更多

  • it was longer I would say it's like gonna walk nearly fell there it was a 15

    我會說那像是更長的時間 要走到幾乎跌倒那是15

  • to 20 minute walk to like the center of town yeah but the nice thing about

    步行20分鐘即可到達市中心 是的,但是關於

  • staying here was it was really quiet we had sort of mountain views as well yeah

    住在這裡真的很安靜 也有一些山景

  • see the the Sun coming out in the morning and um yeah our time just flew

    看到太陽從 早上和嗯,我們的時間飛逝了

  • by here yes we gotta get cracking we got a taxi to catch onwards we go buddy

    到這裡,是的,我們一定要破解 出租車趕上我們去哥們

  • lucky me our taxi has left us high and dry kinda sucks cuz then we have to walk

    幸運的是,我們的出租車使我們離開了高處, 幹有點爛,因為我們必須走

  • into town like we went all the way into town last night so we could reserve a

    就像我們一路走進 昨晚的小鎮,所以我們可以預定

  • taxi they just never showed up so yeah the main street

    出租車,他們從來沒有露面,所以 主要街道

  • we're hightailing it and maybe we'll find another cab along anyway that is

    我們正在高尾,也許我們會 無論如何是找到另一輛出租車

  • the plan oh my


  • well I think we just completed maybe the most scenic bus ride in Argentina along

    好吧,我想我們剛剛完成了 阿根廷風景最美的巴士

  • Route 40 san martin de los andes DeBartolo take the bus terminal for

    40號公路聖馬丁德洛斯安第斯 DeBartolo乘坐巴士總站前往

  • lunch yeah we're back at the same restaurant eating the same thing behind

    午餐,是的,我們回到了同一個地方 餐廳在後面吃同樣的東西

  • we first arrived here you guys I've been chowing down on artisanal alpha whore

    我們首先到達這裡,你們我一直 on割手工阿爾法妓女

  • and it's delicious it's got white chocolate on the outside it's also de

    很好吃變白了 外面的巧克力也是

  • leche in the middle and chocolate cookie starting with dessert today

    中間的巧克力蛋糕和巧克力餅乾 今天從甜點開始

  • you go dry by then we've got them bananas this is lunch guys you should go

    你乾了就到了 香蕉,這是你應該去吃的午餐

  • to a restaurant for dinner yes we'll take you guys out for a nice meal for

    去餐廳吃晚飯,是的 帶你們出去吃一頓美餐

  • dinner alright guys so we had a super quick lunch at the bus terminal

    晚飯好傢伙,所以我們有一個超級 在巴士總站享用午餐

  • we just finished buying our sube cards this is gonna be to ride the bus and

    我們剛買完我們的sube卡 這將是要坐公共汽車,

  • yeah the journey continues - visa gum fun audio it's been a long

    是的,旅程繼續 -簽證口香糖有趣的音頻已經很久了

  • day of travel we were up early but I think it's gonna be worth it this

    旅行的那天,我們起得很早,但我 認為這將是值得的

  • guesthouse is like right by the lake and yeah looking forward to being there guys

    旅館就像在湖邊, 是的,期待在那裡

  • we made it - home sweet home for the next four

    我們做到了 -未來四個家庭的溫馨之家

  • nights this place it's so cool I'm loving it already

    這個地方晚上很酷,我是 已經愛上它了

  • Sam has made himself I did I was filming the whole time when the boss Balaji was

    山姆讓自己像拍電影一樣 老闆巴拉吉一直在

  • sleeping so know I'm sleeping well geez peppy it's so Airy - yeah we're just

    睡著了,知道我睡得很好geez peppy它是如此的通風-是的,我們只是

  • gonna rest a little bit and then we're gonna film a bit more show you around

    要休息片刻,然後我們 拍更多的電影給你看

  • here like I love the way it's decorated plus beautiful surroundings right on the

    就像我喜歡它的裝飾方式 加上就在美麗的環境

  • water I think we'll go for a sunset walk what

    水 我想我們去日落散步

  • do you think yeah sunset groceries nice and toasty here yes sir and then siesta

