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  • Hello viewer! How are you?

  • It’s always a hard day when you have to deal with a difficult customer.

  • Whether the mistake is on your or the customer’s part, you have to be polite if you want to keep the customer coming back.

  • This lesson has conversations about such a situation and how to deal with it.

  • To brush up your vocabulary, have a look at the vocabulary section at the end and practice using the words in the sentences.

  • Shall we get started then?

  • Hello.

  • Hello sir.

  • Where’s Ginny?

  • Ginny’s off today, Sir. May I help you?

  • Where’s Tom Newsome?

  • He had to go to our other store. Can I help you?

  • We bought a sofa bed there, and I found a big hole in the mattress when it was delivered.

  • We've been buying for the past 10 years from your store. I can’t believe you’d sell something like that to a loyal customer.

  • We appreciate your loyalty towards our store. I’m terribly sorry for that.

  • I can’t believe our warehouse could ship a damaged piece of furniture.

  • Well they sure did! I just told you they did! Don’t you believe me?

  • I’m sorry Sir. I didn’t mean that you weren’t telling the truth.

  • I meant that I was surprised that we did that. Do you have your sales receipt?

  • Weve got to have a sofa by Wednesday. My daughter-in-law will be coming to stay with us on Wednesday.

  • Yes, Sir. Well take care of it for you. I’m sure we can fix the problem.

  • This is Jane. I’m the sales manager. How can I help you?

  • Hello. I haven’t received my package yet. It’s almost been a week and I’ve already paid for it.

  • I’m really sorry about that, maam. But, first, may I have your name please?

  • This is Sarah Roberts. I need the package by today. The package is a gift to my friend and it’s her birthday today.

  • We are sorry for the delay and well try to take care of the issue. What was the date of the order?

  • I don’t think that would help. You just take my order number and deliver my product by noon.

  • Ms. Roberts, if you tell me the date you placed the order, I'll check whether it has been sent or not. I'm here to help you.

  • Oh, all right. The date of the order is February 16, 2014.

  • Okay. I’ve checked it. Your order has already been dispatched and it’s scheduled to be delivered today.

  • I hope so. I’m tired of calling you guys again and again.

  • I’m sorry for your trouble.

  • Hello, can I speak to the customer support department?

  • Yes, this is customer support. How can I help you?

  • I got the portable audio player I ordered from you, but it’s not working.

  • Oh? I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me your order number?

  • Hold on… I have it right here. Yes, it’s 5678.

  • Okay. The product you have is the portable media player. Can you tell me what’s the problem?

  • Well, I connected it to the TV, but it’s not turning on.

  • How did you connect it to the TV?

  • I used the USB port.

  • Well, the USB is for PC connections only on this model. You can’t connect to the TV with it.

  • What? What do I do then? How can I use it if I can’t connect it to the TV? This is crazy!

  • Please, don’t worry Sir. You can connect it to the TV using an HDMI cable.

  • An HDMI cable? OhBut there is no HDMI cable in the box.

  • Yes, it’s not included. Youll have to get one.

  • Why haven’t you guys included the HDMI cable? Where do you expect me to get one right now?

  • I am sorry Sir, but this device has 4 different kind of ports in it.

  • We didn’t include any cables for any of those so that

  • we could offer you the best price on the device instead of charging you for stuff you won’t need.

  • OkayThat's a heck lot of trouble for me to go downtown to get a silly HDMI cable.

  • If you want, you can order one from us. Well ship it within 24 hours.

  • Nah, I don’t need it from you guys. Thanks anyway.

  • Sorry to hear that sir. I will discuss your feedback with my seniors.

  • Yeah yeahAlright. Bye now.

  • Have a nice day, Sir.

  • The soft bedding we sleep on is called the mattress.

  • Your mattress may be softer or firmer than others. It’s usually covered with sheets and blankets.

  • You are loyal to someone if you give them continuous support for a long time, keep your commitments and act in their best interest.

  • You are probably loyal to your spouse, your friends, and your employer.

  • A large building where a store keeps the things they want to sell but won’t fit in the store.

  • When you order something that’s not in the store at the time you want it, it’s brought in from the warehouse.

  • The sales receipt is the statement you receive showing that you paid for an item.

  • It has the name of the item, the date, and the amount you paid. It’s the proof that you bought and paid for the item.

  • Your order is a list of the items you want to buy.

  • You place an order with a business, and then they try to fill your order.

  • Sent off to be delivered to the customer.

  • A store dispatches your order to be sent to you,

  • but you may also dispatch something, maybe a check that you mail, or a package to a family member.

  • Dispatched is a formal way to saysent.”

  • I believe you learned a lot from watching this lesson.

  • Well be back with a new one tomorrow. Make sure you come back for it!

  • Hit that like button below to let us know your thoughts.

  • Do you have a question? Please write your comments below.

  • See you around!

Hello viewer! How are you?


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A2 初級 美國腔

呼叫中心英語--與有困難的客戶交談--商務英語 (Call Centre English - Talking To A Difficult Customer - English For Business)

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    I love playing pool 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日