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  • Let's return now to the news that the chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has died at the age of 65.


  • He had suffered serious health problems for several years Before contracting coronavirus.


  • He announced that he had contracted the virus last month and was being treated in hospital in Jerusalem.


  • Joining me now from Ramallah is Dr Mustafa Barghouti, a Palestinian politician on ah friend off cyber Erekat, thank you very much for joining us today as we take stock of this news side Barakat had, I think tweeted just a few weeks ago.


  • He'd obviously revealed that he had, uh this virus and he had tweeted that, God willing, you know, things were on the mend were the words that he used.


  • Things are under control.


  • But given his health conditions, clearly this was a very tough battle that he was fighting with the virus.


  • Yes, it's a big loss way.


  • Feel the loss his family, of course, before anybody else feels great loss and we as his friends and colleagues in struggle we all feel this big loss doctors.


  • I was a fighter for Palestinian rights.


  • He was well known and astonished diplomat on.


  • He ran lots off negotiations on behalf of Palestinians and he was the secretary general of the P L.

    他代表巴勒斯坦人進行了許多談判,他是P L的祕書長。

  • O.


  • So, of course, it's a big loss for everybody.


  • But I must say that he did not stop working even when he knew that he was risking his life, given the spread of the coronavirus.


  • And unfortunately this is hey is now on additional and another victim off this horrible virus.


  • Andi.


  • Let's hope that there will be a possibility of controlling this pandemic so that we would will not have more losses.


  • But Dr Required will be remembered for his struggle.

    但 "所需醫生 "會因為他的奮鬥而被人們記住。

  • He has participated in Palestinian struggle since he was a student.


  • Andi, then for many years as a teacher in universities and also as a diplomat on Does an activist in the piano on way really feel a big thing?


  • This is a big loss.


  • Uh, that will be difficult toe replace, But our struggle has to continue on.

    呃,這將是很難取代, 但我們的鬥爭必須繼續下去。

  • Our deep condolences are to his family, to his colleagues toe the whole all the Palestinian groups in the piano and specially toe his party.


  • Hey had sought for many years a two state solution hadn t and as recently as the summer, he was criticizing various countries for their decisions to formalize ties with Israel.

    嘿多年來一直在尋求兩個國家的解決方案hadn t和最近作為夏天,他正在責備各個國家的決定,正式與以色列的關係。

  • He criticized, for example, the U A for formalizing ties with Israel.

    例如,他責備U A與以色列的關係正式化。

  • He said that this was a killer blow to his ambitions for this two state solution.


  • Um what, especially taking into account the issues that they have Bean with President Trump on bond, his approach to dealing with the Middle East.


  • Now we have a new president in America.


  • Do you think that Saleh Barakat would have thought that this held out the promise for for some movement?


  • Well, everybody thinks so, because I think the disappearance of President Trump is a big relief not only to the Palestinian people but the people of the whole world.


  • Because unfortunately, we have witnessed during his period very serious, reckless policies that has affected things from global environment, toe, World Health Organization, toe the rule of law and international law.


  • But most the biggest grave damage was made toe the Palestinian issue because he adopted completely Netanyahu's plan off the deal of the century, which is nothing but liquidating the Palestinian rights.


  • I hope that the new administration will follow a different path, but what we definitely want to see is a very serious pressure on Israel to immediately stop the process off building settlements because that would kill the possibility of two state solution.


  • What we would like to see also is a reversal off the admission of our acceptance off the annexation off Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, which violates international law.


  • There is an opportunity here that that we hope that the new administration would use.


  • But the last thing we want is to go back toe an endless, useless negotiations that leads to nothing and that keep procrastinating the possibility for solutions.


  • We want a solution.


  • Not just we want peace, not just a peace process.


  • Dr.


  • Mustafa Barghouti.

    Mustafa Barghouti.

  • Thank you very much for your thoughts today on the news that so Barakat has died on duh.


  • Let's speak now to Dr Hossam.


  • Some lot is the ambassador and head off the Palestinian mission to the U.


  • K.


  • Ambassador.


