字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Of all the characters in all the Disney films 譯者: Shengmin Huang 審譯者: Amanda Zhu the one I love the most is Jiminy Cricket from "Pinocchio." 在迪士尼的動畫電影世界中 My favorite scene in the movie 我最喜愛角色莫過於 「木偶奇遇記」中的吉米尼蟋蟀。 is when the blue fairy is saying to Pinocchio, 我最喜歡的電影片段 "Always let your conscience be your guide." 發生在藍衣仙姑和皮諾丘的對話中, Pinocchio asks, "What are conscience?" 她說:「時時刻刻 讓你的良知為你指路。」 and Jiminy Cricket is scandalized by the question. 皮諾丘問:「良知是什麼?」 "What are conscience! 這個問題激惱了吉米尼蟋蟀。 What are conscience! 「良知是什麼! Conscience is that still, small voice that people won't listen to. 良知是什麼! That's just the trouble with the world today." 良知是人們不願聽從的 那平靜而微弱的聲音。 I love the way Jiminy Cricket is always there 這正是當今世界所面臨的困擾。」 with a nerdy, ethical thing 我喜歡吉米尼蟋蟀, just as Pinocchio's coming up with some kind of good plan. 因為他總能帶著古板的道德觀 I think of him as speaking truth to puppet. 打斷皮諾丘的如意小算盤。 I always wondered what it was about Jiminy Cricket 我認為對木偶道真理 無異於對牛彈琴。 that made me love him so much 我一直在思考自己為什麼 and one day it hit me. 會如此喜愛吉米尼蟋蟀, It was because he sounds like my grandfather. 終於有一天我明白了。 My grandfather was a very sweet and cuddly man, 因為他的語氣很像我的祖父。 and I loved him to the moon and back. 我的祖父是一個和藹可親的人, But I shared him with a big, wide world. 我對他的愛貫徹寰宇。 His name was Roy O. Disney, 但我得跟全世界分享他。 and together with his younger brother Walt Disney, 他的名字叫洛伊· O ·迪士尼 , he came from a very humble upbringing in Kansas 和他的弟弟華特·迪士尼 and started and ran one of the most iconic businesses in the world. 一起從堪薩斯州的 一個卑微的家庭起步, Two things I remember the best about going to Disneyland 經營了這世上最具代表性的 其中一個企業帝國。 with my grandfather. 祖父帶我去迪士尼樂園遊玩時, The first thing was he always gave me a stern warning 有兩件事讓我印象深刻。 that if I ever sassed anybody who worked there, 首先,他總會對我嚴詞告誡, I was in deep doo-doo when we got home. 如果我對任何員工頤指氣使, He said, "these people work really hard -- 我回到家後皮就要繃緊一點了。 harder than you can imagine, 他說:「這些人辛勤工作, and they deserve your respect." 付出的努力非你能想像, The other is that he never walked by a piece of garbage, 他們值得你去尊敬。」 inside of Disneyland or anywhere else, 另外,他絕不會對 腳邊的垃圾視而不見, where he didn't bend over to pick it up. 無論是樂園園區內還是其它地方, He said, "no one's too good to pick up a piece of garbage." 只要看到垃圾他就會躬身拾起。 In Grandpa's day, 他說,「無論你多高貴 都沒理由不拾起垃圾。」 a job at Disneyland was not a gig. 在祖父那個年代, A person could expect to own a home, 迪士尼的工作可不是打臨時工。 raise a family, 員工的各種期盼: access decent health care, 買房、養家、 retire in some security without worrying 獲取優質健保, on just what he earned there at the park. 以及有保障、無憂無慮的退休生活, Mind you, Grandpa fought the unions, 都可透過在園區工作實現。 and he fought them hard. 重點是,祖父對抗過工會, He said he didn't like to be forced 他在對抗中不遺餘力。 to do something he wanted to do voluntarily. 他說他不願被人強迫去做 That was rank paternalism of course and maybe even a tiny bit of BS. 那些他本就自願去做的事。 He wasn't an angel, 那是種階級父權主義, 甚至有點蠻不講理。 and everyone wasn't well and fairly treated across the company, 他不是什麼大善人, something that's well-known. 且並非公司內所有人 都能受到平等公正的對待, But I think in his core he had a very deep commitment 這件事人盡皆知。 to the idea that he had a moral obligation to every human being that worked for him. 但我認為他在內心深處 堅守著一個理念: That actually wasn't such an uncommon attitude for CEOs of the day. 他對每個員工都有道義上的責任。 But when my grandfather died in 1971, 在那個年代,企業執行長 往往都是這種態度。 