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- 'Cause it's a brick house.
- 因為這是一座磚房。
It's strong and mighty, just like my tootie farts!
(fart noise)
- Put me down bro!
- 放我下來,兄弟!
- Wow! Hey! Lego man!
- 哇!嘿!樂高人!
- Oh hey! Wow, why does it smell like farts in here?
- 哦,嘿!哇,為什麼這裡有股屁味?
- Hey! Hey Lego man! Hey!
- 嘿!嘿,樂高人!嘿!
- What?
- 什麼?
- Lego Man, hey!
- 樂高人,嘿!
- What? I'm answering you, what do you want?
- 什麼,我在回答你,你想怎樣?
- Whoa, looks like someone needs to le-go of their anger.
- 哇,看起來有人需要擺脫他們的憤怒。
- Ha-ha very funny.
- 哈哈,非常有趣。
- Thanks, it's a pun.
- 謝謝,這是一個雙關語。
- Yeah, I picked up on that.
- 是的,我發現了這一點。
- Hey! Hey Lego man! Hey!
- 嘿!嘿,樂高人!嘿!
- Dude, I have a name.
- 夥計,我有名字了
- Oooo, what is it?
- 哦,這是什麼?
No wait, let me guess, is it Brockmeier McDunkelstein?
- What?
- 什麼?
- Popcorn McCheesyjeans?
- 爆米花麥琪斯牛仔褲?
- These aren't even names.
- 這些甚至不是名字。
- Oh, Twinklebeans Anderson.
- 哦,Twinklebeans Anderson。
- Twinklebeans?
- 閃光豆?
- Blackiebutt McBrickensauce?
- Blackiebutt McBrickensauce?
- George! My name is George!
- 喬治!我的名字是喬治!
- George Blackiebutt?
- George Blackiebutt?
- No, just George!
- 不,只是喬治!
- Oh, Just George! Sorry about that Just George.
- 哦,只是喬治!對不起,喬治先生
- No! Not Just George!
- 不! 不只是喬治!不只是喬治!
Seriously, do you know of anyone who's first name is Just?
- Just what?
- 只是什麼?
- Aahh, holy crap you're infuriating!
- 啊哈,我靠,你真讓人氣憤!
- I'm not infuriating, I'm a Lego orange.
- 我不是氣人,我是樂高橙。
- I need to get outta here.
- 我需要離開這裡。
- Don't say that George Lego man,
- 不要說,喬治樂高人。
we're such a good fit.
- Aahh, man can you ease up on calling me Lego man.
- 啊哈,老兄你能不能別再叫我樂高人了。
It's not even the right normenclature.
- No man what, what what now, brown cow?
- 沒有人什麼,現在什麼什麼,棕牛?
- Nomenclature!
- 命名法!
- Oh, I love yelling gibberish too!
- 哦,我也喜歡大喊大叫的胡言亂語!
Lego Booty, dunkin brobble, moist brangelinas!
樂高戰利品,Dunkin Brobble,潮溼的Brangelinas!
- Stop! It's not gibberish.
- 停,這不是胡言亂語。
What I'm saying is that Lego man isn't the right term.
I'm a mini thing.
- Ah, na-ah!
- 啊,天啊!
- What do you mean, na-ah? Yes I am!
- 你是什麼意思,na -ah?是的,我是!
- You're not a mini thing.
- 你不是一個迷你的東西。
- Yes I am.
- 是的,我是。
- Listen, I've seen a fig before, and you're not a fig.
- 聽著,我以前見過無花果,你不是無花果。
- No! Not a fig, mini thing!
- 不是!不是無花果,是小東西!
- You're not a mini fig, he's a mini fig.
- 你不是小人物,他是個小人物。
- What?
- 什麼?
- Sorry my friend, but he does have a point.
- 對不起,我的朋友,但他確實有道理。
- Arrgh, this kitchen is insane.
- Arrgh,這個廚房太瘋狂了。
- I mean, I kind of feel like you're the crazy one.
- 我是說,我覺得你才是那個瘋子
You think you're a fig.
- Mini Thing!
- 小東西!
- Well, if you're a fig, then I'm a fidget spinner.
- 如果你是個無花果,那我就是個玩物喪志的人。
- What?
- 什麼?
- Hey look at me, I'm a fidget spinner, I'm on a roll.
- 嘿,看看我,我是個坐騎,我正忙著呢。
- Hey, knock it off!
- 嘿,別鬧了!
- Wow. I'm dizzy. That's making me feel kind of sick.
- 哇,我暈了。我頭暈。這讓我覺得有點噁心。
- Well then stop doing it.
- 那就別再做了
- Nah, I'm gonna keep doing it.
- 不,我要繼續做下去。
- Stop, for crying out loud.
- 停止,為哭出聲。
- Yeah, I shouldn't have done that.
- 是啊,我不應該這樣做。
Why didn't you stop me?
- I told you not to do it.
- 我告訴過你不要這樣做。
- (vomiting)
- (嘔吐)
- Eww!
- Eww!
- Huh, I don't remember eating a blue Lego brick.
- 咦,我不記得吃過藍色的樂高磚。
- All right, I'm done talking to you.
- 好了,我不跟你說了。
- Why? Don't be rebrickulous
- 為什麼?你不要再吹毛求疵了
- Ha! Very funny!
- 哈!非常有趣!
- I've had it with the terrible puns, the name calling,
- 我已經受夠了那些可怕的雙關語和稱呼。
and on top of it, this entire place smells like farts!
Why does it smell like farts?
I'm out!
- Oh, wait! Hey, hey Blocky Butt.
- 哦,等等!嘿,嘿,Blocky Butt。
- Hey! What did I just say about my name?
- 嘿,我剛才說我的名字是什麼?
- No, not you, Blocky Butt!
- 不,不是你,大塊頭!
- Ha? What the? Who makes a butt out of Legos?
- 哈?怎麼了?誰用樂高積木做了個屁股?
- Maybe the Keister Bunny?
- 也許是基斯特兔?
- I hate you!
- 我恨你!
(fart noise)
(rock music)