    你認為是日落雜貨好嗎 然後在這裡敬酒,先生,然後午睡

  • or poor Sam Sam needs this yes - look at that thing

    還是可憐的山姆山姆需要這個-看 那個東西

  • it all says I went to bed custom in I think I got up at 5 or something so yeah

    都說我去睡了 以為我五點起床

  • I'm tired man we'll see you guys in a bit

    我很累的人,我們會在 一點

  • so time for our second room tour of the day how lucky are you

    所以我們第二個房間參觀 那天你有多幸運

  • let's show it to you now while it's tidy clean

    現在讓它展示給您看 清潔

  • another benefit filming indeed the room yeah love it massive bed that is a

    拍攝房間的另一個好處 是的,我愛它是一張大床

  • king-size bed the first one we've had an Argentine I would say the biggest bed

    特大號床我們有第一個 我要說阿根廷最大的床

  • we've had so far yeah yeah and also I really like the the headboard that's

    我們到目前為止已經是了,我也是 真的很像床頭板

  • like all the wood color here the browns the oranges is earthy

    像所有木頭一樣 這裡的褐色橘子是土狀的

  • isn't it earthy feels rustic rugged I love the

    是不是 土黃色感覺鄉村崎I我喜歡

  • floors creak it is slightly creepy there were creaking the whole yeah yeah

    地板吱​​吱作響,有點令人毛骨悚然 整個人都在吱吱作響

  • this place has character for sure they did four on each side of the bed there's

    這個地方肯定有特色 床的每一側有四個

  • one there's one there and then there's one right there

    一個在那裡,然後一個 一個在那裡

  • so why don't we show you the bathroom next sure so that is divided into two

    那為什麼不給你看洗手間 接下來確定,所以分為兩個

  • separate rooms and this one we have sink bidet toilet

    獨立的房間,這是我們的水槽 坐浴盆

  • the trio very important Argentine trio yeah again like furnishing the furniture

    這三人非常重要阿根廷三人 是的,就像家具擺設一樣

  • yeah would ya and stone yeah like bamboo or cane yeah it's

    是的,你會和石頭 是的,像竹子或甘蔗,是的

  • really cool I like it and in the next room over this is where the fan turns on

    真的很酷,我喜歡它,接下來 上方的房間是風扇打開的地方

  • I also found sounds baseball hi oh thank you but I'm uh still knocked my head

    我也發現了棒球的聲音嗨,謝謝 你,但我還是敲我的頭

  • this one it's just the shower yeah the shower room got your shampoo

    這只是淋浴 是的,淋浴房洗了洗髮水

  • body wash or conditional I didn't notice the towels this towel oh look at this

    我沒注意到的沐浴露或有條件的 毛巾這條毛巾哦看這個

  • things to hang your toes are like stones to hang up your toes well I mean like so

    腳趾掛的東西就像石頭 很好地掛起腳趾,我的意思是這樣

  • many decorating ideas being in here oh speaking of decorating ideas look at

    很多裝飾的想法都在這裡哦 說到裝飾的想法看

  • this Audrey so big you won't be crowding me for once

    這麼大的奧黛麗,你不會擁擠 我一次

  • yeah actually decided to have dinner here yes yes breakfast is included but

    是的,實際上決定去吃晚飯 是的,這裡包括早餐,但是

  • you can pay if you want to eat dinner here yeah we have a menu with a few

    如果你想吃晚餐,你可以付錢 是的,我們有一些菜單

  • different options and you just choose what you feel like having that day I

    不同的選項,您只需選擇 你有那天我的感覺

  • went for lasagna you went for trout ravioli I did so we'll show you that

    去了烤寬麵條,你去了鱒魚 我做了餛飩,所以我們會告訴你

  • it's gonna be ready at 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Argentine dying time yeah and they have

