字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Before we get a new iPhone, we get an Apple keynote. 在我們看到新的 iPhone 前,會先看到一場蘋果公司(後簡稱為「蘋果」)的主題演講。 We've got some really exciting things to share with you, and we're gonna have some fun along the way. 我們有幾件很令人興奮的事要跟大家分享,然後在期間也會獲得點樂趣。 Apple has been holding this style of presentation for over 20 years. 蘋果超過 20 年的時間一直都保持著這種演講風格。 But it isn't just showing new products; it's telling a story. 但它不僅僅是在展示新產品,而是在說故事。 Over the years, the presentation has gotten flashier, but the story hasn't changed. 這些年來,演講變得越來越華麗,但故事卻沒有改變。 The keynotes always open with a video, which conveys a theme or idea that the keynote echoes. 這些主題演講總是以影片開頭,傳達了主題演講呼應的主題或想法。 It's the introduction to the story. 這是故事的介紹。 But it usually isn't about products. 但它通常與產品無關。 It's about imagination, accessibility, or even New York City. 而是關乎想像力、可存取性,甚至與紐約市相關。 ♪ I happen to like New York ♪ ♪我碰巧喜歡紐約♪ ♪ I happen to like this town ♪ ♪我碰巧喜歡這個小鎮♪ Apple includes several more videos throughout its presentation. 蘋果還會在整場演講當中,再穿插幾部影片。 These build suspense leading up to a product reveal. 這些都為了揭示新產品營造了懸疑感。 And make a product feel larger than life. 也讓產品的感覺更為有趣。 Then, it's time for a history lesson. 那麼,該上個歷史課了。 Tim Cook takes the stage, says good morning... 提姆·庫克會上台,跟觀眾道早安⋯⋯ (譯註:提姆·庫克為蘋果現任執行長) Good morning. 早安。 ... and shows how Apple has been in your life for years. ⋯⋯然後讓大家看到蘋果數年來是如何充斥你的生活。 He also explains the positive impact Apple has had. 他也會解釋蘋果所帶來的正面影響。 Part of that impact is growing communities. 那個影響的一部分是逐漸成長的群體。 Apple products aren't presented as just computers or phones. 蘋果的產品並不只單純被呈現為電腦或手機。 The devices bring people together and improve their lives. 這些設備是會讓人更靠近彼此、讓他們生活變更好。 You might have also noticed that they exaggerate. A lot. 你可能也發現了他們會誇大其辭。很大程度地。 Apple describes everything with superlatives. 蘋果會用最高級來形容每件事。 Just listen to this description of the Apple Watch. 聽聽看這段關於 Apple Watch 的形容就知道了。 Apple Watch has redefined what a watch can do for you. Apple Watch 重新定義了一支錶可以為你做的事。 It's the integration of breakthrough technology and powerful software and world-class services that bring it to life. 它結合了突破性科技、強力軟體以及世界級服務,讓它彷彿有了生命。 That same segment says "beautiful" seven times. 那個片段用了七次「美麗」。 Repetitive exaggeration drives home Apple's message about a product. 重複地誇大讓觀眾完全明白蘋果想要傳達的產品訊息。 If a speaker keeps saying "revolutionary", you walk away thinking this phone is revolutionary. 如果一個講者不斷地說「革命性的」,你離開時就會覺得這支手機是革命性的。 But you won't find too many specs in an Apple presentation. 但你不會在蘋果演講中找到太多規格相關的資訊。 Apple talks in percentages more often than specifics. 蘋果演講利用百分比數據的次數比具體內容多。 It's 40% lower power. 它耗電率降低 40%。 ... 40% more energy efficient. ⋯⋯節能程度高出 40%。 Or five times faster. 或是速度加快五倍。 ... five times faster than before. ⋯⋯比以前快上五倍。 You just need to know that this new version is better than the old one. 你只需要知道這個新版本比舊的更好。 The iPhone XS Max. iPhone XS Max。 Apple doesn't spend time talking about RAM or milliamps. 蘋果不會花時間討論記憶體或是毫安培。 It prefers fancy marketing terms, like Retina or 3D Touch. 它更偏好花俏的行銷術語,像是 Retina 或是 3D 觸控。 Then it improves on its own terms. 然後它會按照自己的條件改善。 Plus to Max. 從 Plus 到 Max。 Retina to Super Retina. 從 Retina 到超 Retina。 But it still manages to keep the message clear and simple, often using a single phrase per slide. 但它始終能夠讓想傳達的訊息既清楚又簡單,每張投影片通常只使用單一片語。 It also helps that Apple's presenters are experts at keeping the audience engaged. 蘋果的主講者都是讓觀眾全神貫注的專家這一點也有所幫助。 They tell you exactly what to think. 他們會告訴你究竟該怎麼思考。 