字幕列表 影片播放
Hey guys!
So a couple videos back, on my Mt. Takao autumn leaves video
A couple of you guys noticed that in one of the scenes
there's a Japanese sentence and at the end I wrote a "w"
有句日語 然後我在句尾寫了個 “w”
I got several comments asking what that "w" meant
我收到好幾個問 “w”是什麼意思的留言
from people saying that they've seen it on the internet before
Yes, this is probably the most important Japanese internet slang that you can learn
是的 這或許是你能學的最重要的日本網路用語
So if you remember anything from this video, make sure it's this one
所以如果你將記住這視頻的內容 一定要是這個
You will see it all the time and it's very useful
Basically the "w" means lol in English
簡單來說 就是英文裡的 “lol” (laugh out loud, 意思為 “大笑”)
It's just laughing
In Japanese laugh is "warau" It looks like this
在日語裡笑是 “wa-ra-u” 長這樣子
If you write that in English it is "warau"
如果寫作英文是 “warau”
So they shorten that to just the "w"
然後縮短的話就只是 “w”
So it's really easy to type
If you wanna laugh a lot you can just put lots of Ws!
如果你想大笑只要放很多 “w” 就可以了!
You'll see this all the time on Twitter, YouTube, FB, everywhere
你常會在推特 YouTube FB 各種地方看到
I definitely recommend using it, it will make your Japanese look very natural
我強烈推薦你使用 它會讓你的日語看起來很自然
Another Japanese slang that you might see a lot on Twitter is "nau"
另外一個你可能常在推特上看到的 日本網路用語是 “na-u (音譯:拿屋)“
This is just the English word "now"
這就是英語的 ”now“ (意思:現在)
For example "karaoke nau" means "I'm at Karaoke right now!"
例如說 “カラオケなう” 的意思就是 “我現在在卡拉OK!”
So when you are doing something right at the moment, and you post a status
所以當你現在在做某件事 然後你發佈一個狀態時
you can write "nau" at the end
你可以在句末加上 “なう”
You'll see that a lot on the internet
It's not proper Japanese
But it's used a lot on Twitter and such
Those are really the only 2 Japanese internet slang that I see a lot
that are very common and everyone knows them
它們很常見 大家也都知道
But there are lots of other Japanese internet slang
that are used in places like NicoNico or 2ch
出現在 NicoNico 或 2ch 這些平台
which is a Japanese internet forum
I was in Akihabara the other day and I found these internet slang cookies
那天我去了秋葉原 找到了這些網路用語曲奇
So I thought it would be fun to open these up and check them out
and see if we can learn some Japanese internet slang together
So you can see there are a few on the front here like kwsk, wktk...
你可以看到在蓋子上有 kwsk wktk
These are ones that I don't know
There's the wwww the lol
然後這裡有 wwww 也就是大笑
Maybe that one's like "sumimasen"? I dunno
然後這個很像 “sumimasen (對不起/失禮了)“? 我不太清楚
Let's open up the cookies together and see what they are
You can get these in Akihabara at Animate, I think I got them at
你能在秋葉原的 Animate 買到這些曲奇 我想我是在那裡買的
They make a cute souvenir
They're so adorable
They have the little emoji cats on them
That's awesome
Ok the first internet slang cookie is this kanji
好的 第一個網路用語曲奇是這個漢字
This is read "otsu"
這讀作 “o-tsu”
According to the internet slang guide that comes with the cookies
It's otsukaresama, so a short way of saying otsukaresama
這是 “おつかれさま (意思:辛苦了)” 所以是個簡短的說法
This is not the kanji for otsukaresama, the actual kanji is this:
這不是原本的漢字 原本的漢字長這樣子
But because this kanji is pronounced the same way
Some people may use this for otsukaresama
有些人會用來寫 “おつかれさま”
Which means "Good job!" or "Thank you for your hard work!"
意思是 “做得非常好!" 或 "工作辛苦了!”
People say it once you've finished doing some kind of task, or work or school or something
人們會在完成某樣任務 工作 下課後 之類的時候說這句話
The next cookie is orz
下一個曲奇是 orz
I bet you've seen this one before
Is this really just a Japanese thing?
