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(Nicky) 'So, once they pulled that shit,
'I started doin' my oWn things nobody ever thought of doin'.
'To keep an eye on things, I brought in my brother, Dominick, and some desperados
'and started knockin' over high-rollers, casino bosses, bookmakers.
'Anybody right here in toWn. I had a good fuckin' creW goin' for me.
我有一個很好的該死的Crein' CreW去' 對我來說。
'I had Sal Fusco, a great second-story guy.
'Jack Hardy. He Worked for a safe company before he did a six-year bit.
'And then there Was Bernie Blue. This guy can bypass any alarm for me.
'It Was like old times.
'And I opened up my oWn jeWelry store too, The Gold Rush.
我也開了自己的珠寶店 "淘金熱"。
'Sometimes I used to go along on a heist, just for the fun of it
'but I didn't like the people I Was rippin' off looking at me
'so I used to turn their fuckin' pictures around.'
- What's takin' so long? - This is a motherfucker.
- 為什麼這麼久?- 這是一個混蛋。
Learn hoW to open the things so you don't have to take 'em.
Some of these stones got a lot of niggers in them.
Tell Pepe if he's sWitching stones on us...
告訴佩佩,如果他對我們施巫術... ...
- (Phone) ...he better take a camel back to Nigeria.
- ...他最好騎駱駝回尼日利亞。
- Yeah? - They're in penthouse K.
- 他們在頂樓K區。
- Checked in alone? - Yes.
- 一個人入住?- 是的 Yes.
- Are they out noW? - Yes. Don't Worry.
- 他們現在出來了嗎?- 是的,是的不要擔心。
(Ace) 'He had tipsters all over toWn. Bellmen.'
- This looks good but you got to hurry. - Yeah, OK.
- 這看起來不錯,但你得快點。- 是啊,OK。
- 'Valet parkers.' - They're checking in.
- 他們在登記。
- OK, I'll tell him. - 'Pit bosses.'
- 好,我'告訴他。- '坑老闆。'。
- Room 1230 at The Sirocco. - 1230.
- 在Sirocco的1230房間。- 1230.
- 'Secretaries.' - Mint condition coins.
- '祕書.'-造幣條件的硬幣。
- Mint condition. - 'They all got a piece of the score.'
- 薄荷狀態。- ##39;他們都得到了一部分的分數.'。
Car's coming.
'They Were very careful.
'They alWays bypassed the alarms, or else,
'if not, they'd drill enough holes to knock through the Walls With a sledgehammer.
'Nicky Was grabbing everything he could.
'Nobody out there Was expecting a guy like him.
'To Nicky, Las Vegas Was the fucking Wild West.'
I just got a shipment of diamonds from Israel.
(Nicky) 'What the fuck they expect from me? I had to earn, didn't I? '
(Nicky) '他們對我有什麼期望?我必須掙錢,不是嗎? '。
You knoW, this diamond has flaWs in it.