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  • Okay, the next crossover dribble I'll demonstrate is called the UTEP step, or the defender evading

  • crossover dribble. It's named the UTEP step from Tim Hardaway, and the dribble is basic.

  • Just like before, the crossover dribble, keep your body low, and if you want to go left,

  • say your defender's on you, you can fake them to the left but come back over to the right.

  • I'll show this again slowly. Just like you're crossing over to your left side before, you

  • step, then you come back over your left foot. And if you're going to the right, you'll step

  • with your right foot, and you'll come back over your right foot. See. I'll do it again.

  • You step with your left foot, come back over the foot. And that's the UTEP step, or the

  • defender evading crossover dribble. And this is how it looks in fast motion. It's just

  • to shake off your defender.

Okay, the next crossover dribble I'll demonstrate is called the UTEP step, or the defender evading


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B2 中高級

籃球基本動作與訓練:籃球動作。橫移躲避防守者 (Basic Basketball Moves & Drills : Basketball Moves: Crossover to Evade Defender)

  • 135 11
    邱鈺軒 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日