I swear I had seen this somewhere else before coming to Japan
The three characters orz are supposed to look like a guy hunched over on the ground
You use this when you are disappointed or tired
Whenever you would be like hunched over on the ground
I did not know that was a Japanese one, interesting
我不知道這是日本的網路用語 很有趣
I've been curious to find out what this wktk one is
我一直很想知道這個 wktk 是什麼意思
I've seen this on the internet before, but not too much
我在網路上見過 但不是很常見
So it's probably more on websites like 2ch and stuff that I don't go on very much
所以應該比較常在我不常去的類似 2ch 的網站看到
Let's figure out what this means because it's really bothering me
我們來看看這是什麼意思 因為我真的很在意
wktk is short for wakuwaku tekateka
wktk 是 wakuwaku tekateka 的縮寫
Which means you're really excited
Waku waku is like "waku waku shiteru" "I'm really excited!"
wakuwaku 通常說成“waku waku shiteru” 意思是 “我好興奮!”
Teka teka means like shiny, so I guess you're so excited that you're shiny?
tekateka 是閃亮的意思 我想應該是說你興奮得發光?
So I guess you use wktk when you're really excited about something
所以我才你會在你對某樣事情感到非常興奮時用 wktk
Another one I have been curious about is kwsk, I have no clue what this one is
然後還有一個我很好奇 但完全搞不懂的是 kwsk
Omg, this one means kuwashiku it's short for kuwashiku
天啊 這是 kuwashiku 是 ku-wa-shi-ku 的縮寫
Which means like "in detail"
意思是 “願聞其詳”
So when you want somebody to explain something more in detail you can say kwsk
當你想讓對方深入解釋時 你可以說 kwsk
That's really cool, I didn't know that
這很酷 我之前都不知道
There are a couple in this booklet here that I didn't get the cookies for
that I want to explain to you guys
because I've seen these ones used quite a bit on Youtube and such
因為我在 YouTube 等平台看過
This one right here: riajyuu
這裡這個: リア充 (ri-a-jyuu)
Ria is short for "real" and jyuu is short for "jyuujitsu"
”リア (ri-a)“ 是 "リアル (ri-a-ru)” 的縮寫 然後 “充 (jyuu)“ 是 “充実 (jyuu-ji-tsu)” 的縮寫
"Riaru" which is like "real" or "real life"
"リアル (ri-a-ru)” 的意思是 “真實” 或 “現實生活”
And jyuujitsu is kinda like "fulfilled" yeah that's probably a good way to say it
而 “充実 (jyuu-ji-tsu)” 類似 “圓滿充實“ 嗯 這或許是個貼切的說法
So it's people with a real life that's very fulfilled and happy
You refer to those people as "riajyuu"
你會叫他們 "リア充“ (現充) (意思為三次元住民)
You'll often see people referring to happy couple as "riajyuu" and stuff like that
Other ones that I have seen before are this one
That's a character for "u" and "p"
有個 “う" 和 “p”
So when you're typing on a Japanese keyboard, say you wanna type the character for "ka"
當你用日語(羅馬音)鍵盤打字 假設說你想打 ”か (ka)“
You will type "k - a"
你會打 “k - a”
After you type the "a" it will transform into the "ka" character
你打了 “a” 之後就會轉為 “か”
But until then the "k" will stay as alphabet
但在那之前 “k” 還會是個字母
So to get these you need to type "u - p"
所以要得到這個你需要打 ”u - p”
Because "p" isn't a Japanese character, it just stays like that as the alphabet
因為 “p” 不是日文符號 它會保持字母的樣子
So you get this after you type "up"
所以打 “up” 的話就會拿到這個
So this just means "up"
所以這只是 “up”(上)的意思
And this one down here means "ok"
然後下面這個是 “ok” 的意思
So this "up" you will often see when people are referring to YouTubers
所以這個 “up” 你會看到人們常常用來指 YouTubers
Like "up otsukaresama"
像是 “up otsukresama”
"Good job on uploading your video!"
So this "up" will mean "upload"
所以這個 “up” 是 “upload“ (上載)的意思
So yeah you'll see that one on Twitter sometimes
Alright guys I hope that was helpful for you and you learned something!
就是這樣 希望這對你們來說有用處 然後你也學到了什麼
If you know some other Japanese internet slang, let me know in the comments
如果你還知道其他日本網路用語 請在留言版裡讓我知道
I'm definitely not a pro on them
But I'm sure that you need to know the "w" because people use that all the time
但我覺得你需要知道 “w“ 的意 因為大家常常會用到
So make sure to remember that one!
Thanks for watching guys
And let me know if you want more short Japanese lesson videos like this one
如果你想要更多像這樣小小的日語教學 請讓我知道
I can try to make some more
I'll see you guys soon, bye!
大家回頭見 再見!
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