a new mindset was beginning to take hold 但 1971 年,我祖父過世時, of the American and eventually the global imagination. 一種全新的思維方式興起, Jiminy Cricket got shown the door by economist Milton Friedman, 並逐漸掌控住了全美國 乃至全世界的思潮。 among others, 吉米尼蟋蟀被各式人物拒之門外, who popularized the idea of shareholder primacy. 其中就有經濟學家米爾頓·佛利民, Now, shareholder primacy is a pretty reasonable idea when you think about it. 他們推崇的理念是「股東至上」。 Shareholders own the company, 如今來看,「股東至上」的理念 確實經得起推敲。 shareholders want profits and growth, 公司歸股東所有, so therefore you prioritize profits and growth. 股東們想要的是利潤與增長, Very sensible. 所以人們就把重點 放在利潤與增長上。 But unfortunately, shareholder primacy was an idea that became a mindset 很有道理。 and then that mindset jumped the rails, 但很不幸,「股東至上」 這種思維方式剛一形成, and it came to fundamentally alter everything 就偏離了軌道, about the way companies and even governments 進而從根本上 were led and managed. 徹底改變了領導 及管理公司及政府的方式。 Milton Friedman's pivotal op-ed in the "New York Times" 米爾頓·佛利民在「紐約時報」 專欄中發表的核心社論, was followed by decades of concerted organizing and lobbying 使得此後的數十年, 認為企業至上的激進份子 by business-focused activists 一致團結地運作和進行遊說, along with a sustained assault on every law and regulation 同時還不斷地在抨擊那些 that had once held businesses' worst impulses in check. 對企業的惡性作為 有所約束的法律條令。 And soon enough, 很快, this new mindset had taken hold across every business school 這種全新的思維方式 佔領了每一所商學院 and across every sector. 以及每一塊商業領域。 Profits were to be pursued by any means necessary, 為求利益可以不擇手段: unions were kneecapped, 將工會斷手斷腳、 taxes were slashed, 大幅度砍稅, and with the same machete, 砍稅的開山刀, so was the safety net. 也同時將員工的保障砍掉了。 I don't need to tell you about the inequality 這種轉變所帶來的不公平 that's been the result of these shifts. 無須我再贅述。 We all know the story well. 我們心知肚明。 The bottom line is that everything that turns a gig into a livelihood 最重要的是,對於一名 普通的美國員工而言, was stripped away from an American worker. 維持生計的工作變得 和臨時工沒什麼區別。 Job security, 職業的穩定性、 paid sick days, 有薪病假、 vacation time -- 年假—— all of that went away 這一切都被剝奪了, even as the wealthy saw their net worths bloat to unprecedented, 而富人的淨資產漲幅之高前所未有, and yes, unusable levels. 是的,錢多到了花不完的地步。 Although if you're Scrooge McDuck you could change it all into gold coins 當然,假如你是史高治·麥克老鴨 (迪士尼卡通角色), and backstroke through it. 你可以把錢都換成金幣, 然後躺在金幣堆上游泳。 So let me just address the Dumbo in the room. 讓我把話說清楚。 Yes, I am criticizing the company that bears my family's name. 沒錯,我所批評的正是 這家冠以我祖姓的公司。 Yes, I think Disney can do better. 沒錯,我認為迪士尼做得不夠好。 And I believe that many of the thousands of magnificent people 我相信華特迪士尼公司的 眾多員工跟我一樣, who work at the Walt Disney Company 都希望公司可以做到更好。 wish that it would do better just as much as I do. 近一個世紀以來, For almost a century, 迪士尼公司的斂財之道不外乎: Disney has turned a pretty profit 宣揚「家庭如魔法」、 on the idea that families are a kind of magic, 宣揚「有愛當道」、 that love is important, 宣揚「想像力至上」。 that imaginations matter. 所以如果我跟你們說, 仙杜芮拉上了車就睡大覺, That's why it turns your stomach a little bit 你多少會有點反胃。 when I tell you that Cinderella might be sleeping in her car. 但先把話說清楚:這不能只怪迪士尼。 But let's be very clear: this is not just about Disney. 這是結構性與系統性的問題。 This is structural and this is systemic. 光靠一個執行長孤掌難鳴, No single CEO on his own is culpable 光靠一家公司獨木難支。 and no single company has the wherewithal to buck this. 