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Here's how to zoom in Minecraft on PC.
With no mods, your ability to zoom in Minecraft is limited to the FOV setting, which changes how wide or narrow your character's point of view is.
沒有mods,你的能力,以放大在Minecraft的限於FOV設置。 變化的寬窄你的角色的觀點是:
In the pause menu, click "Options" and you'll see the FOV slider on top.
在暫停菜單中,點擊 "選項"你會看到頂部的FOV滑塊。
By default, it will be set to normal, which is numerically set to 70.
By bringing the FOV to 30, your point of view will become much narrower and zoomed in, letting you see further but with minimal peripheral view.
通過使FOV達到30。你的觀點會變成 窄得多,放大了。 讓你看得更遠 但周邊視野最小。
You can see the opposite effect by widening the FOV to a higher number, which lets you see much more to your left and right but makes the distant objects feel even further.
你可以看到相反的效果通過擴大FOV到更高的數字。 可以讓你看到更多的左邊和右邊。 卻讓人覺得遠處的物體更遠。
For a more streamlined ability to zoom in-game, you'll need to download a mod.
For Java edition, the mod OptiFine is hosted on Optifine.net, where you can find the latest release under "Downloads."
對於Java版,mod OptiFine是託管在Optifine.net上。 在這裡你可以找到最新的版本 在 "下載 "下。
Make sure you download a version that matches your Minecraft version.
If you don't have it already, you may need to install Java SE to open the mod.
如果你還沒有它。你可能需要安裝Java SE才能打開這個mod。
Go to the download page on the Oracle site to grab the latest version and install it on your computer.
With Java installed, go to your OptiFine file and open with Java.
安裝了Java的情況下。轉到您的 OptiFine 文件,用 Java 打開。
The installer will walk you through a few simple prompts.
Once finished, you'll be prompted to click "OK," which will install OptiFine as a module in the game.
完成後,系統會提示你點擊 "確定"。它將把 OptiFine 作為一個模塊安裝在遊戲中。
Start the Minecraft launcher, and on the bottom left, confirm OptiFine appears or is selected where it says latest release.
啟動Minecraft啟動器。並在左下角確認出現 OptiFine。 或選擇了寫著最新版本的地方。
Now in-game, you can confirm your zoom mod is installed by pressing and holding the C key to zoom in and out with a simple press.
現在,在遊戲中,你可以確認你的變焦模式已經安裝了按住C鍵 只需簡單地按一下,就能放大和縮小。
If you'd like to change that hotkey, navigate in the game menu to "Options," "Controls," then scroll to the bottom to the miscellaneous section.
如果你想改變這個熱鍵。在遊戲菜單中導航到 "選項" "控制", 然後滾動到底部的雜項部分。
Here, you'll find an entry for zoom.
From here, you can select whichever key you prefer to utilize the OptiFine functionality in-game.
從這裡,你可以選擇任何你喜歡的鍵。以利用遊戲中的 OptiFine 功能。
If you're running Bedrock, your mod options are smaller.
A recent release called Windows 10 FOV Changer on GitHub will do the trick.
最近GitHub上發佈了一個名為Windows 10 FOV Changer的版本。會做的伎倆。
Scroll down on the page to click the direct-download link and open the zip file.
Once unpacked, you may get an error opening the FOV Changer application.
一旦解壓,你可能會得到一個錯誤信息打開FOV Changer應用程序。
This is because it only works if Minecraft Bedrock is already launched.
這是因為它只對如果Minecraft Bedrock已經啟動。
With Bedrock open, relaunch the FOV Changer app.
打開Bedrock後,重新啟動FOV Changer應用。
On the left, you should see a start button, and clicking that will produce a series of green check marks to confirm it's running.
在左邊,你應該看到一個啟動按鈕。然後點擊,將產生一系列的 的綠色核對號來確認它的運行。
With your Minecraft world loaded, pressing the V key by default will activate the FOV Changer function.
隨著你的Minecraft世界加載。默認按V鍵 將激活FOV Changer功能。
To change that hotkey, go into the FOV Changer application and adjust the button under "Features."
要改變這個熱鍵。進入FOV Changer應用程序 並調整 "功能 "下的按鈕。