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  • Twizzlers your Twix So is oil stink on sway like a trees It's ever so weather So good toe live in a magical would a Christmas Christmas I'm happy I happen to care All I need is the fresh winter at Christmas Christmas If you swizzle your Twix on swizzle your sticks on give a little tree tops away You're beginning to see how it feels to be me every day Just like there is no magic Don't great mud together Way back there might be Decompress Smooth magic compress mus when you're free your prayers A tree train your is hardly is Don't be This might be going the magic off Yeah If you swizzle your Twix on swizzle your sticks on give a little tree Talks away your g o how it feels Thio, you're ready.

    Twizzlers your Twix So is oil stink on sway like a trees It's ever so weather So good toe live in a magical would a Christmas Christmas I'm happy I happen to care All I need is the fresh winter at Christmas Christmas If you swizzle your Twix on swizzle yo



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聖誕節的魔力|CBeebies韓素與格蕾特 (The Magic Of Christmas | CBeebies Hansel & Gretel)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 11 月 20 日