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字幕列表 影片播放

  • Who would win in a battle of  wills between me and Mark

  • Well my will is huge. Because my estate is vast you understand

  • Whereas I don't know what his will is like. But I would imagine it's you know not very much.

  • Well luckily I happen to have on  the set with me here my trainer

  • After six energy drinks i think i'd crush him. So there... Take that

  • My energy drinks do you mean  scotch and soda or something?

  • Oh my gosh, no! With green screen I can do anything  

  • but I'm such a fraud because  I'm not a comfortable flyer  

  • and you've commanded a ship actually. I've just been yeah but I didn't fly  

  • it I never flew. That's right.

  • I'm 80 years old you can't possibly be serious. For all your history it's just shocking how  

  • terrible the food is in England. Oh I hope i'm not out of line.

  • What is toad in the hole? I remember the name

  • So there you were in this movie and  this hatch opens in this spaceship  

  • and your head comes out and I suddenly  realized where the phrase came from.

  • Toad in the hole.

Who would win in a battle of  wills between me and Mark


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A2 初級 美國腔

馬克-哈米爾和帕特里克-斯圖爾特在片場(幕後)。 (On Set with Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart (Behind the Scenes))

  • 8 0
    Mahiro Kitauchi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日