分析員、「專家」、 The analysts, the pundits, 政客、 the politicians, 商學院課程,以及社會規範 the business school curricula and the social norms 促成了當代經濟的形式。 drive the shape of the contemporary economy. 迪士尼不過是在隨波逐流, Disney is just doing what everybody else does, 而且迪士尼還不是最惡劣的。 and they're not even the worst offender. 如果我告訴你們亞馬遜、 麥當勞、或者沃爾瑪, If I told you how bad it was for workers at Amazon or McDonald's or Walmart, 或是千千萬萬你們聞所未聞的 公司員工的情況有多糟, or any one of a thousand other places you've never heard of, 你們是感受不到的,除非我告訴你 it's not going to hit you as viscerally as if I tell you that 73 percent, 迪士尼有 73%~75% 的工作人員 每日面帶微笑歡迎你入場、 or three out of four of the people who smile when you walk in, 幫助你哄嬰兒、 who help you comfort that crying baby, 為你創造最精彩的假日回憶, who maybe help you have the best vacation you ever have, 但自己卻過著三餐不繼的生活。 can't consistently put food on the table. 這本該是世界上最快樂的地方。 It's supposed to be the happiest place on earth. 在這裡工作的人本該為 這份有著高尚目標的工作 And the people who work there take incredible pride 感到無比自豪。 that they pursue a higher purpose. 這份高尚, It's a higher purpose 是我的祖父輩在打造 這個交流重於交易的樂園時, that both my grandfather and great-uncle very intentionally built 有意塑造的目標。 when they made it a place that honors an interaction over a transaction. 我知道說出「魔法」這類詞語, Now, I know that a word like magic makes you wonder 會讓人覺得我在胡言亂語; if I've taken leave of my senses. 我知道用「愛」這類飄忽不定的東西 來支撐迪士尼這樣的大品牌, I know it's hard to imagine that something as ephemeral as love 是件很難想像的事; can support a brand as big as Disney, 我也知道 and I know that it's hard to imagine 在我們向投資人闡述價值觀時, that things as unquantifiable as moral obligations 很難想像我們應該如何呼籲 should have any call on us 「道德義務」這類無法量化的事物。 when we seek to deliver value to our investors. 但讓世界運作的可不是會計與金融。 But accounting and finance don't run the world. 信念、 Beliefs, 思維方式—— mindsets -- 這些東西驅使著商業道德觀。 those are what drive business ethics. 如果我們真要去改變這些 思維的方式與信念的體系, And if we're going to change those mindsets and belief systems, 我們肯定要動用最具有 迪士尼風格的「超能力」—— we're going to have to use the most Disney superpower out there. 我們的想像力。 We're going to have to use our imaginations. 人們須再把吉米尼蟋蟀請回來。 You're going to have to invite Jiminy Cricket back to the party. 屆時吉米尼蟋蟀會先說一些廢話, Now, Jiminy Cricket might start with some low-hanging fruit, 例如「不要貪得無厭」, like, greed is not good, 例如「世上並非只有付出與索求」, like the world is not divided into makers and takers, 再例如: and that nobody ever, 「沒有助力, without any help, 人不可能把自己舉起來」—— pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps -- 這道理學過物理的人都懂。 if you know anything about physics you'll understand why that is. 吉米尼蟋蟀會提醒我們, 每一個為我們工作的人, Jiminy might remind us that every single person who works for us, 無一例外, without exception, 無論是文書工作者, whether they fill out the spreadsheets 還是體力工作者, or change the bedsheets, 都值得尊重並帶著尊嚴養家。 deserves the respect and dignity of living wage. 就這麼簡單。 It's as simple as that. 或許吉米尼蟋蟀會納悶, 管理階層和員工 And Jiminy might wonder how managers and employees 怎麼可能互相有同理心, could possibly have any kind of empathy for each other 因為他們的工作環境天差地別, when their workplaces have become so segregated 以致於人們會自然而然地認為 that it seems normal and natural 高層領導都需要有奢華的停車位 that an executive needs an especially swanky place to park 或是奢華的餐廳、盥洗間, or eat or go to the bathroom 也不會屈就地拾起腳邊的垃圾。 or that an executive is too good to pick up a piece of garbage. 我們畢竟是生活在 同一星球上的同一物種。 We are, after all, just the one species living together on just the one planet. 