Yes, Simon Coveney, the Irish from has said that there's been no movement on fisheries since the summer that presumably is just another negotiating ploy then well, I think because it's it's such an understandably emotive issue on both sides of the channel that this was always going to be one of the ones that was settled last, and so there may not have been much form, so your understanding would be, then, that Scottish fishermen, fishermen from all over the UK will be able to sell their catches into the you in entirety if they want at the end of next week by the end of next week.
是的,愛爾蘭人Simon Coveney說,自夏天以來,漁業問題一直沒有進展,這可能是另一個談判策略,我想,因為這是一個可以理解的問題,海峽兩岸的情緒化,這總是會成為最後解決的問題之一。所以可能沒有太多的形式,所以你的理解是,那麼,蘇格蘭的漁民,英國各地的漁民,如果他們想在下個星期結束的時候把他們的漁獲全部賣給你,下個星期結束的時候。