  • Thank you very much for your time as well.


  • Your thoughts today on the news that save Erekat has died on D how you would sum up his role in Middle East peace negotiations for several decades He was the architect off off the Middle East peace process and the hope for ending the conflict and realizing the dream off piece off two states off allying with international rules.

    你今天對拯救埃雷卡特去世的消息有什麼看法? 你如何總結他在中東和平談判中幾十年來的作用? 他是中東和平進程的設計師,也是結束衝突的希望,並實現了兩個國家與國際規則結盟的夢想。

  • Today is really a sad day Saturday, of course, for his immediate family, the Small Family Sad Day for Palestine Saturday.


  • For all our international friends who have hoped for a successful peace agreement, it is indeed a big loss for us.


  • The Palestinians.


  • This is a leader who has spent his entire life literally his entire life, serving his nation, defending the rights of his people in every for, uh, one can imagine be it internally, Fatah.

    這是一個領導人誰花了他的整個生命 字面上他的整個生命,服務於他的國家, 捍衛他的人民的權利 在每一個,呃,你可以想象是它 內部,法塔赫。

  • The political party has lost one of its most popular leaders, be it at the level of the government and the representation.


  • The P L o, his secretary general off our umbrella organization that represents all Palestinians, the sole legitimate representation.


  • And indeed he's our negotiator, the stubborn negotiated that has his hands always reached to everybody.


  • But his heart eyes always a strong when it comes to the principles on toe the very legitimate rights off the Palestinian people.


  • So it's a it's a very, very sad lost at a very particular moment when in fact, we needed it the most.

    所以,這是一個... ...它是一個非常,非常悲傷的失去在一個非常特殊的時刻,而事實上,我們最需要它。

  • He was he was a close friend of mine, and I feel personally a severe sense of loss.


  • Our Middle East correspondent a few minutes ago was saying that Mr Erekat was very much emblematic off a generation off leaders who had, ah, very strong ambitions for Palestinian statehood for a two state solution on obviously relations with Israel had bean at Well Ah, pretty big low, haven't they recently, Um, who takes up that mantle now from Saeb Erekat?

    幾分鐘前,我們的中東記者說,Erekat先生是非常有代表性的一代領導人,他們對巴勒斯坦建國有非常強烈的雄心壯志,對兩個國家的解決方案,顯然與以色列的關係已經處於... ...啊,相當大的谷底,不是嗎,最近,嗯,現在誰接過塞布-埃雷卡特的衣缽?

  • Do you think because presumably he is he is someone with his wealth of experience who will be very hard to replace?


  • Yes, I did.


  • Hey, will be very hard to replace.


  • Uh, this is not just about the position on the duties he used to carry.


  • It's about the person on the belief in him the commitment, the energy.


  • I mean, he had endless energy.


  • I was the ambassador to in Washington when he did the operation.


  • You know, the lung transplant I witnessed that moment I went with him toe the operation theater I saw in him that fighter he never gives up, and he will.

    你知道嗎,肺移植手術我親眼目睹了... ...那一刻,我和他一起去手術室... ...我在他身上看到了永不放棄的鬥志,他一定會的。

  • It will be really, truly, truly difficult to replace him.


  • But in the end, Palestine is a vivid living nation.


  • And we will have many generations who will take up that that flame and continue our march towards freedom and realized the dreams and the ambitions and the objectives and goals off.


  • Doctor Erika, the the many decades he have bought.


  • Really, uh, in that in that fight.


  • So there will be people who will carry on.


  • However, cyber Erica the person Cyber Cut the leader Cyber Erica the official side Bracha the Peacemaker Cyber Erica The Freedom fighter will be missed for many years to come.

    然而,賽博-艾麗卡這個人賽博-切的領袖賽博-艾麗卡官方布拉查的和平締造者賽博-艾麗卡 自由鬥士將被人們懷念很多年。

  • Ambassador Thank you very much, Ambassador Hossam, Some lot head off the Palestinian mission to the u.


  • K.


  • Thank you for your time today.


Let's return now to the news that the chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has died at the age of 65.


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