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President Donald Trump emerged from the White House on Wednesday visiting Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia to mark Veterans Day, his first official public appearance since last week other than to golf outings.
After days of pushing his unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud from inside the executive mansion in a new flag Twitter post on Wednesday, Trump alleged there was quote a mountain of corruption and dishonesty in Pennsylvania and again falsely stated quote, We win in Philadelphia.
President elect Joe Biden, who has called Trump's failure to concede an embarrassment, visited the Korean War memorial at Penn's Landing.
But it also planned meetings with advisers on Wednesday who are helping him prepare to take office in January, even as the Trump administration refuses to cooperate with Biden's team, which has been unable to move into federal government office space or tap funds to hire staff as a result, raising even MAWR concern among Democrats was Trump's moved to install loyalists in top positions at the Pentagon this week after Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper, the Pentagon's top policy adviser resigned, allowing that post to be filled by Anthony Teh tah, a retired army brigadier general who has promoted conspiracy theories and called former President Barack Obama a terrorist leader.
但它也計劃在週三與正在幫助他準備在1月上任的顧問舉行會議,即使特朗普政府拒絕與拜登的團隊合作,拜登的團隊也是以無法搬進聯邦政府的辦公場所,也無法動用資金僱傭員工。在民主黨人中引起甚至mawr關注的是特朗普本週在五角大樓的高級職位上安裝忠誠者的舉動,在特朗普解僱國防部長馬克-埃斯佩爾之後,五角大樓的最高政策顧問辭職,允許該職位由Anthony Teh tah填補,他是一名退休的陸軍准將,他曾推動陰謀論,並稱前總統巴拉克-奧巴馬為恐怖分子領導人。
Meanwhile, Trump's campaign is forging ahead with its long shot litigation strategy to try to reverse the results of the election, Filing a fresh lawsuit in Michigan on Wednesday to try to block the state from certifying its results, Trump trailed by more than 148,000 votes in Michigan, according to unofficial vote totals.
Trump's campaign has also filed suit in Pennsylvania toe halt the certification of that state's results, according to new data out on Wednesday.
Biden's current lead in Pennsylvania is greater than the margin needed to trigger a recount.
Judges have tossed out several trump election lawsuits, and legal experts say the litigation has little chance of changing the election outcome, nor do recounts by hand recount.
In Georgia.
Secretary of State Brad Raffles Berger said a recount of all ballots was expected to begin this week and would be certified by a November 20th deadline.
The Republican vowed to look into allegations of voter fraud, but maintained that election officials and their staff had worked hard to bring fair and accurate counts.
We have all worked hard to bring fair and accurate counts to assure that the will of the voters is reflected in the final count.
Biden holds a narrow lead in Georgia, up by more than 14,000 votes.