Well, you are going to be blown away with the pictures you can take with the iPhone XS's camera. 好了,你即將因為 iPhone XS 相機能拍出的照片而大為驚艷。 We think you're gonna love everything about the new displays on Series 4. 我們認為你會愛上 Series 4 新顯示介面的一切。 We all love the cameras in our iPhone. 我們都很愛 iPhone 的內建相機。 And they talk in a conversational tone. 他們會用對話式語氣演講。 Wasn't that a fun video? 那個影片很有趣吧? It feels like a small presentation you were invited to, not a livestream that millions are watching. 那感覺像是一場你受邀參加的小型演講,而不是數百萬人正在收看的直播。 Apple's keynotes started a trend that many other tech companies have followed. 蘋果的主題演講掀起了一股潮流的,許多其它科技公司紛紛效仿。 But companies like Google and Samsung aren't nearly as effective as Apple. 但包含 Google 和三星在內的公司效益都不如蘋果好。 Compare the introduction of the Galaxy Note 10 to the iPhone XS. 比較看看 Galaxy Note 10 和 iPhone XS 的介紹。 The Note 10 is built for a new generation. Note 10 是為新世代所創造的。 It's a generation that's reshaping everything about how we work and how we live. 這個世代的人正在重新塑造我們工作和生活的方式。 These days, we're catching up on work email one minute and gaming with friends the next. 在現今這個時日,我們前一刻還在趕著處理工作郵件,下一刻就可以跟朋友們一起打手遊。 The line between work and play has pretty much disappeared. 工作和娛樂之間的界線基本上已經消失了。 And that means we need technology that can seamlessly flow between the two. 那表示我們需要一種科技,可以讓兩者無縫接軌。 I am so excited to tell you all about iPhone XS. 我很興奮能夠大家介紹 iPhone XS 的一切。 It is made of a surgical-grade stainless steel. 它是由外科級不鏽鋼製成的。 It has a gorgeous new gold finish on the front and on the glass. 它的正面和玻璃鏡面上有完美、全新鍍金收尾。 It is the most beautiful iPhone we have ever made. 它是我們生產過最美麗的 iPhone。 Apple is specific. 蘋果會具體說明。 It shows instead of just telling. 它會展示,而不只是說明。 And you're made to believe this is the most beautiful iPhone ever because of Phil Schiller's delivery. 而你會因為菲爾·席勒的演說而不得不相信這是史上最美麗的 iPhone。(譯註:菲爾·席勒為蘋果前全球行銷資深副總裁) Samsung tries to be everything at once, and the message gets lost. 三星嘗試想要一次做足所有事情,導致想傳達的訊息遺失。 But Apple is able to tell a cohesive story that keeps you engaged. 但蘋果卻能跟你說一個高度連貫的故事,讓你全神貫注。 Layering these techniques creates a presentation that feels important. 這些技巧的疊加會創造一個感覺很重要的演講。 Nothing may be new, but it all feels groundbreaking. 或許沒有什麼新東西,但卻都讓人覺得很有突破性。 ... that uses intelligent software to make the most stunning portraits. ⋯⋯使用智能軟體創造最奪目的照片。 This was only previously possible with pro-level equipment. 這在以前是只有專業級設備才能夠達成的。 He's just talking about the iPhone's camera. 他只是在討論 iPhone 的相機。 Nothing specific or new. 既不特定也不新穎。 Apple uses bold statements to reinforce its importance. 蘋果會使用大膽言詞重申它的重要性。 Now, the MacBook Air set the bar for great battery life in a thin and light computer, and the new MacBook Air is no exception. 好了,MacBook Air 為輕薄電腦的電池壽命設定了標竿,而新型 MacBook Air 也不例外。 What the team has done is truly, truly [a] breakthrough. 團隊所做到的事,真正地具有開創性。 It's called the A12 Bionic. 它叫做 A12 Bionic。 Your photos look stunning on iPhone XS. 你的照片在 iPhone XS 上看起來精彩絕倫。 And it works. 話術是有用的。 These presentations build a huge anticipation before a product launch. 這些演講在產品上市前,營造了極大的期待感。 With Apple products, it often feels as though the design is more important than what's inside. 就蘋果產品而言,感覺很長像是外在設計比內在功能重要。 The same is true of these keynotes. 這些主題演講也是如此。 Apple is selling the brand, not an iPhone. 蘋果賣的是品牌,不是一支 iPhone。 And these presentations have become an essential part of that sale. 而這些演講已經成了這場銷售不可或缺的部分。
B1 中級 中文 蘋果 演講 iphone 產品 傳達 訊息 解讀蘋果公司主題演講的秘密配方(Apple's Secret Keynote Formula, Explained) 16554 120 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 11 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字