    它將在晚上8點準備好8點 阿根廷快要死了,他們有

  • a nice menu they have about four or five means and I think you can order that

    一個不錯的菜單,他們大約有四五個 手段,我想你可以訂購

  • every single night yeah I don't think there's tons of restaurant options just

    每天晚上,是的,我不認為 那裡有很多餐廳選擇

  • a few more one high-end restaurant around here but it's closed

    幾家高檔餐廳 在這裡,但是已經關閉

  • I think Tuesday Wednesday today's so yeah we can't go there tonight but

    我認為今天星期二星期三 所以是的,我們今晚不能去那裡,但是

  • maybe we'll check it out while we're here so yeah I'm really happy here and

    也許我們會在 在這裡,是的,我真的很高興

  • now we're gonna head down to the leap watch sunset yep

    現在我們要出發了 看日落是的

  • until it's dinner time and maybe to our buddies

    直到晚餐時間,也許到我們 夥伴

  • Greg Snell and bbs Brendon Manson because they stayed here and like I

    Greg Snell和bbs Brendon Manson 因為他們住在這裡,就像我一樣

  • remember watching their videos three years ago seeing this place and thinking

    記得看他們的錄像三 多年前看到這個地方並思考

  • wow it looks really cool and then when we were browsing for accommodations we

    哇,看起來真的很酷,然後當 我們正在尋找住宿我們

  • came across the same guest house yeah and we were scrolling through the photos

    碰到同一家旅館是的 我們正在瀏覽照片

  • and we saw one of her friends and like the photos yeah so then we certainly we

    我們看到了她的一個朋友,喜歡 照片是的,所以我們當然可以

  • search for their videos watch them the interesting thing is that Greg was

    搜索他們的視頻,觀看他們的 有趣的是,格雷格

  • friends with the Argentine guy a few years ago and he told Greg at the time

    和阿根廷人的朋友 多年前,他當時告訴格雷格

  • he was he wanted his dream was to start some kind of a hotel or hostel in

    他是他想要他的夢想是開始 某種旅館或旅館

  • Patagonia and he had manifested that so cool very cool very cool

    巴塔哥尼亞,他已經表明了這一點 酷很酷很酷

  • we are now walking down to the beach sure is people canoeing yeah yeah

    我們現在正走到海灘 人們肯定會劃獨木舟嗎

  • kayaking it nice nice it's like the beach it's right at our doorstep

    皮划艇很好,很好,就像 海灘就在我們家門口

  • essentially like perfect perfect location and I was just telling Sam like

    本質上就像完美 位置,我只是告訴山姆喜歡

  • I really become the kind of person who enjoys small little towns peaceful quiet

    我真的成為那種 享有小城鎮和平寧靜

  • places close to nature I don't need to be in a big city to be happy I prefer my

    我不需要靠近大自然的地方 在大城市裡快樂我更喜歡我

  • mountains lakes rivers forests what a beautiful time to be out on the water

    山湖泊河流森林什麼 美好的時光在水面上

  • what do you think of this place oh it's incredible what a nice quiet area like

    您如何看待這個地方 令人難以置信的是一個什麼樣的安靜區域

  • outside of Barlow chase this is exactly how I want to be spending kind of my

    在巴洛追逐之外,這正是 我想如何花些錢

  • last few days in in Patagonia to be honest out in nature

    在巴塔哥尼亞的最後幾天 誠實自然

  • welcome to the bar it's an honesty bar so you help yourself

    歡迎來到酒吧,這是一個誠實酒吧 所以你幫自己

  • price is all listed here then you scribble it in the notebook room number

    價格都在這裡列出,那麼你 在筆記本的房間號上寫

  • we're all good so I'm gonna have some wine

    我們都很好,所以我要一些 葡萄酒

  • the bread is here


  • good wine over there huh glass delicious really this is gonna be a wonderful meal

    那邊的好酒吧玻璃美味 真的,這將是一頓美餐

  • they agree look great with oregano yes a little bit of olive oil on top what a

    他們同意與牛至一起看起來很棒 上面放一點橄欖油

  • dip that's enjoy what are you having over

    蘸 享受你所經歷的一切

  • there yeah flapping your fingers like flopping like a burden lasagna know what

    是的,拍動你的手指就像 像負擔千層面那樣失敗

  • for a veggie lasagna today it's quite nice it's got like eggplant and peppers

    對於今天的蔬菜千層面 很好,就像茄子和辣椒

  • and zucchini inside looted cheese whoo yeah stuff oh I approve

    裡面的西葫蘆和西葫蘆洗劫了奶酪 是的,我贊成

  • hey guys we have some amazing views of the lake right now I'm actually gonna go

    大家好,我們對 現在我要去湖上了

  • take some shots free from the window it's just too beautiful and you got to

    從窗戶上自由地拍些照片 它太漂亮了,你必須

  • live yeah I got the ravioli with trout Oh Gerald oh look at that

    是的,我有鱒魚餛飩 哦,杰拉爾德,哦,看那個

  • it really is stuff to my goodness and a cream sauce like there's a plum a

    對我而言,這確實是一件好事, 奶油醬,像梅子一樣

  • ravioli oh so much Cho will have to trade past us at one point

    餛飩哦,這麼多趙將不得不 在某一點通過我們交易

  • seriously this is half a half


  • it's not it's after a funny comment that I hate that mean that's mean she can't

    不是在一個有趣的評論之後 我討厭那意味著她不能

  • stop laughing yeah you any well guys it's been a long day so we're going to a

    別再笑了,你們有好人嗎 這是漫長的一天,所以我們要去

  • movie dish just a fucking a laughing fit at the moment so we're just gonna say

    電影碟只是他媽的笑的適合 此刻,我們只想說

  • goodbye like I said here Oh insider jokes

    再見,就像我在這裡說的哦內幕 開玩笑

  • anyways well well okay we'll see you guys in the next episode thanks so much

    反正好吧,好吧,我們再見 下一集的傢伙非常感謝

  • for watching bye


well good morning good morning friends good morning good morning from san

早上好,早上好,朋友們 早上好,從San早上好


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