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  • the Zambian government mr $42.5 million sovereign bond payment on Friday that made it Africa's first pandemic era sovereign default on things haven't improved for the country this week.


  • One large Eurobond creditors said on Monday that the government's lack of engagement has made providing near term debt relief impossible.


  • It added that it may consider other options as the country looks on track for an acrimonious debt restructuring.


  • Some observers say a failure to find compromise could be disastrous for all involved.


  • But Tim Jones from UK based Jubilee Debt Campaign says debt relief for some of the world's poorest countries should be provided.

    但英國Jubilee Debt Campaign的Tim Jones表示,應該為世界上一些最貧窮的國家提供債務減免。

  • Crisis of the last few years has come from trying to pay a debt that cannot be paid on the first step to dealing with that is acknowledging this debt can't prepared, therefore it won't be paid.


  • The pandemic dramatically accelerated Zambia's debt problems.


  • A decline in the currency pushed external borrowing to more than $11 billion last year.


  • Roughly half of the country's GDP from under $5 billion in 2014.


  • The $1.7 billion it owed in debt repayments this year was four times health spending.


  • The collapse in copper prices easily Zambia's biggest export, locked another third off the currency's value.


  • The government had requested that bondholders granted a deferral of interest payments until April.


  • But on Monday the creditors criticized a lack of direct discussion and additional information, as well as government plans to continue borrowing material amounts over the next three years.


  • Analysts and creditors said they expect Zambia could face a lengthy process of overhauling its debt.


the Zambian government mr $42.5 million sovereign bond payment on Friday that made it Africa's first pandemic era sovereign default on things haven't improved for the country this week.


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