字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys! 大家好! So this is going to be a very quick announcement/update kinda video 這會是一個很快的更新/生活報告視頻 I think this might be the first of its kind that I've done on this channel 我想這類視頻是我在這個頻道做的第一個 in years! 久違地 I don't talk about myself much on this channel 我不怎麼在這個頻道談自己的事 But I figured for those of you that don't follow me on my 2nd channel 但為了那些沒有訂閱我第二個頻道的訂閱者 where I do more of that... 我在那裡會放比較多關於我的生活的視頻 I should probably do some here every once in a while 我想我偶爾也該在這個頻道放一些這樣的視頻 So to fill you in on what I've been doing recently 好讓大家知道我最近在做些什麼 I announced this on Facebook and Twitter I believe 我在FB和推特已經說過了 我相信 I quit my full time job! 我把全職工作辭掉了! I've decided that I'm going to do YouTube as my main focus this year 我決定今年要把重心放在 YouTube I'm not really sure how it's gonna go 我也不清楚這會怎麼發展 I don't make that much money off of Google AdSense 我從 Google 廣告沒有賺到多少錢 So in order to make up for the income that I would've been getting from my full time job 所以為了補回我原本從全職工作能得到的薪資 I will have to do some sponsored videos 我必須做一些商家贊助的視頻 I hope you guys can understand that 希望你們能夠諒解 I will do my best to keep them relevant and interesting for you 我會盡力讓視頻保留相關性與有趣度 Just know that those sponsored videos are what are allowing me to 因為贊助的視頻能讓我 continue to live in Japan and make videos 繼續住在日本和錄製視頻 And the money that I get from those 我從商家那裡得到的錢 basically goes back into everything that I do for this channel 會用在給我為這個頻道所做的事 Travelling and what not 旅行之類的 That is actually my main goal for this channel this year 這是我為這個頻道定下的主要目標 I want to bring you guys more of Japan, not just Tokyo 我希望能給你們看到日本的更多面貌 而不僅僅是東京而已 Because I've been living here for a couple years now 因為我在這裡住了好幾年 and I've been so busy with work 但是我因為忙著工作 that I haven't been able to travel much to make videos outside of Tokyo 都沒什麼機會到東京外的地方錄製視頻 Honestly that is what I love about Japan the most 說真的那才是我最喜歡日本之處 I lived up in Northern Japan for 3 years 我在北日本住了3年 and it's my favourite spot in Japan 那是我最喜歡的日本地方 So I'm gonna try really hard to get back up there a few times this year 所以今年我要盡量去那裡 and make lots of videos and show you guys why I loved it so much 然後製作很多視頻 讓你們看看為什麼我那麼喜歡那裡 and why it's such a beautiful place 還有為什麼那裡是那麼的美麗 I actually just got back from a 3 day road trip 其實我剛結束3天的自駕遊 with Abroad in Japan & Rachel and Jun! 是和 Abroad in Japan 還有 Rachel and Jun 一起去的 and we filmed some awesome videos up in Northern Japan 我們在北日本拍了一些很棒的視頻 So look out for those on this channel 所以敬請期待! and I did some vloggy/follow us around in the car type stuff for my 2nd channel 我也為我的第二個頻道製作了車內視頻博客類的視頻 so if you're interested in that, go subscribe to that channel too! 有興趣的話 請訂閱我的另一個頻道! Yeah, so that's my life update! 所以就是這樣 以上是我的生活報告! I quit my full-time job, but I still have several part-time jobs 雖然我辭掉了全職的工作 我還有幾分兼職 so YouTube is not my only focus right now 所以 YouTube 不是我唯一的焦點 but I definitely have a little bit more time for it now 但我絕對有更多的時間經營 So that is amazing! This is really exciting for me :D 所以太棒了!我好興奮喔! Maro says hi! Maro 來說“嗨” Maro! Come say hi! Maro 過來打招呼 Come here! Say hi! 過來這裡 打招呼 Hyper. As usual. 好好動 和平時一樣 Lots of you are asking me when I'm gonna be putting videos out on his channel 很多人問我我什麼時候會在 Maro 的頻道上傳視頻 Honestly, as soon as possible 我想越快越好 He needs to be neutered. I'm hoping that will calm him down... 