And so when I look at it from that perspective, I'm just saying, Wait a minute, I can't let Mike McCarthy off the hook Now, if you were if you were losing games, guys, because suddenly your offense use only scored one touchdown and your last 31 possessions since that Prescott is going out and that's why you will lose the games.
所以當我從這個角度來看,我只是說,等一下,我不能讓邁克-麥卡錫脫身。 如果你是... ...如果你正在輸掉比賽,夥計們,因為突然間你的進攻只得了一次達陣... ...而你的最後31次進攻... ...因為普雷斯科特要出局,這就是為什麼你會輸掉比賽。