S District Judge Emmet Sullivan issued the ruling in response toe lawsuits brought by groups including Vote Forward, the N, Double, A, C, P and Latino community Groups Affected by the order are central Pennsylvania, northern New England, Greater South Carolina, South Florida, Colorado, Arizona, Alabama and Wyoming, as well as the cities of Atlanta, Houston, Philadelphia, Detroit and Lakeland, Florida.
S地區法官Emmet Sullivan發佈了裁決,以迴應包括投票前進,N,雙,A,C,P和拉丁裔社區團體在內的團體提出的訴訟,受該命令影響的是賓夕法尼亞州中部,新英格蘭北部,大南卡羅來納州,南佛羅里達州,科羅拉多州,亞利桑那州,阿拉巴馬州和懷俄明州,以及亞特蘭大市,休斯頓市,費城市,底特律市和佛羅里達州拉克蘭市。