他需要進行絕育手術 我希望這樣他能稍微靜下來 At the moment he's just super psycho happy cat 現在他只是一隻超級精神的快樂貓咪 that runs around in circles in my apartment all day 他整天在我的房子裡轉圈圈 that's honestly all he does 他真的只是在轉圈圈 So yeah, once he calms down a little bit 所以等他稍微靜下來後 I'll be doing some cute videos with him 我就會為他拍一些可愛的視頻 He's eating my clothes hangers... 他在咬我的衣架 I have a couple things filmed, but they need to be edited 我拍了好幾個視頻但還需要剪輯 Hopefully I'll get those up soon! 希望很快能上傳 Thank you for your patience! 謝謝你耐心等待! Ok so, other than life update stuff... 好的 除了報告生活 There are some big THANK YOUS that I want to make to people! 我也想給一些人送上大大的感謝! First of all, to all of YOU guys! 首先 就是你們大家! I have a quarter of a million subscribers o_o 我的頻道有二十五万個訂戶 a quarter of a million!! 一萬的四分之一! That's such a huge number, and it's kind of intimidating... 這數目好大 感覺有點嚇人 to think that that many people are subscribed to my channel 想著有這麼多人訂閱我的頻道 but it's also very cool!! So thank you guys so much for your support 但這也很厲害!謝謝你們的支持 I get to continue making videos and showing you guys what I love about Japan 這樣我就我能繼續製作視頻 讓你們看到我喜歡的日本之處 and that's honestly what I really love doing 那是我很喜歡做的事 and if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be able to do that 如果沒有你們 我無法辦到 so thank you SO MUCH for everything! I love you guys! 所以非常謝謝你們!我愛你們! 2nd big thank you is to Pug-Chan! 其次要謝謝 Pug-chan! Who made my amazing banners! 她幫我做了很棒的旗帜! for my main channel, and my second channel 我的主要頻道和第二個頻道的旗帜 She is just the coolest artist that I know 她是我認識的最酷的藝術家 and I'm so proud to call her my friend 能稱她為朋友 我感到好自豪 and she was so lovely to make those for me! 而且她很有愛地幫我做了旗帜 So big thank you to her!! 非常感謝她! If you guys would like to commission her to do some art for you 如果你們想請她幫你們做些美術 You can contact her on Twitter 可以通過推特聯繫她 I will put her Twitter link and website and stuff down below 我會在下面放上她的推特鏈接和網址 So definitely check her out! Lovely person, amazing artist, I love her so much! 所以務必去看看!很可愛友善的人 很厲害的藝術家 我好愛她! And the next big thank you is to another amazing artist 下一個想要感謝的是另一個很厲害的藝術家 that drew the coolest picture of me, dressed up like sailor moon 他畫了扮成美少女戰士的我的樣子 and I have Maro with me 和 Maro 在一起的圖 and it is just so cool! 那太厲害了! So if you guys would like to see the whole process of how he drew this picture here: 所以你們想看他畫的圖的話 在這裡 You can go over to his channel and he has a video of himself drawing it 你們可以到他的頻道去看他在畫畫時的視頻 So check that out! 去看看喔! He also drew Miranda, the famous Mexican YouTuber that's been in a few of my videos 他也畫了有名的墨西哥 YouTuber, Miranda 她上過我好幾個視頻 So if you're into art and drawing and all that, go check out his channel! 喜歡藝術和畫畫的話 去看看他的頻道 And yeah, I think that's all the updates for now! 我想差不多就是這樣了 Thanks for watching guys! I will probably... 謝謝收看!我想⋯⋯ Maro just turned off the light >_> Maro 把燈關掉了 Really? Really??? 真的?真的??? Alright, we're gonna finish this video in the dark 好的 我們將在黑暗中完成這個視頻 So yeah I'll probably do one of these life/channel update things every once in a while on this channel 我想每隔一陣子我就會為這個頻道錄製這樣的更新視頻 But most of that stuff will be over on my 2nd channel 但多數的生活更新會放到我的第二個頻道 So follow me there if you don't already! 還沒訂閱的話快去訂閱喔! Thanks for everything guys! See you soon! Bye! :D 謝謝你們!回頭見!再見!
A2 初級 中文 頻道 視頻 日本 全職 錄製 訂閱 Quit My Job! ~Life in Japan Updates~ 仕事を辞めました 19 4 Summer 發佈於 2020 年 11 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字