或許吉米尼蟋蟀會讓我們 去質疑我們的一部分信條。 Jiminy might ask us to question some of our dogma. 一個執行長的收入有沒有必要 與其他執行長相同甚至更多? Does a CEO really need to be paid as much or more than every other CEO 還是說這只會帶來競爭態勢 or is that just creating a competitive dynamic 從而致使他們的收入變成天文數字? that's driving numbers into the stratosphere? 或許吉米尼蟋蟀會想知道, 既然董事會議不讓前線員工參與, He might wonder if boards really do know all that they really need to know 董事們是否真正了解公司呢? when they don't have frontline workers ever at their meetings. 或許吉米尼蟋蟀會問:錢會嫌多嗎? He might ask if there's such a thing as too much money. 或許吉米尼蟋蟀也會納悶 Or he might wonder if maybe we can make common cause 如何讓我們與攜手、員工、 with consumers, with workers, 企業、社區 with companies, with communities, 攜手共創一份事業, for all of us to come together 以此重新定義公司在過去 to redefine this incredibly narrow idea 所追求的狹隘目標。 of what the purpose of a company really is. 吉米尼蟋蟀會希望我們記住 工作環境不可能沒有別人, Jiminy would want us to remember that nobody works in a vacuum, 經營公司的男男女女的舉動 that the men and women who run companies 共建了我們所共處的現實環境。 actively cocreate the reality we all have to share. 就如同全球氣候暖化, And just like with global warming, 我們每一個人都要為各自的決定及行為 we are, each of us, responsible for the collective consequences 所產生的共同後果負責。 of our individual decisions and actions. 我相信我們這個史上最能獲利的 I believe that the most profitable business ecosystem 企業生態 in the history of the world 可以做到更好。 can do better. 我相信我們無需事事力爭上游, I believe we can take just a little bit off of the upside, 無需時時爭先恐後。 take a tiny bit of pressure off the speed at which things are happening. 我想信我們在短期內的所有損失 I believe that everything we lose in the short-term 都將在道德、精神、金融等 will more than make up for itself 更廣闊的領域裡換來更大的繁榮。 in an expanded landscape of moral, spiritual and financial prosperity. 我知道那些憤世嫉俗的 言論,他們沒說錯: I know what the cynics say, and it's true: 原則不能當飯吃。 you can't eat your principles. 但也不能把錢看得太重, But you can't breathe a basis point either, 我們的後輩也是如此。 and neither can your children. 我知道我可能太過崇拜我的祖父了。 I know I idolized my grandfather probably too much. 他工作的時代和現在大不相同, He worked in very different times 而出於種種原因, and those are times none of us want to go back to 沒人會希望回到那個時代。 for all kinds of good reasons. 我知道許多執行長 其實有著良善的本意, I know there are a lot of CEOs today who are just as well-meaning 而且都和我祖父一樣正派, and just as decent as my grandfather was, 但他們所處的時代對他們有不同的期許, but they're working at a time with very different expectations 他們也必須面對野蠻的競爭。 and much more cutthroat context. 但好消息還是有的: But here's the good news. 期許與環境因人而生, Expectations and contexts are made 也會因人而滅。 and they can be unmade, too. 光是我祖父從自己工作中 所領悟到的正直, There is so much to learn from the simple integrity 就值得我們多多學習。 of how my grandfather understood his job as CEO. 在每個主題公園與絨毛玩具背後, Behind every theme park and every stuffed animal, 歷歷可數的原則管理著一切。 a handful of principles governed everything. 每一個人都應當得到尊敬和尊嚴。 Every single person deserves respect and dignity. 無論你多高貴 都沒理由不去拾起垃圾, No one is too good to pick up a piece of garbage, 時刻讓良知為你指路。 and always let conscience be your guide. 我們不如都來聽聽 吉米尼蟋蟀會怎麼說。 We could all do worse than listen to Jiminy Cricket. 謝謝。 Thank you.
B1 中級 中文 蟋蟀 迪士尼 祖父 員工 執行長 公司 Dignity isn't a privilege. It's a worker's right | Abigail Disney 6 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 11 月 07 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字